Libs to infiltrate Tea Party? Hey, we can do it back to them as well


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Fellow conservatives, we all know about the desperate liberal plan to infiltrate the Tea Party movement, and pose as a toothless, racist Southern redneck, with signs that contain spelling errors, etc. The funny thing is, by having this plan, they have given an easy out to Conservatives. Now, anytime one of those people are shown- be it an imposter or not- we can say it was a liberal posing. Liberals- they never think ahead.

BUT, my point of this is here: We can do a counter to that, but on a daily basis. We don't have to wait for a Tea Party to pose as they do. All one must do is buy an Obama Hope and Change t-shirt. Or any liberal shirt. Like the Che shirts, depicting the mass murderer that college campus libs love to worship. And just act like a typical Obama voter:

"My mortgage will be paid, I won't have to buy gas anymore, it's gonna be like Christmas!!"

Or just use any other liberal talking points or habits. Trash Bush, blame global warming for slow internet service, claim Obama has finally brought peace to Canada and that he has ended the AIDs epedimic in Iceland, whatever. Video it. Put it on YouTube. Send it to the news. Or hell, show up at a Tea Party dressed as an Obama Zombie, and be a "counter protestor". You'll get TV attention. You'll get video taped by bystanders and put on the internet. And you'll look like another one of the millions of moronic Obama Zombies. Just fight fire with fire.
Fellow conservatives, we all know about the desperate liberal plan to infiltrate the Tea Party movement, and pose as a toothless, racist Southern redneck, with signs that contain spelling errors, etc. The funny thing is, by having this plan, they have given an easy out to Conservatives. Now, anytime one of those people are shown- be it an imposter or not- we can say it was a liberal posing. Liberals- they never think ahead.

BUT, my point of this is here: We can do a counter to that, but on a daily basis. We don't have to wait for a Tea Party to pose as they do. All one must do is buy an Obama Hope and Change t-shirt. Or any liberal shirt. Like the Che shirts, depicting the mass murderer that college campus libs love to worship. And just act like a typical Obama voter:

"My mortgage will be paid, I won't have to buy gas anymore, it's gonna be like Christmas!!"

Or just use any other liberal talking points or habits. Trash Bush, blame global warming for slow internet service, claim Obama has finally brought peace to Canada and that he has ended the AIDs epedimic in Iceland, whatever. Video it. Put it on YouTube. Send it to the news. Or hell, show up at a Tea Party dressed as an Obama Zombie, and be a "counter protestor". You'll get TV attention. You'll get video taped by bystanders and put on the internet. And you'll look like another one of the millions of moronic Obama Zombies. Just fight fire with fire.

Ok, first. Please buy one of those T-shirts and proudly wear it while walking around in Oklahoma....
Fellow conservatives, we all know about the desperate liberal plan to infiltrate the Tea Party movement, and pose as a toothless, racist Southern redneck, with signs that contain spelling errors, etc. The funny thing is, by having this plan, they have given an easy out to Conservatives. Now, anytime one of those people are shown- be it an imposter or not- we can say it was a liberal posing. Liberals- they never think ahead.

BUT, my point of this is here: We can do a counter to that, but on a daily basis. We don't have to wait for a Tea Party to pose as they do. All one must do is buy an Obama Hope and Change t-shirt. Or any liberal shirt. Like the Che shirts, depicting the mass murderer that college campus libs love to worship. And just act like a typical Obama voter:

"My mortgage will be paid, I won't have to buy gas anymore, it's gonna be like Christmas!!"

Or just use any other liberal talking points or habits. Trash Bush, blame global warming for slow internet service, claim Obama has finally brought peace to Canada and that he has ended the AIDs epedimic in Iceland, whatever. Video it. Put it on YouTube. Send it to the news. Or hell, show up at a Tea Party dressed as an Obama Zombie, and be a "counter protestor". You'll get TV attention. You'll get video taped by bystanders and put on the internet. And you'll look like another one of the millions of moronic Obama Zombies. Just fight fire with fire.

