If still waving the flag and considering enlisting, read first


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
US military struggling to stop suicide epidemic among war veterans US news The Guardian

"Soldiers' psychological damage

For William Nash, a retired Navy psychiatrist who directed the marine corps' combat stress control programme, William Busbee's expressions of torment are all too familiar. He has worked with hundreds of service members who have been grappling with suicidal thoughts, not least when he was posted to Fallujah in Iraq during the height of the fighting in 2004.

He and colleagues in military psychiatry have developed the concept of "moral injury" to help understand the current wave of self-harm. He defines that as "damage to your deeply held beliefs about right and wrong. It might be caused by something that you do or fail to do, or by something that is done to you – but either way it breaks that sense of moral certainty.""

A must-read link

So many people are indoctrinated into a morally black and white Weltanschauung where everything is perceived as good or evil, no in between. No grey. No color. If only they knew what doors and possibilities could be opened for them by instead embracing a path of moral balance.


So many people are indoctrinated into a morally black and white Weltanschauung where everything is perceived as good or evil, no in between. No grey. No color. If only they knew what doors and possibilities could be opened for them by instead embracing a path of moral balance.

Think it's more like we're all raised and told by parents not to hit brothers/sisters/classmates. Now suddenly you're being told to hit them, hurt them, kill them and that that's "good." That creates a moral conflict. What you'd always thought about hurting and killing people as with 'killing an annoying neighbor for dumping his leaves over the fence into your yard' is both immoral and illegal. Now you're killing people in their own country, when you're the invader, but that somehow that's proper and good. This clashes with what people knew and believed up to that point. And naturally it results in massive guilt, some of which results in suicide, most of it resulting in severe psychological problems.
"possibilities could be opened for them by instead embracing a path of moral balance"

as opposed to publicly embracing your naked breasts for gratuitous shock value? :rolleyes-41:
told by parents not to hit brothers/sisters/classmates. Now suddenly you're being told to hit them, hurt them, kill them and that that's "good." That creates a moral conflict.

^ :cuckoo:
told by parents not to hit brothers/sisters/classmates. Now suddenly you're being told to hit them, hurt them, kill them and that that's "good." That creates a moral conflict.

^ :cuckoo:

Which marine was given orders to harm their family members?
Delta never fails to deliver ill found toddler theories rife with stupidity and usually full of creep.

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