If the GOP Establishment Ran a Resturant...


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
A patron goes into a resturant and picks up his menu.

Waiter - "Hi, I'm Karl, and I'll be your waiter tonight. We have some Lovely Romney Tofu on special."

Conservative - "Ugh- Tofu? I'm a red meat conservative. Give me the Bachmann Beef."

Waiter - "You don't want that. Mad Cow Disease! You really should try the Tofu."

Con - "Ummmm. OKay. I'll have the Perry Chicken."

Waiter- "OOOH, you don't want that. Bird Flu. The Tofu really is nice."

Con- "Errr, how about the Cain Turkey?"

Waiter- "Oh, no, that's 99.9% toxic. But Tofu is awesome!"

Con- "How about the Gingrich Pork Chop. That sounds good."

Waiter- "Oh, no, that's too fatty. And adulterous. You really, really want the Tofu!"

Con- "What about the Paul Fish?"

Waiter - "Ahhhhhh- Mercury Poisoning!!!!!! Dammit, just take the fucking Tofu and like it!"

Con- "You aren't the boss of me. I want the Santorum Philly Sandwich."

Waiter- "Right. That's one Tofu, coming up."

Well, he ain't getting a tip!
If the dimwits ran a restaurant we would be told by the gov't. what to order and then be taxed out the arse for it.

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