If the Sandy Hook incident does not bring on changes due to the NRA NO

Your refusal to meaningfully address the content of my responses.

You can legally buy these things in the US.

We mandate no such thing as the exercise of the right to arms is not depenent on any relationship to the militia, well-regulated or otherwise.
Oh; gotcha. I see now.
Question: did that help?
Again, with your failure to meaningfully address what I said, I shall accept your concession that the points I made are sound.
Interesting how you so quicky back away from your position and resort to nonsense.

Interesting indeed. How might I ask did you arrive at such a conclusion?

But before we digress, back to the point of my post:

If you cannot, in America, acquire fully automatic weapons, nor grenades, why so? Their lethality, or because we mandate a well-drilled / trained militia?

What do you think?

But we can obtain fully automatic weapons so the question becomes: Why don't you think?
Interesting indeed. How might I ask did you arrive at such a conclusion?

But before we digress, back to the point of my post:

If you cannot, in America, acquire fully automatic weapons, nor grenades, why so? Their lethality, or because we mandate a well-drilled / trained militia?

What do you think?

But we can obtain fully automatic weapons so the question becomes: Why don't you think?

Ooh, ooh, can I say???

Maybe because doing so is a big no-no but some still do it, even if it's against the LAW???
But before we digress, back to the point of my post:

If you cannot, in America, acquire fully automatic weapons, nor grenades, why so? Their lethality, or because we mandate a well-drilled / trained militia?

What do you think?

But we can obtain fully automatic weapons so the question becomes: Why don't you think?

Ooh, ooh, can I say???

Maybe because doing so is a big no-no but some still do it, even if it's against the LAW???

It is not against the law, asshat.
The reality is that the 2nd Amendment itself is silly in modern times.

It was written when the norm was a gun which fired roughly 2-3 shots a minute (if you knew what you were doing). The entire notion of a mass shooting by an individual didn't exist back then.

The damage a single weapon could do was extremely limited.

Sure, you could buy a cannon. But since they took a team of people to fire, cost a fortune, and were virtually useless anywhere but the battlefield, why bother?

Our society decided a long time ago (1934), that certain things are too dangerous to have in the public. They basically made it illegal to own automatic weapons and shot guns with a short barrel. And that hasn't changed for 80 years.

Like it or not, that is when this shift happened. The idea that new regulations (like those passed in NY) are a constitutional issue have long since been decided.

You might think that these regulations have gone too far, and it is a valid opinion. But it is getting really old to hear people wrapping themselves in a flag talking about their second amendment rights. I don't know what the founding fathers intended. But I know they had no idea the issues we would have to deal with. So a it's pointless discussion (if you can even call it that).

On a related note, I heard a funny little story recently.

A woman walks into a psychiatrist office complaining because her friends tell her she is crazy. So the psychiatrist asks, "what seems to be the problem"?

"My friends say I am crazy because I like canned corn."

The councilor thinks for a second and says, "well that isn't crazy, I've found myself enjoying canned corn on occasion".

"Really?" the woman says. "You should come over sometime. I have 1200 cases of the stuff in my front room!"
But we can obtain fully automatic weapons so the question becomes: Why don't you think?

Ooh, ooh, can I say???

Maybe because doing so is a big no-no but some still do it, even if it's against the LAW???

It is not against the law, asshat.

Oh. Thanks.

Good to know I can now go into Butch's Gun Shop and tell them gun-grabbing leftist suckers of Stalin pecker to sell me some goddamn fully auto arms and grenades as is my fucking right, not to mention telling them to quit being a Nazi Obamanista-haters of liberty!!
ATF Home
Frequently Asked Questions
National Firearms Act (NFA) — Firearms

Q: The types of firearms that must be registered in the National Firearm Registration and Transfer Record are defined in the NFA and 27 CFR, Part 479. What are some examples?

Some examples of the types of firearms that must be registered are:

Machine guns;
The frames or receivers of machine guns;
Any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting weapons into machine guns;
Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for converting a weapon into a machine gun;
Any combination of parts from which a machine gun can be assembled if the parts are in the possession or under the control of a person;
Silencers and any part designed and intended for fabricating a silencer;
Short-barreled rifles;
Short-barreled shotguns;
Destructive devices; and,
“Any other weapon.”

