If the Dems lose Congress....

synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?

I suspect .. Synth.. is having an epiphany ....:lol:
amazing how the GOP can block things with only 41 seats in the senate where the DNC couldnt with 49 seats
Regressives used Roconciliation to pass the Bush Tax Cuts, 51-50.
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


The only problem i would have with that is if the Dems stopped the de-funding of the rest of the wasteful spending and the upcoming Obamacare.

Outside of that, obstructionism just blocks spending and that is what I am interested in blocking as well.
synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?
Health care reform and Financial reform, to start.

Just for the sake of accuracy, there isn't and never was a bill regarding healthcare reform. The bill passed by the Democrat Partisan Hacks was in regard to Insurance Reform. The titles of bills passed by Congress have as much relevance to the actual legislation as the titles of Led Zepplin songs have to their content.

The financial attrocities passed by this Congress are verging on being criminal. They are certainly poorly crafted and are certainly reactionary and probably are aimed at targets that will have no positive impacts on the actual problems.

Opposing these attacks on the rights of citizens and the treasury of the United States was as obstructionist as stopping a murderer from killing your family. Sure, you're stopping someone from doing something, but that thing is so terrible that it should never have been contemplated in the first place.
Wait till a few of those Tea Party crackpot noobs get to Congress and find out they need 60 votes to get anything out of the legislature and 67 votes to get it past the president.

lol, their 20%'er agenda DOA.
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


You do realize that Republicans havent had any power to obstruct, right?

You guys control both chambers of Congress and have had a filibuster proof Senate for most of the last two years. What the heck can you possibly blame Republicans for? Not encouraging your own guys to vote for your crappy pieces of legislation?

Boggles the mind.
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?

First off you have to beleive the bullshit lie from the dems that the republicans are obstructionists. Maybe they just want to slow down the socialistic spending of the dimboob socialist idiots.
....There will be dancing in the streets! People are not gonna miss this worst U.S. Congress in History. Time for them to go.
Wait till a few of those Tea Party crackpot noobs get to Congress and find out they need 60 votes to get anything out of the legislature and 67 votes to get it past the president.

lol, their 20%'er agenda DOA.
hey, gridlock
a win/win
nothing gets fucked up any worse than it already is
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?
The whole point of our system of government was to be obstructionist! The less power those gubamint types have to fuck us with National Obama Care or Cap and Tax the better.
Our representatives aren't supposed to "get together in a bi-partisan manner" to fuck us over with idiotic legislation that they haven't even read! :evil:
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?

Bitch about their obstructionism. Hmmmm.... Maybe. I haven't decided yet. I'll probably bitch more about how hypocritical they are by causing obstruction when they don't compromise their values to 'meet conservatives half way'.

But, I haven't decided yet.

I just know they will obstruct anything that doesn't support progressofascism.
The American people will rejoice when the Progressive Jihad is brought to a halt this November. The Dem lame duck session will go down by trying to pull the country down around their ears like they were Hitler in the bunker. Repubs will not get anything Obama would sign so its a logjam until Dems lose another 75 seats and the presidency in 2012
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synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?
Health care reform and Financial reform, to start.
You had 60 votes for a while, and 59 before that. Could have passed it instantly at any time. The GOP would never have bothered to fillibuster for real. Woulda just taken calling them on their bluff.

Why didn't they?

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