If your child or grandchild was gunned down...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...
People can't be gunned down with shotguns, Colt 45 automatics, AIDS, machete's and automobiles? Why the fixation on assault rifles?
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

Its an impossible question to answer until after it happens, due to the shock of such an event.
People can't be gunned down with shotguns, Colt 45 automatics, AIDS, machete's and automobiles? Why the fixation on assault rifles?

Because they know its the first step towards getting rid of the rest of them.
It would be hard to give a HONEST answer to that unless it has happened.. But I will answer it best I can... I wouldnt be going bat shit crazy like the left seems to be. It is a personal responsibility matter to me. I wouldnt hold the entire country hostage for one madmans quest in death.
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

If your child or grandchild was blew up by a fertilizer bomb, would you want fertilizer banned?
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

I would be angry at the perp, not the gun.... Just as if my child/grandchild would be killed in a terrorist airplane hijacking, I would not call for the halt in production of airplanes.. just as if my child/grandchild were mowed down by a madman ramming a car thru a playground, I would not call for the halt in production of cars or gas or accelerator pedals
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

If you got AIDS from some faggot, would you ban assfucking? Please be honest.
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...
I would be smart enough to recuse myself from any decision making concerning the rights of others. We are a country of laws, not emotions...at least that's what our Founders designed.

I'd probably take a bit of leave to take care of personal business, too.
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Would I want a ban on whatever weapon they used? Nope. Would I want to purchase a weapon and blow their brains out? Yup.
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

I would have wished that my child or grandchild was able to have a weapon with which to defend themselves. I would wish that someone with a weapon themselves were available to end the gunman's shooting spree if my child or grandchild were too young to be able to defend themselves. The answer to abuse of freedom is more freedom. I would have wished that our concept of license did not extend to allowing people known to be deranged on the streets.

How do you think the families of those gunned down by James Holmes feels now having knowledge that the psychologist treating Holmes washed her hands of his violence when he withdrew from the school? How do the families of Jared Loughner's victims feel now that they know he was simply dismissed by his teachers and classmates as a pothead? How do the families of the Sandy Hook children feel now that they were told that Adam Lanza's mother was trying to fight her way through an obstructionist system to get her son committed? After all you can't lock someone up for being different, no matter how different they are. You can't put someone away who hasn't even done anything wrong. We have laws against that kind of thing.
If your child or grandchild was gunned down by a nut with an assault rifle, would you still oppose a ban on their purchase. Please be Honest...

We're going propose that we split up into 2 countries: The Progressives will get to relocate to Washington DC and be unarmed with no rights; we'll take the rest of it
If my child or grandchild were killed in a car accident, I would want all cars banned.

If my child or grandchild were killed by a falling tree, I would want all trees banned.

If my child or grandchild were killed by a fall from a playground slide, I would want all playground slides banned.

If my child or grandchild were killed by choking on a piece of food, I would want that particular food banned.

THIS is the mindset of the left wing nuts.

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