If tariffs are bad, how did the USA became an industrialized country?

no dear, liberal divorce laws, liberal feminism, liberal abortion, liberal atheism, and liberal opposition to love destroyed the American family. Conservatives are pro family. Haven't you heard??

So ?
divorce laws... gee , even among Romans 2,000 years ago divorce was part of Roman law.
liberal feminism... man , what are you ? an al-qaeda member? I can barely stand those backward thinking morons. They push my religious tolerance to its limits.

liberal abortion. Ok, granted, I am no big fan of abortion, but I do support the day after pill.
atheism ...good grief, Ed , have you ever heard of the first ammendment ?
Other than tariffs what other factors played up to 1900 that made the US grow at a faster pace than it has done in the last 4 decades ?

I said free markets (yes, domestically more than internationally) AND sound money. The Progressive Era and the advent of WWI was the beginning of the end of sound money. Tariffs had nothing to do with the growth during the Gilded Age.
atheism ...good grief, Ed , have you ever heard of the first ammendment ?
100% stupid!!! amendment says Feds cant establish a religion or prevent you from practicing your religion, not that you should not have religious values. Before Christ people went to the Coliseum for entertainment. The 10 Commandments were not big with Caesar. You are like a child on all conceptual subjects.
divorce laws... gee , even among Romans 2,000 years ago divorce was part of Roman law.
liberal feminism... man , what are you ? an al-qaeda member? I can barely stand those ?

dear, having divorce laws is one thing, but changing social policy to kill love and family so that 50% of kids now grow up in broken homes has filled our prisons, emptied our schools, and sunk our economy. You have no where near the conceptual IQ needed to understand that.
Arguably the US has shifted its source of wealth from the industrial sector to the service sector, but this has only generated economic stagnation. The real per capita growth ( discounting inflation) has been at most of 1% per year during the last 30 years.

"Total of all assets of an economic unit that generate currentincome or have the potential to generate future income."
What is wealth definition and meaning

Like the UK and the Netherlands before it, the US has assumed the role of global hegemon, ruling over a world-system (as opposed to nation states) of core countries, semi-periphery, and periphery countries.

Core countries in blue above focus on capital intensive production which concentrates wealth in 1% of earners with a spill over extending to about 10% of all earners.

Proponents of world-system (or "knowledge movement") argue the 1970s began an era of transformation "whose configuration can not be known in advance."

If the last five decades are any indication, it will be an era of world government presided over by corporate tribunals superseding the rule of elected governments.

World-systems theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They become debt-slaves. Once this happens, you can slowly bring the manufacturing back to the U.S. where you have the kind of desperate and docile workforce they exists in the 3rd world. In short, removing tariffs and opening trade is a way of disciplining expensive domestic labor markets.

Except for the fact that salaries are still way above third world countries and automation might get in the way bringing back only a small fraction of the jobs that were lost.

I sense a really gloomy future for those who have no high education.

I sense a gloomy future even for those who do....

free trade has become a near religion among the DC elite......fuck them...they have sold the nation out.

I'm a registered democrat....but fuck all these dumb-ass dems that go along with "free trade"...the deals have been proven time and time again to harm us.

Now they got a false debate about "fast track" I say vote for fast track...and then you can swiftly reject yet another dumb-ass free trade deal.
In theory abolishing tariffs is good for the economy. Nevertheless, the US became an industrialized country in spite ( or maybe because of) tariffs. During the first half of the XIX century Great Britain was the most industrialized country.

"Tariffs were the main source of all Federal revenue from 1790 to 1914. At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 about 63% of Federal income was generated by the excise taxes, which exceeded the 25.4% generated by tariffs. In 1915 during World War I tariffs generated only 30.1% of revenues. Since 1935 tariff income has continued to be a declining percentage of Federal tax income."
"The lack of imported goods relatively quickly gave very strong incentives to start building several U.S. industries in the Northeast. Textiles and machinery especially grew."

It is notable that the average tariff was particularly high during the gilded age, one of the periods during which the US experienced one of fastest growing rates. During that period the average tariff was 32%.

Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

too stupid and 100% liberal as always. If every individual or town had a tariff people woulde slowly starve to death.

Hard to imagine but a liberal lacks the IQ to understand trade.

There is plenty of protectionism still going on within our borders. Whenever one city gives bounties to companies so they will move there, or stay there, that is protectionism.

yep, and thats all the rage among local sell-out politicians....that has the same kind of track record as "free trade"...both deal making by sell-outs that harms us in the long run.
The US was a mercantilist country from 1789 until 1947 (and to a lesser extent, until 1994). That's just a fact.
Advantages of being a winner of WWII...

the more with whom you trade the richer you get no matter if they are across the street or across the world; the fewer with whom you trade the poorer you get. If you could not trade at all you'd have to make everything yourself and so starve to death or live a subsistence life style. Hence, the more with whom you trade the richer you get no matter if they are across the street or across the world.

Moreover, its exactly as Richard Nixon once said, "our goods have to be world class if we want to be a world class country". Imagine how backward our industry would be if it did not have to compete in the globalized market place? Our cars would be like soviet car were, i.e., you had to use a dip stick to check how much gasoline you had and back them up hill because carburetors were gravity fed. This is what the liberals, in effect, propose because they lack the ability to understand free trade.

sounds like a lot of empty dogma to me

I remember college lab courses.....there was the way theory said things would go......and the way things actually worked out..........the theory was never 100% confirmed....and trade deals deal in politics, which throws many curves into theory..............

history has proven you wrong.....learn
The only reason for the economic profits enjoyed by the US is that we had an advantage, a huge advantage.....In manufacturing.....And it doesn't last forever...sorry....We need another world war where we are not attacked and provide the production for that war...It worked twice....
100% stupid!!! amendment says Feds cant establish a religion or prevent you from practicing your religion, not that you should not have religious values. Before Christ people went to the Coliseum for entertainment. The 10 Commandments were not big with Caesar. You are like a child on all conceptual subjects.
Same difference Ed, I have a religion ... it just says God is taking as 20 Trillion year nap.
Now as far as christian values ... conservatives, with christian values ? Give me a fracking break.
yep, and thats all the rage among local sell-out politicians....that has the same kind of track record as "free trade"...both deal making by sell-outs that harms us in the long run.

dear, as a tpical liberal you may not be intelligent enough to be here. If you oppose free trade you have to say why. Do you understand?

history has proven you wrong.....learn

the goof liberal clean forgot to present an example of where history proved free trade wrong?? I wonder why??

See kevin phillips 'arrogant capital'.... ..I believe he outlines how Britains elites once droned on about the benefits of free trade....and damn near traded themselves into obscurity.

NAFTa has not panned out as promised...and the recent korea deal hasnt either.

These deals are just like politicians building stadiums for pro-sports.....they get the "consultants" to say what they want...justifying any boondogle stadium....

The trade deals are just a higher level of thievery.
it has been the reason for many job loses in manufacturing without corresponding new jobs created....
simple enough for you ?

dear, if trade caused job loss we would ban trade and everyone could make everything they needed by themselves. Is that what you want??

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