We keep hearing how Guns are bad, so the Republicans have come up with a solution that might make this country safer. Disarm the government.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
“Deep state bureaucrats continue to push their executive authority into every corner of America, treading heavily upon your rights and devouring your wealth,” Higgins said in a June 30 press release. “This bill is a key step in pushing back against the oppressive tactics being used to enforce regulatory policies.”

Republican Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa introduced her own bill on June 30 which would expressly bar the IRS from buying weapons or equipping its agents with firearms, titled the Why Does the IRS Need Guns Act.
Why should Tax Payers have to fork over billions of dollars, just so the jack booted thugs can then come up and harass the tax payer? I think this is brilliant, because the only people in government that should have to carry a gun, is the military, because they are to protect this country and its citizens. No publicly funded security for Congress or Senate, and the Secret Service should only get guidance counselors for anyone trying to hurt the president instead of shooting the person.

Come on Democrats, you want to make this country safer by removing guns, start calling your congressrats and demanding that they comply and sign the bill....
In a nation of the people, for the people, and by the people; never should "the People" ever be outgunned by those who humbly serve them...

Better start taking away the tanks and F-35s from the military then.
MSN Why should Tax Payers have to fork over billions of dollars, just so the jack booted thugs can then come up and harass the tax payer? I think this is brilliant, because the only people in government that should have to carry a gun, is the military, because they are to protect this country and its citizens. No publicly funded security for Congress or Senate, and the Secret Service should only get guidance counselors for anyone trying to hurt the president instead of shooting the person.

Come on Democrats, you want to make this country safer by removing guns, start calling your congressrats and demanding that they comply and sign the bill....
If these swamp critters didn't have tax payer funded security, I bet they would start trying to serve the citizens of this country instead of thumbing their nose at them.
MSN Why should Tax Payers have to fork over billions of dollars, just so the jack booted thugs can then come up and harass the tax payer? I think this is brilliant, because the only people in government that should have to carry a gun, is the military, because they are to protect this country and its citizens. No publicly funded security for Congress or Senate, and the Secret Service should only get guidance counselors for anyone trying to hurt the president instead of shooting the person.

Come on Democrats, you want to make this country safer by removing guns, start calling your congressrats and demanding that they comply and sign the bill....

Want to make guns not bad?

Then treat like criminals and nutballs like what they are and seperate them from society.

If you get rid of all the guns right now all that's left behind is the people who want to hurt others. If you get rid of the people who want to hurt others then you don't need gun control.

I want America to be free of criminals and nutballs, not a country of no guns. Getting rid of guns doesn't get rid of the source of the problem.
Better start taking away the tanks and F-35s from the military then.
Right, because a heavily armed, organized military with nearly endless logistical means could never be defeated by a rag-tag group of pissed-off patriots, right? The thing you Nazi-wannabees always forget is that when your fantasy of seeing alphabet thugs stomping their boots in our faces finally comes true, it activates tens of millions of us against them, practically overnight. Just because you lot are too chicken shit to imagine fighting back doesn't mean one hell of a lot of others won't.
The original ad for the jobs stated that you had to be willing to use a gun and use lethal force.....so that would mean all of them....
That's exactly how all the Generals and Admirals lost their jobs when they were faced with Okenyans ultimatum of agreeing to use of lethal force on Americans or forced to retire. Two of my former commanders got the boot. Gen Edward C, Meyers, Chairman of JCS and Gen Eric Shinseki, Army Chief Of Staff.

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