Ok, first. Please buy one of those T-shirts and proudly wear it while walking around in Oklahoma....
You haven't been to OK lately. There is a world west of the Appalachians.
Fellow conservatives, we all know about the desperate liberal plan to infiltrate the Tea Party movement, and pose as a toothless, racist Southern redneck, with signs that contain spelling errors, etc. The funny thing is, by having this plan, they have given an easy out to Conservatives. Now, anytime one of those people are shown- be it an imposter or not- we can say it was a liberal posing. Liberals- they never think ahead.

BUT, my point of this is here: We can do a counter to that, but on a daily basis. We don't have to wait for a Tea Party to pose as they do. All one must do is buy an Obama Hope and Change t-shirt. Or any liberal shirt. Like the Che shirts, depicting the mass murderer that college campus libs love to worship. And just act like a typical Obama voter:

"My mortgage will be paid, I won't have to buy gas anymore, it's gonna be like Christmas!!"

Or just use any other liberal talking points or habits. Trash Bush, blame global warming for slow internet service, claim Obama has finally brought peace to Canada and that he has ended the AIDs epedimic in Iceland, whatever. Video it. Put it on YouTube. Send it to the news. Or hell, show up at a Tea Party dressed as an Obama Zombie, and be a "counter protestor". You'll get TV attention. You'll get video taped by bystanders and put on the internet. And you'll look like another one of the millions of moronic Obama Zombies. Just fight fire with fire.

Ok, first. Please buy one of those T-shirts and proudly wear it while walking around in Oklahoma....

HAHA!! Actually, my roommate and I plan to do just that! We got a couple Obama shirts and are making some "Arrest the Racists" signs to carry around. We have a list of crazy liberal talking points to spew also.

The cool part it, we aren't afraid at all. Tea Party goers are peaceful. The only physical injuries recieved in this movement have been a DailyKos worker biting the finger off a Tea Party protestor and the SEIU thugs lynching a poor black guy who was a conservative. We'll be very safe, although heavily debated and made to look like fools. Whether we'll reveal our true alliance depends on how much we can get on the internet or TV. But safety is not a concern.
Good luck with that.

Of course the big problem here is that you'll be spotted as a plant instantly. The reason the Tea Party "Infiltrators", and I use that term loosely, look legit is because you're seeing that same dialogue online all over the place from people that are clearly very enthusiastic about the Tea Party.

I highly doubt that all of the more vocal Tea Party advocates here at USMB who have started advocated violence, pushed the Birther nonsense, etc, are plants. And they give a lot of legitmacy to the worst of the Tea Party "infiltrators."

On the other hand, a lot of the crap you're posting I've literaly never heard a liberal say. I hear Conservatives say they think that libs think that way, but I've never heard libs spout that nonsense.
the conservitive need to send a bunch of fake fainters to Obama's next speech. wouldn't it be a hoot when after the staged Obama fainter faints about ten or twenty more hit the dirt. He would be a babling fool stammering for more water bottles to be passed out. Would definately stop him mid speech. I bet this would stop more fake staged fainters in the future. This guy and his handlers must think the public are so brain dead to fall for this con still after being used in most of his speeches. or better yet place some fake Obama supporters and union thugs at the next tea party rally and have them start throwing eggs at them!!!! Harry Reid supporters are already known egg throwers!!!!
I like that idea but I think we should show up to an abortion rally with signs that say "proudly destroying the non-white races one abortion at a time".
the conservitive need to send a bunch of fake fainters to Obama's next speech. wouldn't it be a hoot when after the staged Obama fainter faints about ten or twenty more hit the dirt. He would be a babling fool stammering for more water bottles to be passed out. Would definately stop him mid speech. I bet this would stop more fake staged fainters in the future. This guy and his handlers must think the public are so brain dead to fall for this con still after being used in most of his speeches. or better yet place some fake Obama supporters and union thugs at the next tea party rally and have them start throwing eggs at them!!!! Harry Reid supporters are already known egg throwers!!!!

Better yet, show up and say "I am healed" as Obama promises to fix everything.
You let the real tea partiers speak (and look) for themselves.

No one says who the tea partiers are, better than the real tea partiers.

Let the light shine on the real tea partiers and what they stand for.

The American public can then make their minds up.

The guy who wanted to infiltrate the tea parties shows their are idiots on both sides.

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