If you had 1 million dollars.....


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
.....what would you do with it? A million isn't much nowadays, but it is to those who struggle day to day. So...it's a lot of money to muse on what to do with it and how to spend it.

For myself..I would find a cute SMALL 2 bedroom home on 5 to 10 acres. Maybe somewhere in Colorado or upper Arizona. Single level. I think I could find one for about 300,000 or so. Give or take. I would stick the other 200,000 aside for living expenses and medical emergencies.
I would give the few close friends I have that are in the same boat I am in....50,000 each. The rest...ASPCA and Dog Pounds in the city nearest to my dwelling or whichever pound is in most need of cash.

So..what would you do with yours? And do you ever dream of winning the lottery and dreaming on what you would do FIRST?
.....what would you do with it? A million isn't much nowadays, but it is to those who struggle day to day. So...it's a lot of money to muse on what to do with it and how to spend it.

For myself..I would find a cute SMALL 2 bedroom home on 5 to 10 acres. Maybe somewhere in Colorado or upper Arizona. Single level. I think I could find one for about 300,000 or so. Give or take. I would stick the other 200,000 aside for living expenses and medical emergencies.
I would give the few close friends I have that are in the same boat I am in....50,000 each. The rest...ASPCA and Dog Pounds in the city nearest to my dwelling or whichever pound is in most need of cash.

So..what would you do with yours? And do you ever dream of winning the lottery and dreaming on what you would do FIRST?

you forgot

that you would have to give 350 grand to the tax people
You know................myself and my room mate have talked about what we would do if either one of us won a million dollars.

First thing? We'd split the winnings, because we both agreed that we'd split everything 50/50.

Second thing? We'd get a house that we both liked (and considering the housing market we live in, it would only cost 150,000 to 200,000 total), bank the rest of the money, and live off of the interest on the savings.

And.............every time when it got close to Christmas, we'd spend time in thrift stores giving out 100 dollar bills to those who looked like they could use it.

I mean..............we're willing to spend 20 to 30 bucks to bring a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to someone who looks hungry on the streetcorner, why not be willing to share the largesse we've gained from the state to help those less fortunate?

Me? I can live comfortably on around 20,000/year...................

And that includes vacation time.
You know................myself and my room mate have talked about what we would do if either one of us won a million dollars.

First thing? We'd split the winnings, because we both agreed that we'd split everything 50/50.

Second thing? We'd get a house that we both liked (and considering the housing market we live in, it would only cost 150,000 to 200,000 total), bank the rest of the money, and live off of the interest on the savings.

And.............every time when it got close to Christmas, we'd spend time in thrift stores giving out 100 dollar bills to those who looked like they could use it.

I mean..............we're willing to spend 20 to 30 bucks to bring a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to someone who looks hungry on the streetcorner, why not be willing to share the largesse we've gained from the state to help those less fortunate?

Me? I can live comfortably on around 20,000/year...................

And that includes vacation time.

I used to dream about winning the lottery or obtaining a million dollars in some other way a lot more when I was in a job that I hate. Like you, I found I can live on much less than I always thought I could and still be very happy.

I don't even play the lottery much anymore. I'm finding what we really want is not to have to worry about money. If you let that be your focus, things get better immediately. Focus on not having to worry about money instead of not having enough.
You know................myself and my room mate have talked about what we would do if either one of us won a million dollars.

First thing? We'd split the winnings, because we both agreed that we'd split everything 50/50.

Second thing? We'd get a house that we both liked (and considering the housing market we live in, it would only cost 150,000 to 200,000 total), bank the rest of the money, and live off of the interest on the savings.

And.............every time when it got close to Christmas, we'd spend time in thrift stores giving out 100 dollar bills to those who looked like they could use it.

I mean..............we're willing to spend 20 to 30 bucks to bring a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to someone who looks hungry on the streetcorner, why not be willing to share the largesse we've gained from the state to help those less fortunate?

Me? I can live comfortably on around 20,000/year...................

And that includes vacation time.

