If Trump Fires Mueller, Impeachment Would Be On The Table

If Trump Fires Mueller.....


Did I miss something?

Did Donald Trump fire Mueller, the Special Counsel?

Did he ever say he was going to?

Did anyone on his staff ever say he was going to?

Did any of them ever even imply any such thing?


And no.

And no.

And no.

And no.

Not in the slightest.

So where is all this “If Trump fires Mueller, the world will end!!!” reporting come from?

Let me guess: Someone in the media decided to stir up more controversy, by vaguely implying that Trump might be considering doing that. They didn’t actually say he was going to, of course (since he never was). But they’re doing their best to have people speculating to each other, “What’s all this about Trump firing the Special Counsel? That doesn’t sound very ethical to me!”

Reporters (and some forum posters) who are wondering where some leftist nutcase from Illinois would get the idea to get a gun and start shooting Republicans at a baseball practice, need look no further than the nearest mirror.

I’d appreciate it if you people would knock off the deliberate insinuations and careful attempts to smear without technically smearing. You are obviously trying to make people who aren’t paying much attention (and that’s most ordinary Americans, sane and insane alike) think that Trump, or Republicans in general, are doing something wrong when you know they aren’t.

Try keeping a civil tongue in your head. If Trump and/or Republicans are as bad as you seem to think, you should have no trouble stating FACTS that show it.

And if you can’t find any such facts (you’ve shown us none yet)… just maybe you are mistaken, and should aim your hatred and bile somewhere else. Or cease altogether, eh?
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If Trump Fires Mueller.....


Did I miss something?

Did Donald Trump fire Mueller, the Special Counsel?

Did he ever say he was going to?
Don't think he did but was said to be leaning that way Wouldn't put it or anything past his assholeness
Don't think he did but was said to be leaning that way Wouldn't put it or anything past his assholeness

Right after your republican traitor conman liar pussy grabbing BS artist gets what's coming to him
Chalk up another leftist fanatic willing to say or imply anything, no matter how false and defamatory, to destroy someone he couldn't defeat.

And this is a full day AFTER such talk helped trigger a leftist fanatic nutcase from Illinois into getting a gun and assassinating Republicans at a baseball practice.

You sure you want to keep doing that? Deliberately pushing known falsehoods?
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Don't think he did but was said to be leaning that way Wouldn't put it or anything past his assholeness

Right after your republican traitor conman liar pussy grabbing BS artist gets what's coming to him
Chalk up another leftist fanatic willing to say or imply anything, no matter how false and defamatory, to destroy someone he couldn't defeat.
Outside of traitor what else hasn't been proven?? Or are u just a repub first American last??
No question Trumputin is his own worse enemy. He has no self control or common sense, nor listens to anyone.
When he was in business he would just sue anyone that would get in his way.
Now... there's something a lot bigger than he is.. and it's called the Constitution.., the document he's wiped his ass with since taking office.


Give specifics please.

Another deplorable living under a rock and never heard of the emolument clause of the Constitution.
But if Putin's Puppet fires Mueller it will be like Archibald Cox all over again and very likely an impeachable offense..
"IF"..................As in IF you had two braincells to rub together.
When President Trump fires Mueller then you can run your mouth. Until then that garbage in the AW parking lot isn't going to clean itself up! Get back to your 'career'.

Still no specifics huh?

So the alt right, who loved to kill their enemies but are afraid of getting slaughtered, commit a fallacy of hasty generalization. The shooter is no more indicate of the normal left then is of the normal right.

The extremists include Trump and his hard core doofi supporters.

Every day Trump gets closer to trying an armed coup against this country.

Now it's an armed coup?

Like I said you sound just like hodgkinson

Hodgkinson shared a post from “Republicans Suck,” saying, “Republicans Hate Women, Minorities, Working Class People, & Most All (99%) of the People of the Country.”

He also wrote, “Trump is Guilty & Should Go to Prison for Treason” and “Trump is a Mean, Disgusting Person.”

June 2015 he wrote, “The Opposite of a Liberal Progressive is a Bigoted Racist that wants the Rich to get Richer at the expense of the 99%…..Republicans are so Stupid….”

He wrote in May 2015, “Congressional Republicans Hate Americans & Should All be Voted Out of Office……..”

