If women recruits have to helped over walls in training

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
that is flat-out pathetic.

I have seen clips were women had to be helped over obstacles.

Cut the crap and bring back the old-style universal male only draft.......................
I hate to be the one to break this news to you but this is 2011 and not 1957. Sorry. Women have a place and an important role in our military. If you had anything between your ears you would already know that a women's strength isn't just in her muscles.
Women absolutely have their place in the military. To include certain combat roles.

I am glad though to hear that the ARMY is doing away with the push up, sit up, two mile run PT test, and going with the obstacle course, body lift, drag and carry, and Run PT test........If ya' can't get over a damn wall without help, you will not pass this test........If ya' can't pass this test, you should not be serving.
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