If the Dems lose Congress....


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?

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Sure! I plan on it.

Doesn't change the fact that Madison and the boys wrote the rules that way.

And I do think that the remaining democrats will sit and think "Geez, we really pissed off the voters didn't we? Maybe we should do something different?
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


If they use the same back room deals, payoffs for votes, total disrespect for what the American people want, if they have no transparency, if they make a habit of lying to the American public about legislation like the Democrats have, sure I'll bitch about it...
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


If they use the same back room deals, payoffs for votes, total disrespect for what the American people want, if they have no transparency, if they make a habit of lying to the American public about legislation like the Democrats have, sure I'll bitch about it...
That isn't even close to the OP, but thanks for the deflection.
If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


If they use the same back room deals, payoffs for votes, total disrespect for what the American people want, if they have no transparency, if they make a habit of lying to the American public about legislation like the Democrats have, sure I'll bitch about it...
That isn't even close to the OP, but thanks for the deflection.

What the hell do you think got us into this mess in the first place... Democrats being obstructionists.. oops missed again...:lol:

The answer to your question is... Yes

What do you mean by Regressives?... Are you trying to be funny?
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If they use the same back room deals, payoffs for votes, total disrespect for what the American people want, if they have no transparency, if they make a habit of lying to the American public about legislation like the Democrats have, sure I'll bitch about it...
That isn't even close to the OP, but thanks for the deflection.

What the hell do you think got us into this mess in the first place... Democrats being obstructionists.. oops missed again...:lol:

Uh...no. Democrats didn't filibuster every single item of business.

The answer to your question is... Yes

So, even though the Regressives have been obstructionists, and you have been cheering that on (presumably), if Minority Democrats become the Party of No, you would whine about it?

What do you mean by Regressives?

Progressives go forward. Regressives go backward.
The Democrats will not vote as a block, to stop all Republican legislation. at least not in the way Republican do. Unlike Republicans, Democrats do not all share the same philosophy. This is their weakness and their strength.
The Democrats will not vote as a block, to stop all Republican legislation. at least not in the way Republican do. Unlike Republicans, Democrats do not all share the same philosophy. This is their weakness and their strength.

They wont have to. Veto!!

However to answer you question. yes I will bitch, IF I feel they are blocking something we need. If they block something I do not like I will commend them. :)
That isn't even close to the OP, but thanks for the deflection.

What the hell do you think got us into this mess in the first place... Democrats being obstructionists.. oops missed again...:lol:

Uh...no. Democrats didn't filibuster every single item of business.

The answer to your question is... Yes

So, even though the Regressives have been obstructionists, and you have been cheering that on (presumably), if Minority Democrats become the Party of No, you would whine about it?

What do you mean by Regressives?

Progressives go forward. Regressives go backward.

1) Republicans didn't have so many stupid ideas that led us down the road to socialism. Although they did spend money like idiots and of course Democrats joined in on the feast..

2)They will become the party on whining, pissing and moaning as usual, so.. no change.

3)Obstructing stupid ideas, wasteful spending, pussfied foreign policy.. is a good thing in my book. Progressives go forward to what?.. bankruptcy?
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If the Dems lose Congress, and become obstructionists just like the Regressives have been, will the Rightwingers on this forum bitch about it?


You do realize that Republicans havent had any power to obstruct, right?

You guys control both chambers of Congress and have had a filibuster proof Senate for most of the last two years. What the heck can you possibly blame Republicans for? Not encouraging your own guys to vote for your crappy pieces of legislation?
I am hoping they do not win both houses. If they did it would be with such tiny minorities they could not get anything done, and even if they did Obama would veto it. Then after 2 years, the liberal press and Dems will try and sell the American people the idea that the republicans have been in charge for the last 2 years and things are not much better. Because the sad truth is with the state of the economy, the budget and everything else. They will not be.
synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?
synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?

I suspect .. Synth.. is having an epiphany ....:lol:
synth, for the rest of the people here

please list all the bills the GOP has held up and how the fuck they could with the minimal numbers they have right now?

I suspect .. Synth.. is having an epiphany ....:lol:
amazing how the GOP can block things with only 41 seats in the senate where the DNC couldnt with 49 seats

That would make sense to anyone thinking logically....

but.. after all .. this is politics...:lol:
I am hoping they do not win both houses. If they did it would be with such tiny minorities they could not get anything done, and even if they did Obama would veto it. Then after 2 years, the liberal press and Dems will try and sell the American people the idea that the republicans have been in charge for the last 2 years and things are not much better. Because the sad truth is with the state of the economy, the budget and everything else. They will not be.

Just like the 'Liberal' press and the Regressives are doing NOW?

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