If you are a Republican, you WILL be harassed by the media.


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Kansas City, Missouri
Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?
Whose family and friends aren't smothered with lies and inuendo?
Whose co-workers and supporters aren't harassed on a daily basis?
Is this country cooked?
No more freedom, liberty, property rights.
Nothing but sexual perversion and government rule?
WashPost: Harassing Trump Officials Is ‘The Right Thing to Do’

Glad you agree; your OP is false.

What's "false" about it? The OP-Ed piece in WaPo is pretty disgraceful and brings into sharp relief one of the core problems with our unstable political system, the tit-for-tat, ever escalating childness that characterizes the behavior of BOTH of the political Crime Families doesn't do anything to help ANYBODY.

If Ben Bradlee was still in charge over at WaPo inflammatory garbage like this would never have been published, the editors should be ashamed of themselves.

Glad you agree; your OP is false.

What's "false" about it? The OP-Ed piece in WaPo is pretty disgraceful and brings into sharp relief one of the core problems with our unstable political system, the tit-for-tat, ever escalating childness that characterizes the behavior of BOTH of the political Crime Families doesn't do anything to help ANYBODY.

If Ben Bradlee was still in charge over at WaPo inflammatory garbage like this would never have been published, the editors should be ashamed of themselves.

"Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?"

Ever? Really? There are no republican officials who are not trashed by the media?

Just for starters...

Glad you agree; your OP is false.

What's "false" about it? The OP-Ed piece in WaPo is pretty disgraceful and brings into sharp relief one of the core problems with our unstable political system, the tit-for-tat, ever escalating childness that characterizes the behavior of BOTH of the political Crime Families doesn't do anything to help ANYBODY.

If Ben Bradlee was still in charge over at WaPo inflammatory garbage like this would never have been published, the editors should be ashamed of themselves.

"Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?"

Ever? Really? There are no republican officials who are not trashed by the media?
Yeah and? The OP is asking a question which, given the inflammatory article that he/she linked, is a perfectly valid one to ask.

The article is an attempt to add fuel to the raging fire of bitterness, division and anger that already exists among the citizenry and is specifically suggesting that petty harassment of Republicans is justified, we need a DE-ESCALATION of this nonsense on BOTH sides of the partisan aisle, otherwise the situation of having elected, bombastic demagogues dominating the National Dialog will only get worse.

Glad you agree; your OP is false.

What's "false" about it? The OP-Ed piece in WaPo is pretty disgraceful and brings into sharp relief one of the core problems with our unstable political system, the tit-for-tat, ever escalating childness that characterizes the behavior of BOTH of the political Crime Families doesn't do anything to help ANYBODY.

If Ben Bradlee was still in charge over at WaPo inflammatory garbage like this would never have been published, the editors should be ashamed of themselves.

"Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?"

Ever? Really? There are no republican officials who are not trashed by the media?
Yeah and? The OP is asking a question which, given the inflammatory article that he/she linked, is a perfectly valid one to ask.

The article is an attempt to add fuel to the raging fire of bitterness, division and anger that already exists among the citizenry and is specifically suggesting that petty harassment of Republicans is justified, we need a DE-ESCALATION of this nonsense on BOTH sides of the partisan aisle, otherwise the situation of having elected, bombastic demagogues dominating the National Dialog will only get worse.

The OP also asked rhetorically if there will ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media? There are republicans not being trashed right now so the answer is an obvious yes.

You don't de-escalate by overstating a case with cartoonish commentary; do you?
Not true.

Glad you agree; your OP is false.

What's "false" about it? The OP-Ed piece in WaPo is pretty disgraceful and brings into sharp relief one of the core problems with our unstable political system, the tit-for-tat, ever escalating childness that characterizes the behavior of BOTH of the political Crime Families doesn't do anything to help ANYBODY.

If Ben Bradlee was still in charge over at WaPo inflammatory garbage like this would never have been published, the editors should be ashamed of themselves.

"Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?"

