If true, the NEW YORK TIMES is far worse than they claimed Rove/Libby were.


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
A story linked from Drudge claims that the scumbags who run The New York Slimes are intent on publicizing the names of covert operatives in Afghanistan.

SOS – RED ALERT – New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril - Big Journalism

Obviously, I don't think we can yet say if this is true or not. but if it is true, then how are they any better than the "evil" Rove and Libby supposedly were for supposedly "outing" non-covert analyst Valerie MRS. AMBASSADOR JOSEPH 'Sweet Tea Sipping' WILSON Plame?

Will the left rise up in unison to vigorously condemn the fucking NY Slimes?
Come on libs. Step up to the plate. If this story is true and the fucking NY Slimes does this horrible thing, then surely you must all condemn it at least as much as you roundly codemned Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for supposedly outing top secret covert agent Valerie Plame (and truthfully, more so).

WHERE is your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought.
Is it true?

If so they can go to jail and it is wrong to do it.

They have medicine to prevent premature false expostulation.
It's from Andrew Breitbart's site. One of the biggest right wing liars in the media today. He's behind O'Keefe and was once again exposed for lying by posting the whole fake video over the spitting and N word calling incident.

I'll take it with a grain of salt until some real journalists verify it.
"Each and every American should be outraged." typical right wing hysteria

But now it turns out that Breitbart was fooled by the ACORN pimp hoax and mistakenly assumed, after watching deceptively edited clips from his protégé James O'Keefe, that O'Keefe strolled into ACORN offices wearing the outlandish pimp outfit. -mediamatters
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I am waiting for Liability to be outraged that I am not outraged about something that has not even happened.
And likely will not happen.
Is it true?

If so they can go to jail and it is wrong to do it.

They have medicine to prevent premature false expostulation.

Is it true? Good question. In fact, that's why I asked it the way I did. For, as I correctly noted, we don't yet know if it's true.

But if you think anybody would prosecute The Fucking NY Slimes for publishing state secrets, then you are the most easily fooled lib posting on the interwebz. They determine unilaterally which laws involving the publication of state secrets they will bother complying with, and they cry "CENSORSHIP!" and "help! help! my First Amendment Rights are being attacked" as soon as they DO violate such a secrecy law -- historically speaking of course.

And besides, this is the era of the Obama Administration. We all know full well that nobody in that godforsaken cesspool would EVER prosecute a newspaper for willfully violating the law over such a matter. Give a fucking 9/11/2001 terror suspect a criminal trial? Sure. THAT those retards have no issue with -- or not enough of an issue, anyway.

But prosecute The Fucking New York Fucking Slimes? Not a chance in France.

And I do wonder what you and your fellow libs will say about the outing of these men and women by The SLIMES should the Breitbart piece turn out to be accurate?
Is it true?

If so they can go to jail and it is wrong to do it.

They have medicine to prevent premature false expostulation.

Is it true? Good question. In fact, that's why I asked it the way I did. For, as I correctly noted, we don't yet know if it's true.

But if you think anybody would prosecute The Fucking NY Slimes for publishing state secrets, then you are the most easily fooled lib posting on the interwebz. They determine unilaterally which laws involving the publication of state secrets they will bother complying with, and they cry "CENSORSHIP!" and "help! help! my First Amendment Rights are being attacked" as soon as they DO violate such a secrecy law -- historically speaking of course.

And besides, this is the era of the Obama Administration. We all know full well that nobody in that godforsaken cesspool would EVER prosecute a newspaper for willfully violating the law over such a matter. Give a fucking 9/11/2001 terror suspect a criminal trial? Sure. THAT those retards have no issue with -- or not enough of an issue, anyway.

But prosecute The Fucking New York Fucking Slimes? Not a chance in France.

And I do wonder what you and your fellow libs will say about the outing of these men and women by The SLIMES should the Breitbart piece turn out to be accurate?

Yeah sure it is? that must be why you posted this?

"WHERE is your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought.
I am waiting for Liability to be outraged that I am not outraged about something that has not even happened.
And likely will not happen.

^ A typically vapid response from a typically vapid lib. :cuckoo:

First off, I don't get outraged by lib hypocrisy. I fully expect it.

Secondly, I don't expect libs to BE outraged by such behavior (if committed) engaged in by the iconic New York Slimes. Your outrage (meaning lib outrage) is reserved for the alleged "outing" of alleged "covert operatives" when such alleged "outing" is committed (supposedly) by a Republican Administration official or by anyone even tangentially related to the Booooosh Administration.

Thirdly, there is no valid FACTUAL basis for your contention that the illegal behavior of The Slimes is something which "likely will not happen." You do realize, don't you, that The New York Slimes has done such things before? If history is the guide, then the probability is that The New York Slimes WILL once again do it.

And finally, IF it happens, you might feign "outrage." But you probably will only give it a half-hearted "tsk tsk." Most of the unduly partisan libs will "see" nothing wrong in the behavior of that disgusting rag of a newspaper.
Is it true?