I used to dream about winning the lottery or obtaining a million dollars in some other way a lot more when I was in a job that I hate. Like you, I found I can live on much less than I always thought I could and still be very happy.

I don't even play the lottery much anymore. I'm finding what we really want is not to have to worry about money. If you let that be your focus, things get better immediately. Focus on not having to worry about money instead of not having enough.

You know..............we still play the lottery every week, because it gives us a couple of moments in every week to dream about what could possibly happen. Even though we live on a modest income, it's still nice to dream about what may happen.

Money isn't the focus for either of us. Me? I'm willing to upgrade the property we currently live on (she owns it), and be happy with that. Her? She wants me to have a second floor window to look out on (she calls it my eyrie).

I'd still like to be able to hand cash out to those less fortunate on certain holidays though.

Why would I want to do that? Because I know what it's like to do without, and also know what it's like to have to choose between one necessity or the other, and the one that wins out is the one that does the family the most good, even if it means that you personally have to go short for a couple of days.

I'd like to be able to help others avoid that particular decision.
You know................myself and my room mate have talked about what we would do if either one of us won a million dollars.

First thing? We'd split the winnings, because we both agreed that we'd split everything 50/50.

Second thing? We'd get a house that we both liked (and considering the housing market we live in, it would only cost 150,000 to 200,000 total), bank the rest of the money, and live off of the interest on the savings.

And.............every time when it got close to Christmas, we'd spend time in thrift stores giving out 100 dollar bills to those who looked like they could use it.

I mean..............we're willing to spend 20 to 30 bucks to bring a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner to someone who looks hungry on the streetcorner, why not be willing to share the largesse we've gained from the state to help those less fortunate?

Me? I can live comfortably on around 20,000/year...................

And that includes vacation time.

I used to dream about winning the lottery or obtaining a million dollars in some other way a lot more when I was in a job that I hate. Like you, I found I can live on much less than I always thought I could and still be very happy.

I don't even play the lottery much anymore. I'm finding what we really want is not to have to worry about money. If you let that be your focus, things get better immediately. Focus on not having to worry about money instead of not having enough.

You know..............we still play the lottery every week, because it gives us a couple of moments in every week to dream about what could possibly happen. Even though we live on a modest income, it's still nice to dream about what may happen.

Money isn't the focus for either of us. Me? I'm willing to upgrade the property we currently live on (she owns it), and be happy with that. Her? She wants me to have a second floor window to look out on (she calls it my eyrie).

I'd still like to be able to hand cash out to those less fortunate on certain holidays though.

Why would I want to do that? Because I know what it's like to do without, and also know what it's like to have to choose between one necessity or the other, and the one that wins out is the one that does the family the most good, even if it means that you personally have to go short for a couple of days.

I'd like to be able to help others avoid that particular decision.

My dad played the lottery for fun, he also did raffles over at the VFW post and played cards all the time there. I don't look at the lottery as some sinful or corrupt activity. I think it's fun to play and the dream is half the fun. Actually winning some numbers is the other half.

I used to find people saying the stuff I just said, irritating. :D Oh yeah, yeah, being happy is all that matters ... What I hoped to convey though is that the mindset when you play is everything. If you win, you're very happy. If you don't win but take steps to get the life you really really want anyway, you're very happy. That's all.
Assuming it was after getting ass fucked by the government I would invest the entire amount if I manage to maintain my current ror on my portfolio it would double in 7 years and again in 7 more So by the time I was 60 I would have 4 million.
I used to dream about winning the lottery or obtaining a million dollars in some other way a lot more when I was in a job that I hate. Like you, I found I can live on much less than I always thought I could and still be very happy.

I don't even play the lottery much anymore. I'm finding what we really want is not to have to worry about money. If you let that be your focus, things get better immediately. Focus on not having to worry about money instead of not having enough.

You know..............we still play the lottery every week, because it gives us a couple of moments in every week to dream about what could possibly happen. Even though we live on a modest income, it's still nice to dream about what may happen.

Money isn't the focus for either of us. Me? I'm willing to upgrade the property we currently live on (she owns it), and be happy with that. Her? She wants me to have a second floor window to look out on (she calls it my eyrie).