Ever? Really? There are no republican officials who are not trashed by the media?
Yeah and? The OP is asking a question which, given the inflammatory article that he/she linked, is a perfectly valid one to ask.

The article is an attempt to add fuel to the raging fire of bitterness, division and anger that already exists among the citizenry and is specifically suggesting that petty harassment of Republicans is justified, we need a DE-ESCALATION of this nonsense on BOTH sides of the partisan aisle, otherwise the situation of having elected, bombastic demagogues dominating the National Dialog will only get worse.

The OP also asked rhetorically if there will ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media? There are republicans not being trashed right now so the answer is an obvious yes.
Yes they are and have been for quite a while, remember the Tea Party? how it was demonized, slandered and mocked simply for peacefully expressing its viewpoints? remember how members of the press went after the children of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin? remember all the non-so subtle allegations regarding John McCain's children? What about the continuous personal attacks on the Trump Family? These are just a few examples of the harassment tactics the left has engaged in and you know what the result of these tactics has been...

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP , his election is a direct response by the ranks of the Republicans trying to fight "fire with fire" regardless of whether or not everyone gets burned.

...and if this petty childishness keeps up a decade from now you'll look back and say to yourself "Gee, compared to the douche bag in office now Trump was pretty reasonable".

The Republicans are certainly not blameless and engage in their own petty harassment tactics but the case in point illustrates why the National Dialog has devolved into a picayune pissing contest.

You don't de-escalate by overstating a case with cartoonish commentary; do you?
The OP doesn't represent a National News outlet, so I for one don't think the hyperbole is unwarranted or destructive, in fact it might serve to facilitate a constructive conversation since he/she didn't attack ANYONE here personally, right? You're the one that is personalizing it.
Yes they are and have been for quite a while, remember the Tea Party? how it was demonized, slandered and mocked simply for peacefully expressing its viewpoints? remember how members of the press went after the children of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin? remember all the non-so subtle allegations regarding John McCain's children? What about the continuous personal attacks on the Trump Family? These are just a few examples of the harassment tactics the left has engaged in and you know what the result of these tactics has been...

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP , his election is a direct response by the ranks of the Republicans trying to fight "fire with fire" regardless of whether or not everyone gets burned.

...and if this petty childishness keeps up a decade from now you'll look back and say to yourself "Gee, compared to the douche bag in office now Trump was pretty reasonable".

The Republicans are certainly not blameless and engage in their own petty harassment tactics but the case in point illustrates why the National Dialog has devolved into a picayune pissing contest.

You don't de-escalate by overstating a case with cartoonish commentary; do you?
The OP doesn't represent a National News outlet, so I for one don't think the hyperbole is unwarranted or destructive, in fact it might serve to facilitate a constructive conversation since he/she didn't attack ANYONE here personally, right? You're the one that is personalizing it.

Don't you see that the fact you can itemize the attacks that you're making my point for me? Do you have examples for every Republican? Of course you don't. Especially when you consider the shrill snowflake in the OP said it was the media harassing the every republicans.

The totality of the argument in the OP is what I'm referring to.

And, by the way...if you're talking about people being unfairly harassed by the media, is anyone questioning the birth certificates of these poor republicans?
Will there ever again be a Republican official NOT trashed by the media?
Whose family and friends aren't smothered with lies and inuendo?
Whose co-workers and supporters aren't harassed on a daily basis?
Is this country cooked?
No more freedom, liberty, property rights.
Nothing but sexual perversion and government rule?
WashPost: Harassing Trump Officials Is ‘The Right Thing to Do’
This is the drama queen thread of the day! Lol
I'll do the drama - you do the queen.
Yes they are and have been for quite a while, remember the Tea Party? how it was demonized, slandered and mocked simply for peacefully expressing its viewpoints? remember how members of the press went after the children of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin? remember all the non-so subtle allegations regarding John McCain's children? What about the continuous personal attacks on the Trump Family? These are just a few examples of the harassment tactics the left has engaged in and you know what the result of these tactics has been...

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP , his election is a direct response by the ranks of the Republicans trying to fight "fire with fire" regardless of whether or not everyone gets burned.