He wrote, “Republican Bitch Wants People to Work for Slave Wages, when a Livable Wage is the Only Way to Go! Vote Blue, It’s Right for You!”
Sounds like all the things the Trump haters on this forum constantly post.
Maybe the NSA/CIA/FBI/local law enforcement should check out these posters.
Oh I forgot. They are already reading every fucking word anyone posts on this and hundreds of other forums.


Talk about a retard
Outside of traitor what else hasn't been proven?? Or are u just a repub first American last??
Reporters (and some forum posters) who are wondering where some leftist nutcase from Illinois would get the idea to get a gun and start assassinating Republicans at a baseball practice, need look no further than the nearest mirror.
And you of course can say there are no nut cases in your party?? Look no further than the WH
I love cuckservative bawling , the crybabies. Trump said he was being investigated. He does not dare fire Mueller without reprisal from Congress and the American people.

View attachment 133620
Yep.....so you pricks are in all practicality going along with yet another bullshit conspiracy.

Thanks for dropping trou and showing yet again your true colors.
Party first huh muddy ? When will folks like you give a damn about America and NOT protecting the biggest POS ever to enter our WH?
Sorry, but he left office in January.
He's on his own.....
lol Obama is 10 x the man that lowlife pos trump is

Then why did he run like a little bitch from Syria?

I love cuckservative bawling , the crybabies. Trump said he was being investigated. He does not dare fire Mueller without reprisal from Congress and the American people.

View attachment 133620
Yep.....so you pricks are in all practicality going along with yet another bullshit conspiracy.

Thanks for dropping trou and showing yet again your true colors.
Party first huh muddy ? When will folks like you give a damn about America and NOT protecting the biggest POS ever to enter our WH?
Sorry, but he left office in January.
He's on his own.....
lol Obama is 10 x the man that lowlife pos trump is

Then why did he run like a little bitch from Syria?

I don't know Was it wrong?
So says Ted Lieu Congressman from Cal. and many others.
This would be now like Watergate.

If Trump Fires Robert Mueller, He Should Be Impeached

If Trump fires Special Counsel Mueller, he will be impeached

Maybe you should trying to read the law. Trump doesn't have the authority to fire Muller. The Asst AG testified to this FACT in a congressional hearing.

(d) The Special Counsel may be disciplined or removed from office only by the personal action of the Attorney General. The Attorney General may remove a Special Counsel for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of Departmental policies. The Attorney General shall inform the Special Counsel in writing of the specific reason for his or her removal.

28 CFR 600.7 - Conduct and accountability.

If Trump...SOMETHING...THAT will be the final straw by God!!! :laugh: The left issuing threats after getting the shit kicked out of them in multiple elections :laugh::laugh::laugh:
No question Trumputin is his own worse enemy. He has no self control or common sense, nor listens to anyone.
When he was in business he would just sue anyone that would get in his way.
Now... there's something a lot bigger than he is.. and it's called the Constitution.., the document he's wiped his ass with since taking office.


Give specifics please.

Another deplorable living under a rock and never heard of the emolument clause of the Constitution.
But if Putin's Puppet fires Mueller it will be like Archibald Cox all over again and very likely an impeachable offense..

Who controlled Congress then?

Again go ahead and impeach him after the left shot up a ball park...i dare you

" the left shot up a ball park?"
You're watching way too much Hannity.

Right, he had a list of 6 republican congressmen for the grins and giggles of it. If you had any intellect you still wouldn't have any intellectual honesty.

6'7" pussy James Comey was intimidated by Loretta Lynch? I Mueller going to wipe Comey's little girl tears away?
I love cuckservative bawling , the crybabies. Trump said he was being investigated. He does not dare fire Mueller without reprisal from Congress and the American people.

View attachment 133620
Yep.....so you pricks are in all practicality going along with yet another bullshit conspiracy.

Thanks for dropping trou and showing yet again your true colors.
Party first huh muddy ? When will folks like you give a damn about America and NOT protecting the biggest POS ever to enter our WH?

Define America, ed. What constitutes "America"?

Just curious.
Partly,,,,a nation of laws AND no cocksucker even the president is above those laws even if the republican party fights those laws,,,,,,

Neither are potheads dickweed.

No president is immune to the law, as the Phony Dickweed President is finding out now.

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