I'd still like to be able to hand cash out to those less fortunate on certain holidays though.

Why would I want to do that? Because I know what it's like to do without, and also know what it's like to have to choose between one necessity or the other, and the one that wins out is the one that does the family the most good, even if it means that you personally have to go short for a couple of days.

I'd like to be able to help others avoid that particular decision.

My dad played the lottery for fun, he also did raffles over at the VFW post and played cards all the time there. I don't look at the lottery as some sinful or corrupt activity. I think it's fun to play and the dream is half the fun. Actually winning some numbers is the other half.

I used to find people saying the stuff I just said, irritating. :D Oh yeah, yeah, being happy is all that matters ... What I hoped to convey though is that the mindset when you play is everything. If you win, you're very happy. If you don't win but take steps to get the life you really really want anyway, you're very happy. That's all.

like anything gambling is ok as long as it does not control your life

my brother in laws brother

was not a fan at all of bingo

even made fun of it

his wife however loved it

once to make her happy

he took her to a casino to play bingo

of all things he hit some jackpot game

winning after taxes 200 grand

with the money they bought his and her Cadillacs

on his he had a bumper sticker that said

"I love bingo"

.....what would you do with it? A million isn't much nowadays, but it is to those who struggle day to day. So...it's a lot of money to muse on what to do with it and how to spend it.

For myself..I would find a cute SMALL 2 bedroom home on 5 to 10 acres. Maybe somewhere in Colorado or upper Arizona. Single level. I think I could find one for about 300,000 or so. Give or take. I would stick the other 200,000 aside for living expenses and medical emergencies.
I would give the few close friends I have that are in the same boat I am in....50,000 each. The rest...ASPCA and Dog Pounds in the city nearest to my dwelling or whichever pound is in most need of cash.

So..what would you do with yours? And do you ever dream of winning the lottery and dreaming on what you would do FIRST?

I would probably migrate to Canada and open a business there (which I would have to do to be able to stay there)
.....what would you do with it? A million isn't much nowadays, but it is to those who struggle day to day. So...it's a lot of money to muse on what to do with it and how to spend it.

For myself..I would find a cute SMALL 2 bedroom home on 5 to 10 acres. Maybe somewhere in Colorado or upper Arizona. Single level. I think I could find one for about 300,000 or so. Give or take. I would stick the other 200,000 aside for living expenses and medical emergencies.
I would give the few close friends I have that are in the same boat I am in....50,000 each. The rest...ASPCA and Dog Pounds in the city nearest to my dwelling or whichever pound is in most need of cash.

So..what would you do with yours? And do you ever dream of winning the lottery and dreaming on what you would do FIRST?

[ame=http://youtu.be/AtV6h4g9eYw]If I had a million dollars (subtitled) - YouTube[/ame]

If I had a million dollars I'd ....

.....what would you do with it? A million isn't much nowadays, but it is to those who struggle day to day. So...it's a lot of money to muse on what to do with it and how to spend it.

For myself..I would find a cute SMALL 2 bedroom home on 5 to 10 acres. Maybe somewhere in Colorado or upper Arizona. Single level. I think I could find one for about 300,000 or so. Give or take. I would stick the other 200,000 aside for living expenses and medical emergencies.
I would give the few close friends I have that are in the same boat I am in....50,000 each. The rest...ASPCA and Dog Pounds in the city nearest to my dwelling or whichever pound is in most need of cash.

So..what would you do with yours? And do you ever dream of winning the lottery and dreaming on what you would do FIRST?

Nice thread. I'd buy down my debt. :mad:
Interesting..............when someone asked what I'd do if I had a lot of money (aka a million dollars), one of the first things that I wanted to do was to provide money for those poorer than myself.

Everyone else after my post wanted only for themselves.

Greed kills, y'all.......................greed kills........................
I don't have anything, Biker. I rent. I have to have roomies to pay that rent. So if I won the lottery, you can bet I would want my own house that I never have to move out of again.

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