...and if this petty childishness keeps up a decade from now you'll look back and say to yourself "Gee, compared to the douche bag in office now Trump was pretty reasonable".

The Republicans are certainly not blameless and engage in their own petty harassment tactics but the case in point illustrates why the National Dialog has devolved into a picayune pissing contest.

You don't de-escalate by overstating a case with cartoonish commentary; do you?
The OP doesn't represent a National News outlet, so I for one don't think the hyperbole is unwarranted or destructive, in fact it might serve to facilitate a constructive conversation since he/she didn't attack ANYONE here personally, right? You're the one that is personalizing it.

Don't you see that the fact you can itemize the attacks that you're making my point for me? Do you have examples for every Republican? Of course you don't. Especially when you consider the shrill snowflake in the OP said it was the media harassing the every republicans.
Umm.. as I ALREADY SAID, the OP's hyperbole doesn't detract from the point, you're only focusing on it because either you are consciously resisting getting past your internal partisan bias or are completely incapable of doing so. It appears that you refuse to see the bigger picture because cognitive dissonance is a more comfortable state for you than questioning your own strongly held opinions.

The totality of the argument in the OP is what I'm referring to.
Really? So far all you've done is object to the thread title while completely bypassing the point that the current trajectory that is exemplified by that idiotic OpEd represents a completely UNACCEPTABLE state of affairs that will only result in further escalation of this sort of nonsense.

And, by the way...if you're talking about people being unfairly harassed by the media, is anyone questioning the birth certificates of these poor republicans?
Typical partisan response, attempting to advance the old "two wrongs make a right" argument in order to deflect from the reality that this escalation of childishness is being instigated by "your side".

Stop personalizing it and evaluate the situation honestly & objectively, or at least try to.
Yes they are and have been for quite a while, remember the Tea Party? how it was demonized, slandered and mocked simply for peacefully expressing its viewpoints? remember how members of the press went after the children of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin? remember all the non-so subtle allegations regarding John McCain's children? What about the continuous personal attacks on the Trump Family? These are just a few examples of the harassment tactics the left has engaged in and you know what the result of these tactics has been...

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP , his election is a direct response by the ranks of the Republicans trying to fight "fire with fire" regardless of whether or not everyone gets burned.

...and if this petty childishness keeps up a decade from now you'll look back and say to yourself "Gee, compared to the douche bag in office now Trump was pretty reasonable".

The Republicans are certainly not blameless and engage in their own petty harassment tactics but the case in point illustrates why the National Dialog has devolved into a picayune pissing contest.

You don't de-escalate by overstating a case with cartoonish commentary; do you?
The OP doesn't represent a National News outlet, so I for one don't think the hyperbole is unwarranted or destructive, in fact it might serve to facilitate a constructive conversation since he/she didn't attack ANYONE here personally, right? You're the one that is personalizing it.

Don't you see that the fact you can itemize the attacks that you're making my point for me? Do you have examples for every Republican? Of course you don't. Especially when you consider the shrill snowflake in the OP said it was the media harassing the every republicans.
Umm.. as I ALREADY SAID, the OP's hyperbole doesn't detract from the point, you're only focusing on it because either you are consciously resisting getting past your internal partisan bias or are completely incapable of doing so. It appears that you refuse to see the bigger picture because cognitive dissonance is a more comfortable state for you than questioning your own strongly held opinions.

The totality of the argument in the OP is what I'm referring to.
Really? So far all you've done is object to the thread title while completely bypassing the point that the current trajectory that is exemplified by that idiotic OpEd represents a completely UNACCEPTABLE state of affairs that will only result in further escalation of this sort of nonsense.

And, by the way...if you're talking about people being unfairly harassed by the media, is anyone questioning the birth certificates of these poor republicans?
Typical partisan response, attempting to advance the old "two wrongs make a right" argument in order to deflect from the reality that this escalation of childishness is being instigated by "your side".

Stop personalizing it and evaluate the situation honestly & objectively, or at least try to.

I have. You have not.

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