If you pray .... May-z

Super. Hope she makes a complete recovery and gets a much, much better home than the one she had.

People suck.
She did! She's with J, who loves her madly (she's responsible for the updates I'm channeling).

By the way, I got rep from somebody who has PM's turned off so I will say 'thank you' here.

And people do suck. I don't know how people can do what that one did, and look her face in the mirror at night. I know I couldn't.
She did! She's with J, who loves her madly (she's responsible for the updates I'm channeling).

By the way, I got rep from somebody who has PM's turned off so I will say 'thank you' here.

And people do suck. I don't know how people can do what that one did, and look her face in the mirror at night. I know I couldn't.

That was me.
She did! She's with J, who loves her madly (she's responsible for the updates I'm channeling).

By the way, I got rep from somebody who has PM's turned off so I will say 'thank you' here.

And people do suck. I don't know how people can do what that one did, and look her face in the mirror at night. I know I couldn't.

That was me.

I know it was you, goob. I was trying to protect your privacy, and still say thanks.


Islam has taught that in the eyes of Allah animals also have rights in the same way as man has. They should not be treated badly, tortured or left to starve without food or water.

One day, Prophet Muhammed told his companions the story of two women:

" While a dog was going round a well and was about to die of thirst. A prostitute saw it and took off her shoe and filled it with water and gave the dog a drink.. So Allah forgave all of her past sins because of that one good deed."

And the other woman, Prophet Muhammed said, "She was tortured and was put in Hell because of a cat which she had kept locked till it died of hunger."
She did! She's with J, who loves her madly (she's responsible for the updates I'm channeling).

By the way, I got rep from somebody who has PM's turned off so I will say 'thank you' here.

And people do suck. I don't know how people can do what that one did, and look her face in the mirror at night. I know I couldn't.

That was me.

I know it was you, goob. I was trying to protect your privacy, and still say thanks.



I have my PM cut off because I hate those annoying fan:lol: letters.

shes doin great i can wrap my hands around her stomach and not have them touch anymore....shes running and oddly hops in the yard
have the heater cranked in the room again and gonna get the humidifier rolling here....we sleep in a steam room

And YAY! Updated pic. Her body is still painfully scrawny, but I think it shows how much she and her mommy love each other.

lots and lots of puppy food..... as much as she can eat.

You can also get prescription food that will bulk her up.... high in calories.
Sec, I'm checking with her mom.

Okay, she's still eating wet cat food, but with dry food mixed in. That's what she is tolerating, and keeping down.
Sec, I'm checking with her mom.

Okay, she's still eating wet cat food, but with dry food mixed in. That's what she is tolerating, and keeping down.

Why cat food? and if it must be cat food... use kitten food... more protein.

Another thing to try...but its expensive... is baby food. We call it crack!
Sec, I'm checking with her mom.

Okay, she's still eating wet cat food, but with dry food mixed in. That's what she is tolerating, and keeping down.

Why cat food? and if it must be cat food... use kitten food... more protein.

Another thing to try...but its expensive... is baby food. We call it crack!

Vet recommendation, might be kitten, and will tell her about baby food. :)
Rider to the baby food post.... the meat baby food. Chicken, beef or ham......

and check walmart... they usually have the best price on it.

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