If so they can go to jail and it is wrong to do it.

They have medicine to prevent premature false expostulation.

Is it true? Good question. In fact, that's why I asked it the way I did. For, as I correctly noted, we don't yet know if it's true.

But if you think anybody would prosecute The Fucking NY Slimes for publishing state secrets, then you are the most easily fooled lib posting on the interwebz. They determine unilaterally which laws involving the publication of state secrets they will bother complying with, and they cry "CENSORSHIP!" and "help! help! my First Amendment Rights are being attacked" as soon as they DO violate such a secrecy law -- historically speaking of course.

And besides, this is the era of the Obama Administration. We all know full well that nobody in that godforsaken cesspool would EVER prosecute a newspaper for willfully violating the law over such a matter. Give a fucking 9/11/2001 terror suspect a criminal trial? Sure. THAT those retards have no issue with -- or not enough of an issue, anyway.

But prosecute The Fucking New York Fucking Slimes? Not a chance in France.

And I do wonder what you and your fellow libs will say about the outing of these men and women by The SLIMES should the Breitbart piece turn out to be accurate?

Yeah sure it is? that must be why you posted this?

"WHERE is your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought.

Yes. Those words, as a lib like you must realize, do not exist in the ether unattached to "context." You libs love to pontificate about "context."

So, to provide the MISSING "context," you hypocritical dishonest liberal gasbag, you would have had to quote the entire post, not just the final half. It's not a surpise that you made the "editorial" decision to mislead by omitting the prefatory language.

THIS is what I ACTUALLY wrote, you dishonest lib hack:

Come on libs. Step up to the plate. If this story is true and the fucking NY Slimes does this horrible thing, then surely you must all condemn it at least as much as you roundly codemned Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for supposedly outing top secret covert agent Valerie Plame (and truthfully, more so).

WHERE is your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought.
[I took the liberty of highlighting the significant portion you dishonestly chose to omit.]

It is interesting and very revealing that in your rush to paint a false picture, you were so glaringly obvious in your dishonesty. There could be a future for you working at The New York Times. Unless they go under.
"we don't yet know if it's true."

Then until we do why should we give a flying fuck? It's not our job to find out if it's true or not.
"we don't yet know if it's true."

Then until we do why should we give a flying fuck? It's not our job to find out if it's true or not.

Nobody has a gun to your idiot head, stupid.

If you don't give a fuck because it has not (yet) happened and possibly won't happen, then why even respond, you moron?

I'm guessing that if one were to waste the time necessary to "fact check" your dopey posting history, one would discover that when it suits your agenda, you are more than happy to discuss hypothetical scenarios.

You fucking stupid libs are plodding dullards.
Well I am outraged because it might be true!
Darn liberal media picking on poor little Karl and then Maybe doing a similar thing!
Those Maybe bastards maybe should be hung by their maybe toenails.

You have a tense problem Liability.
you said:
"WHERE IS your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought."

Then If it is true....

We don't know so how can it be IS?

I may quote out of context, but you are out of your mind.
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It's from Andrew Breitbart's site. One of the biggest right wing liars in the media today. He's behind O'Keefe and was once again exposed for lying by posting the whole fake video over the spitting and N word calling incident.

I'll take it with a grain of salt until some real journalists verify it.

Real journalists? Where are they cuz they sure as hell ain't working in the media.
Come on libs. Step up to the plate. If this story is true and the fucking NY Slimes does this horrible thing, then surely you must all condemn it at least as much as you roundly codemned Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for supposedly outing top secret covert agent Valerie Plame (and truthfully, more so).

WHERE is your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought.

Hey pea brain, where's YOUR condemnation? It looks like your Mike Furlong stole $15 MILLION dollars of taxpayer's money!

Top General Approached

They approached Gen. David D. McKiernan, soon to become the top American commander in Afghanistan. Their proposal was to set up a reporting and research network in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the American military and private clients who were trying to understand a complex region that had become vital to Western interests. They already had a similar operation in Iraq — called “Iraq Slogger,” which employed local Iraqis to report and write news stories for their Web site. Mr. Jordan proposed setting up a similar Web site in Afghanistan and Pakistan — except that the operation would be largely financed by the American military. The name of the Web site was Afpax.

Mr. Jordan said that he had gone to the United States military because the business in Iraq was not profitable relying solely on private clients. He described his proposal as essentially a news gathering operation, involving only unclassified materials gathered openly by his employees. “It was all open-source,” he said.

When Mr. Jordan made the pitch to General McKiernan, Mr. Furlong was also present, according to Mr. Jordan. General McKiernan endorsed the proposal, and Mr. Furlong said that he could find financing for Afpax, both Mr. Jordan and Mr. Pelton said. “On that day, they told us to get to work,” Mr. Pelton said.

But Mr. Jordan said that the help from Mr. Furlong ended up being extremely limited. He said he was paid twice — once to help the company with start-up costs and another time for a report his group had written. Mr. Jordan declined to talk about exact figures, but said the amount of money was a “small fraction” of what he had proposed — and what it took to run his news gathering operation.

