If the Constitution was written today...what would be different?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
Written Behind Closed Doors by Lawyers for the 18th Century 1%

You're begging the question. We are so brainwashed with the humiliating, anti-democratic, and illogical idea that a free self-determining nation needs a totalitarian document to keep the people in their place that a different Constitution would be as oppressive as the present one.
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
The Constitution would not be written today, because there are too many Snowflakes who are dependent on Government handouts, and who desire a Socialist State.

Lazy People do not rebel against a Monarchy or Socialist Government.
47% of our population of mostly Libtards do not Pay Taxes, so how in the Fuck are you going to have a Boston Tea Party over Taxes?

You aren't.
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
You know damn well the lefties would stop at NOTHING to stop the 2nd amendment from being in a new constitution...hell for that much the 1st amendment as well..they would want hate speech laws included etc etc.
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
You know damn well the lefties would stop at NOTHING to stop the 2nd amendment from being in a new constitution...hell for that much the 1st amendment as well..they would want hate speech laws included etc etc.

There would not be a Revolution.

Remember History.

Who were primarily The Loyalists? The South Slave States.

Those people, (plantation owners) did not want The Revolution and did not participate in it.

Some of their more independent minded neighbors did, mostly industrialists, or the common man, but the core of The Democrat Party refused to participate in The Revolution.

The Dem Party Roots are in The Loyalists. After The Revolution they then became The Democrat Party of Slavery who then ceded from the Union. The Democrat Party were The Redcoats turning on The Colonists, and the People who helped The Crown and The British Army. They then were Johnny Reb.

When it comes to Individual Liberty and Freedoms, you can always count on the Dems to be on the side of Oppression and Tyranny.
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There wouldn't be one, and instead there would be 3, maybe 4 or 5, different countries.

One would be the West Coast called Loonlandico, where only Spanish would be spoken, another would be New England & New York & New Jersey which would be called Turdland or Assholia.
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.
You know damn well the lefties would stop at NOTHING to stop the 2nd amendment from being in a new constitution...hell for that much the 1st amendment as well..they would want hate speech laws included etc etc.

There would not be a Revolution.

Remember History.

Who were primarily The Loyalists? The South Slave States.

Those people, (plantation owners) did not want The Revolution and did not participate in it.

Some of their more independent minded neighbors did, mostly industrialists, or the common man, but the core of The Democrat Party refused to participate in The Revolution.

The Dem Party Roots are in The Loyalists. After The Revolution they then became The Democrat Party of Slavery who then ceded from the Union. The Democrat Party were The Redcoats turning on The Colonists, and the People who helped The Crown and The British Army. They then were Johnny Reb.

When it comes to Individual Liberty and Freedoms, you can always count on the Dems to be on the side of Oppression and Tyranny.
You people and your obsession with democrat and republican....good lord.
There wouldn't be one, and instead there would be 3, maybe 4 or 5, different countries.

One would be the West Coast called Loonlandico, where only Spanish would be spoken, another would be New England & New York & New Jersey which would be called Turdland or Assholia.

More like Cornholia
I think that the Federal Government would be given broad areas of responsibility in education, infrastructure, and communications.

In 1776, most people were born, lived and died all within a 50 mile radius of where the born. State control over education, infrastructure etc., were more important because local needs differed. If you were a farmer in the South, what you needed to learn about geography, nature and science differed vastly from what the Wyoming cattle ranchers to know.

Today, people move across country following jobs, or lifestyle. I'm always shocked when someone says they were born in the city or town where they currently live. There is a need for being able to change states and being able to slot in easily to the public education system in your new state. There is a need for a coordinated and structured national transportation strategy, and system of roads and infrastructure that wasn't necessary 300 years ago when goods were produced by hand and sold in the towns where they were made.

Then there is the question of guns. I seriously doubt that the Founders, looking on drive-by shootings, road rage, terrorism by mass shootings, white paranoia, and the 35,000 Americans killed each year by guns, and think that unrestricted handgun ownership is a good idea.

In 1776, there were 2,500,000 Americans in the country. Now there are more than 300,000,000, more than 100 times as many. Limited government was a concept which worked with 2.5 million citizens. It doesn't work with 300,000,000 and the world's largest economy.
Consider this….the second greatest document ever written, the one that built the greatest nation the world has ever known would have no chance at ratification in todays America. What should we take away from that?
Golfing Gator Mac1958 ……..any ideas?
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.

It would be perfectly legal and "Constitutional" for persons of color to own White slaves. And liberals would cheer...even if they were whites slaves....
(as long as the white persons net worth was less than 10,000,000)
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.

If the US Constitution was written today by the current group of Assclowns we have pretending to be Statesmen in Congress ...
It would 12,000 pages longer and chalked full of bloated Federal bullshit... :thup:

Consider this….the second greatest document ever written, the one that built the greatest nation the world has ever known would have no chance at ratification in todays America. What should we take away from that?
Golfing Gator Mac1958 ……..any ideas?

It's not the "second greatest document ever written". Unless you consider the Magna Carta the first. Because your Constitution has it's foundation in the Magna Carta.

And the USA is not the greatest nation the world has ever known. Richest - yes. Most powerful - undoubtedly. But a truly great nation in the 21st Century isn't built on racism, exploitation of the working classes, and denying rights to minorities. They don't have more people in prison than any other nation in the world, and their police are murdering people in the streets.

The greatest nation the world has ever known would be the Roman Empire, and until you rule the world for 1000 years, you're not even in second place. You haven't even existed for 300 years and you're on the brink of your second civil war, and your democracy is hanging by a thread.

Greatest nation the world has ever seen. Pfffffffffffffft!!!
It's not the "second greatest document ever written". Unless you consider the Magna Carta the first. Because your Constitution has it's foundation in the Magna Carta.

And the USA is not the greatest nation the world has ever known. Richest - yes. Most powerful - undoubtedly. But a truly great nation in the 21st Century isn't built on racism, exploitation of the working classes, and denying rights to minorities. They don't have more people in prison than any other nation in the world, and their police are murdering people in the streets.

The greatest nation the world has ever known would be the Roman Empire, and until you rule the world for 1000 years, you're not even in second place. You haven't even existed for 300 years and you're on the brink of your second civil war, and your democracy is hanging by a thread.

Greatest nation the world has ever seen. Pfffffffffffffft!!!
I don’t see the world flocking to Canada…
This one is sure to fire up some folks...Consider the following:
The Constitution was written in 1787 when the countries total population was just shy of 4 million, 3 million of which were Caucasian.
Considering the makeup of today's U.S. Citizen and the dynamics of the world how different would it have been written?
Don't be scared to engage in this one.

I don't know but I'd fear to see what it would be.

After all the national archives did flag the current Constitution as "harmful content".


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