If you ever meet ANTIFA, ask them to define "fascist" for you....


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
I finally had the privilege...

An ANTIFA formally called Trump a "fascist." I asked him to define "fascist."

RACIST was his answer. A "fascist" is a racist.

Anything else?


What about things like guns. Do fascists want to ban/confiscate guns?

NO. Fascists want everyone to have guns... according to ANTIFA

Are fascists socialists?

NO!!! They are greedy racist capitalist PIGS!!!!

In short, when you meet an ANTIFA, be sure to get that question in. The rest will speak for itself...

It is a sad truth about America today that those who actually like either the Dems or the GOP have absolutely no truth or intelligence at all. Both parties have completely brainwashed morons as their "base" voters. And then we wonder why our Federal Debt has gone from $5 trillion in 1998 to $22+ today, and neither party even talks about it as a problem. First problem - the Dem and GOP base voter

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IntellectualISM - those who have contempt for TOTAL MORONS
I finally had the privilege...

An ANTIFA formally called Trump a "fascist." I asked him to define "fascist."

RACIST was his answer. A "fascist" is a racist.

Anything else?


What about things like guns. Do fascists want to ban/confiscate guns?

NO. Fascists want everyone to have guns... according to ANTIFA

Are fascists socialists?

NO!!! They are greedy racist capitalist PIGS!!!!

In short, when you meet an ANTIFA, be sure to get that question in. The rest will speak for itself...

It is a sad truth about America today that those who actually like either the Dems or the GOP have absolutely no truth or intelligence at all. Both parties have completely brainwashed morons as their "base" voters. And then we wonder why our Federal Debt has gone from $5 trillion in 1998 to $22+ today, and neither party even talks about it as a problem. First problem - the Dem and GOP base voter

What it means is that the rich have taken over our country
the rich have taken over our country

Thank you.

Fascism - when THE RICH take over the country....

How much was Hitler worth when he first ran for office???

Which American party is today's "party of the rich?"

You don't even get THAT RIGHT.....

Democrats Are Emerging As Party of the Rich | RealClearPolitics

By chance were you ever a guest on the Jerry Springer Show?

Clearly all the rich people in Metro Detroit are the ones who got Trump elected.

Oh excuse me. His populist positions did dupe poor white racists and blue collar dopes into voting for him. Yes, I think the GOP have conned dumb blue collar into believing that they are the working man's party. By keeping illegals out it'll drive up blue collar wages. That's true. It's brilliant.

The middle class is doomed. Just look at who England elected. We are all doomed.
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Of course, in reality, what Clinton/Gingrich did was radically libertarian, cut both taxes and spending. The result - a surplus and a booming economy.

Since the GOP has long since abandoned fiscal conservatism, there is but one party that is truly the "working person's party,"


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