Whenever he asked for financing, Mr. Jordan said, Mr. Furlong told him that the money was being used for other things, and that the appetite for Mr. Jordan’s services was diminishing.

“He told us that there was less and less money for what we were doing, and less of an appreciation for what we were doing,” he said.

Admiral Smith, the military’s director for strategic communications in Afghanistan, said that when he arrived in Kabul a year later, in June 2009, he opposed financing Afpax. He said that he did not need what Mr. Pelton and Mr. Jordan were offering and that the service seemed uncomfortably close to crossing into intelligence gathering — which could have meant making targets of individuals.

“I took the air out of the balloon,” he said.

Admiral Smith said that the C.I.A. was against the proposal for the same reasons. Mr. Furlong persisted in pushing the project, he said.

“I finally had to tell him, ‘Read my lips,’ we’re not interested,’ ” Admiral Smith said.

What happened next is unclear.

Admiral Smith said that when he turned down the Afpax proposal, Mr. Furlong wanted to spend the leftover money elsewhere. That is when Mr. Furlong agreed to provide some of International Media Ventures’ employees to Admiral Smith’s strategic communications office.

But that still left roughly $15 million unaccounted for, he said.

“I have no idea where the rest of the money is going,” Admiral Smith said.
FDR would have throw all of the Sulzbergers in fucking prison for even thinking of doing that
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A story linked from Drudge claims that the scumbags who run The New York Slimes are intent on publicizing the names of covert operatives in Afghanistan.

SOS – RED ALERT – New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril - Big Journalism

Obviously, I don't think we can yet say if this is true or not. but if it is true, then how are they any better than the "evil" Rove and Libby supposedly were for supposedly "outing" non-covert analyst Valerie MRS. AMBASSADOR JOSEPH 'Sweet Tea Sipping' WILSON Plame?

Will the left rise up in unison to vigorously condemn the fucking NY Slimes?

Didn't Bush/Cheney do this already to Valerie Plame? Maybe they set a precedent.
Well I am outraged because it might be true!
Darn liberal media picking on poor little Karl and then Maybe doing a similar thing!
Those Maybe bastards maybe should be hung by their maybe toenails.

You have a tense problem Liability.
you said:
"WHERE IS your condemnation?



That's it?

As I thought."

Then If it is true....

We don't know so how can it be IS?

I may quote out of context, but you are out of your mind.

Typically retarded thinking from a mindless liberoid.

No. You do quote out of context because you are fundamentally dishonest.

And I am not out of my mind for discussing that article originally published by Breitbart. That you don't care for the discussion is hardly a valid indicator of such things, you dishonest retard.
A story linked from Drudge claims that the scumbags who run The New York Slimes are intent on publicizing the names of covert operatives in Afghanistan.

SOS – RED ALERT – New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril - Big Journalism

Obviously, I don't think we can yet say if this is true or not. but if it is true, then how are they any better than the "evil" Rove and Libby supposedly were for supposedly "outing" non-covert analyst Valerie MRS. AMBASSADOR JOSEPH 'Sweet Tea Sipping' WILSON Plame?

Will the left rise up in unison to vigorously condemn the fucking NY Slimes?

Didn't Bush/Cheney do this already to Valerie Plame? Maybe they set a precedent.

Richard Armitage outed Val Plame but you knew that, right?
A story linked from Drudge claims that the scumbags who run The New York Slimes are intent on publicizing the names of covert operatives in Afghanistan.

SOS – RED ALERT – New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril - Big Journalism

Obviously, I don't think we can yet say if this is true or not. but if it is true, then how are they any better than the "evil" Rove and Libby supposedly were for supposedly "outing" non-covert analyst Valerie MRS. AMBASSADOR JOSEPH 'Sweet Tea Sipping' WILSON Plame?

Will the left rise up in unison to vigorously condemn the fucking NY Slimes?

Didn't Bush/Cheney do this already to Valerie Plame? Maybe they set a precedent.

No. They didn't, in fact. But your question is kinda the point. When it was (falsely) CLAIMED that the Bush Administration had "outed" Valerie Plame (super top secret desk jockey analyst) the liberoidals went batshit crazy. The non-fact of Plame's "covert" status was presumed to be true by the always quick to jump to conclusions according to their bias liberoidals. (The claim has never actually been validly established). Rove, V.P. Cheney and Libby were blamed because libs being libs were more than willing to presume guilt, and in this case the libs were flatly wrong. (Armitage did it, in the first place).

But lib outwage is highly selective. The very same behavior (albeit falsely attributed to Rove, V.P. Cheney and to Libby) which generates OUTRAGE from pontificating liberoidals when the alleged behavior supposedly comes from anybody in the Boooosh Administration nevertheless provides no reason to so much as express concern when it gets reported that it's the fucking NY Slimes which might be engaging in that behavior.

Lib hypocrisy is boundless.
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