A few examples of destructive devices are:

Molotov cocktails;
Anti-tank guns (over caliber .50);
Bazookas; and,

A few examples of “any other weapon” are:

H&R Handyguns;
Ithaca Auto-Burglar guns;
Cane guns; and,
Gadget-type firearms and “pen” guns which fire a projectile by the action of an explosive.

[26 U.S.C. 5845]
Q: How can an individual legally acquire NFA firearms?

Basically, there are 2 ways that an individual (who is not prohibited by Federal, State, or local law from receiving or possessing firearms) may legally acquire NFA firearms:

By transfer after approval by ATF of a registered weapon from its lawful owner residing in the same State as the transferee.
By obtaining prior approval from ATF to make NFA firearms.

[27 CFR 479.62-66 and 479.84-86]
Q: What is the tax on making an NFA firearm?

The tax is $200 for making any NFA firearm, including “any other weapon.”
Q: How is this tax paid?

A money order or check made payable to the Bureau of ATF together with the application forms are to be mailed to the Bureau of ATF, NFA Branch.
Q: How do I identify myself or my company when completing a National Firearms Act application?

When completing an NFA application as a licensee under the Gun Control Act of 1968, the license name and trade name used, if any, must be consistent with what is shown on your Federal Firearms License (FFL). The license name and trade name also must match what is shown on your Special Occupational Tax (SOT) stamp, if any. When a business changes or adds trade names, notification should be made to both the National Firearms Act (NFA) Branch (for SOT purposes) and the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (for FFL purposes).

If a licensee utilizes a trade name, either the trade name or both the trade name and licensee name must be shown on the NFA application. If a licensee does not utilize a trade name, the business should be identified on an NFA application by the name under which the FFL is held. Applications submitted to the NFA branch not in conformity with this policy may be returned for correction.

When completing an NFA application as an unlicensed legal entity (i.e., trust, corporation, LLC , partnership), an applicant should identify itself using the full name of the legal entity. If completing an NFA application as un unlicensed person you should identify yourself on the application using both your first and last names.

Applicants lacking FFLs and/or tax stamps held by the same person or legal entity may not be eligible to have their NFA applications approved without first meeting the eligibility requirements applicable under the law.
ATF Online - Firearms - Frequently Asked Questions - National Firearms Act (NFA) - Firearms
Ooh, ooh, can I say???

Maybe because doing so is a big no-no but some still do it, even if it's against the LAW???

It is not against the law, asshat.

Oh. Thanks.

Good to know I can now go into Butch's Gun Shop and tell them gun-grabbing leftist suckers of Stalin pecker to sell me some goddamn fully auto arms and grenades as is my fucking right, not to mention telling them to quit being a Nazi Obamanista-haters of liberty!!
Basically yes, if you pass a background check and pay a $200 transfer fee you can own a machine gun made before May of 1086.

In the future, you should be sure of your facts before you go off all crazy and shitheaded like that
ATF Home
Frequently Asked Questions
National Firearms Act (NFA) — Firearms

Q: The types of firearms that must be registered in the National Firearm Registration and Transfer Record are defined in the NFA and 27 CFR, Part 479. What are some examples?

Some examples of the types of firearms that must be registered are:

Machine guns;
The frames or receivers of machine guns;
Any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting weapons into machine guns;
Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for converting a weapon into a machine gun;
Any combination of parts from which a machine gun can be assembled if the parts are in the possession or under the control of a person;
Silencers and any part designed and intended for fabricating a silencer;
Short-barreled rifles;
Short-barreled shotguns;
Destructive devices; and,
“Any other weapon.”

A few examples of destructive devices are:

Molotov cocktails;
Anti-tank guns (over caliber .50);
Bazookas; and,

A few examples of “any other weapon” are:

H&R Handyguns;
Ithaca Auto-Burglar guns;
Cane guns; and,
Gadget-type firearms and “pen” guns which fire a projectile by the action of an explosive.

[26 U.S.C. 5845]
Q: How can an individual legally acquire NFA firearms?

