If this isn't BIASED reporting please tell me differently...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The headline NEVER told the truth as who STARTED the violence BECAUSE NBC like all other MSM are biasing the news. We are suppose to believe from this headline it was started by a Trump supporter.
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When you read the article NOT the headlines here are the facts:
1) peaceful assembly by Trump protesting supporter and has to protect his banner when a person opposed physically attempted to pull the banner down.
2) NOTE only the Trump guy was arrested!
As Warren mingled with the overflow crowd outside a roundtable event, witnesses told NBC News the Trump supporter unfurled a Trump banner and began yelling, which led to an altercation with other attendees. When one man tried to pull down the banner, witnesses said the Trump supporter struck the man on the head with a selfie stick.

Selfie stick-wielding Trump supporter arrested at Elizabeth Warren event

So what is the impression the NBC audience gets???
They get the impression that the ruling elite want them to get. We cant win the propaganda war. We have to remove them
Time after time people have proven the MSM bias as I have and fortunately more and more people when exposed to the headlines ripping Trump/Supporters we read more
carefully the ARTICLE!
Trust in the mainstream media continues to erode. A Gallup poll from September found that 69 percent of U.S. adults say their trust in the news media has decreased in the past decade. Only 17 percent overall “trust most news organizations,” and 67 percent overall say they “trust only some news organizations.” A substantial 45 percent referred to things like inaccuracy, bias, “fake news,” and “alternative facts” as the reason why they don’t trust the media.
A Look Back at the Demise of the Mainstream News Media in 2018
Lol, you kids really and truly don't see the issue here do you.

Let me clarify for you:

One person assaulted a banner.

One person assaulted another person.

It's as simple as that.

Not that I expect you to really understand it.
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The headline NEVER told the truth as who STARTED the violence BECAUSE NBC like all other MSM are biasing the news. We are suppose to believe from this headline it was started by a Trump supporter.
View attachment 238708
When you read the article NOT the headlines here are the facts:
1) peaceful assembly by Trump protesting supporter and has to protect his banner when a person opposed physically attempted to pull the banner down.
2) NOTE only the Trump guy was arrested!
As Warren mingled with the overflow crowd outside a roundtable event, witnesses told NBC News the Trump supporter unfurled a Trump banner and began yelling, which led to an altercation with other attendees. When one man tried to pull down the banner, witnesses said the Trump supporter struck the man on the head with a selfie stick.

Selfie stick-wielding Trump supporter arrested at Elizabeth Warren event

So what is the impression the NBC audience gets???

So, a loutish Trumpleton tries to disrupt a Warren rally, and the goof even turns violent, and is rightly arrested.

But you somehow find the time to pull the victim card on the lout's behalf, and then proceed to whine about "the MSM", disparaging an accurate report.

So, a loutish Trumpleton tries to disrupt a Warren rally, and the goof even turns violent, and is rightly arrested.

But you somehow find the time to pull the victim card on the lout's behalf, and then proceed to whine about "the MSM", disparaging an accurate report.


1. Freedom of Speech extends to both Warren and Trump supporters.
2. As is often the case, police are drawn to a fight after it has started. If another attendee hit first, its self defense.
3. Were you there? Otherwise you are assuming accuracy.
Lol, you kids really and truly don't see the issue here do you.

Let me clarify for you:

One person assaulted a banner.

One person assaulted another person.

It's as seimple as that.

Not that I expect you to really understand it.
It's against the law to destroy the personal property of another person, moron. I'd beat him over the head myself.
Lol, you kids really and truly don't see the issue here do you.

Let me clarify for you:

One person assaulted a banner.

One person assaulted another person.

It's as seimple as that.

Not that I expect you to really understand it.
So in the left wing dystopia you would like to see America become, people would not be permitted to defend their property?
Clearly Warren is presidential material, go ahead, vote for her....

I'm pulling for her. She's nuttier than a Pussy Hat full of Cashews, and can't possibly beat Trump. I hope she gets nominated, she's at least as crazy as the rest of the Democrat hopefuls....but what about that recently discovered, unhappy Fact that she's White?

Crazy is fine in the Democrat/Socialist Party, but is White disqualifying?

And a White Woman at that. Didn't they just try that?
The headline NEVER told the truth as who STARTED the violence BECAUSE NBC like all other MSM are biasing the news. We are suppose to believe from this headline it was started by a Trump supporter.
View attachment 238708
When you read the article NOT the headlines here are the facts:
1) peaceful assembly by Trump protesting supporter and has to protect his banner when a person opposed physically attempted to pull the banner down.
2) NOTE only the Trump guy was arrested!
As Warren mingled with the overflow crowd outside a roundtable event, witnesses told NBC News the Trump supporter unfurled a Trump banner and began yelling, which led to an altercation with other attendees. When one man tried to pull down the banner, witnesses said the Trump supporter struck the man on the head with a selfie stick.

Selfie stick-wielding Trump supporter arrested at Elizabeth Warren event

So what is the impression the NBC audience gets???
There is no ‘bias.’

Thom is in fact a Trump supporter:

‘The Lakefield, Minn., man repeatedly shouted questions at Warren about why she wasn't in D.C. negotiating an end to the government shutdown and unfurled a red banner that read "Keep America Great." President Trump has said he will use that slogan, a riff on his original "Make America Great Again" campaign motto, for his re-election campaign.’

Trump supporter carrying 'Keep America Great' banner arrested at Warren event
The Trumper assaulted someone and your response is what?

It didn't happen?

He was arrested.

The MSM didn't arrest him...
The Trumper assaulted someone and your response is what?

It didn't happen?

He was arrested.

The MSM didn't arrest him...
It's unfortunate for you that brain damage isn't treatable.
The Trumper assaulted someone and your response is what?

It didn't happen?

He was arrested.

The MSM didn't arrest him...
My response was to show how the BIASED MSM reported ONLY that the Trump supporter hit (and by the way it might have even been accidental) FIRST!
And that wasn't the case. The unbiased story would be
A) A Warren supporter attacked a Trump banner.
B) The Trump supporter accidentally hit the warren supporter with a selfie.

But no we didn't see that headline...hence again BIASED MSM!
Lol, you kids really and truly don't see the issue here do you.

Let me clarify for you:

One person assaulted a banner.

One person assaulted another person.

It's as seimple as that.

Not that I expect you to really understand it.
It's against the law to destroy the personal property of another person, moron. I'd beat him over the head myself.
And guess who would be in jail?
Lol, you kids really and truly don't see the issue here do you.

Let me clarify for you:

One person assaulted a banner.

One person assaulted another person.

It's as seimple as that.

Not that I expect you to really understand it.
It's against the law to destroy the personal property of another person, moron. I'd beat him over the head myself.
And guess who would be in jail?
I have a friend who caught some thief stealing tools out of his truck. He beat the guy hard enough to put him in the hospital. The police didn't file any charges against him.

Defending your property is not a crime.
The Trumper assaulted someone and your response is what?

It didn't happen?

He was arrested.

The MSM didn't arrest him...
It's unfortunate for you that brain damage isn't treatable.
And it's too bad you don't have any reading comprehension skills. The point was biased MSM should have presented fair and balanced. Stating a Warren support attacked and a Trump supporter responded. But no... Trump supporter hit Warren supporter with selfie stick. Again biased news was the point ...not the arrest etc. but again you apparently didn't get it!

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