Basically, there are 2 ways that an individual (who is not prohibited by Federal, State, or local law from receiving or possessing firearms) may legally acquire NFA firearms:

By transfer after approval by ATF of a registered weapon from its lawful owner residing in the same State as the transferee.
By obtaining prior approval from ATF to make NFA firearms.

[27 CFR 479.62-66 and 479.84-86]
Q: What is the tax on making an NFA firearm?

The tax is $200 for making any NFA firearm, including “any other weapon.”
Q: How is this tax paid?

A money order or check made payable to the Bureau of ATF together with the application forms are to be mailed to the Bureau of ATF, NFA Branch.
Q: How do I identify myself or my company when completing a National Firearms Act application?

When completing an NFA application as a licensee under the Gun Control Act of 1968, the license name and trade name used, if any, must be consistent with what is shown on your Federal Firearms License (FFL). The license name and trade name also must match what is shown on your Special Occupational Tax (SOT) stamp, if any. When a business changes or adds trade names, notification should be made to both the National Firearms Act (NFA) Branch (for SOT purposes) and the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (for FFL purposes).

If a licensee utilizes a trade name, either the trade name or both the trade name and licensee name must be shown on the NFA application. If a licensee does not utilize a trade name, the business should be identified on an NFA application by the name under which the FFL is held. Applications submitted to the NFA branch not in conformity with this policy may be returned for correction.

When completing an NFA application as an unlicensed legal entity (i.e., trust, corporation, LLC , partnership), an applicant should identify itself using the full name of the legal entity. If completing an NFA application as un unlicensed person you should identify yourself on the application using both your first and last names.

Applicants lacking FFLs and/or tax stamps held by the same person or legal entity may not be eligible to have their NFA applications approved without first meeting the eligibility requirements applicable under the law.

And your point is?

My point is these things have been regulated since 1934. The second amendment argument is like beating a dead horse.

Your link simply offers another example of those regulations.
It is not against the law, asshat.

Oh. Thanks.

Good to know I can now go into Butch's Gun Shop and tell them gun-grabbing leftist suckers of Stalin pecker to sell me some goddamn fully auto arms and grenades as is my fucking right, not to mention telling them to quit being a Nazi Obamanista-haters of liberty!!
Basically yes, if you pass a background check and pay a $200 transfer fee you can own a machine gun made before May of 1086.

In the future, you should be sure of your facts before you go off all crazy and shitheaded like that

Cool. Fuck me I'm a retard. Thanks for cluing me in.

So I can go into Butch's and buy fully auto weapons and grenades!

Praise babyjesus, Righties are right!! "well regulated" does = only if NRA approved.
If the Sandy Hook incident does not bring on changes ......

.........then your homies will shoot 20 more elementary school students ?


Yes. But not teachers!!! They're in teacher's unions, and thus a sacrament unto the god of liberal mind control and taking of guns and all your money, including monies that might be earned by your great, great, grandchildren.

Praise Lenin and his only begotten son, Barack of Kenya.
If Butchie holds a classIII FFL, yes.
The shop up the road from me has a class III and has one of these on the floor. They ain't cheap. The rifle and the whole 9 yards will set you back 12 grand.

The reality is that the 2nd Amendment itself is silly in modern times.
Yes - because, clearly, the people, neither individually nor collectively, no longer need access to the most effective means to protect their rights with lethal force because they no longer have the need to protect their rights with said lethal force.
Good to know I can now go into Butch's Gun Shop and tell them gun-grabbing leftist suckers of Stalin pecker to sell me some goddamn fully auto arms and grenades as is my fucking right, not to mention telling them to quit being a Nazi Obamanista-haters of liberty!!
Good to see that you are HAPPY to be ignorant of the law.
If Butchie holds a classIII FFL, yes.
The shop up the road from me has a class III and has one of these on the floor. They ain't cheap. The rifle and the whole 9 yards will set you back 12 grand.


Fuck you you sucker of Obama Liberty - hating cock!!!

Where did the FF ever say that was required to be "well-regulated?"

Go back to Soviet Russia you goddamn commie!!!

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