If Rightwingers are so convinced that Democratic policies are harmful to America...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.
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...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Ive been saying for years the Republicans are useless, but Hillary and the Democrats are beyond useless
Get rid of the parasitic central bank known as the Federal Reserve, audit it and then audit the CAFRS of all their corporate holdings which includes every city, town , state and county and you would find enough wealth to fund this "gubermint" for decades without taxing the masses a single dime...I guaran-fucking-tee you on that......
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Billy SEZ?????? "We need MORE gubermint!!!!!!..MORE Taxes!!! MORE Fees!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!!! Because the peoples can never get enough gubermint!!!!!"
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Ive been saying for years the Republicans are useless, but Hillary and the Democrats are beyond useless

I more see it as politicians now days are useless, except when it comes to filling their own pockets. That is why as a conservative, I always clarify I am not a Republican.
But, I sure am glad Trump is in and not Hillary. I am anxious to see how and what he does. Just have to be careful because the media is going to spin spin spin every move he makes.
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Billy SEZ?????? "We need MORE gubermint!!!!!!..MORE Taxes!!! MORE Fees!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!!! Because the peoples can never get enough gubermint!!!!!"View attachment 107419
That shit gets so tiring. Like okay dude, we get it: you love guns and you delude yourself into thinking they are what the American Rev was all about. Some stupid, emotional meme about the "tyranny of government" just doesn't cut it anymore. Think critically. Stop with this emotional founding fathers crap of yesteryear. No one cares about your gun collection.
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Billy SEZ?????? "We need MORE gubermint!!!!!!..MORE Taxes!!! MORE Fees!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!!! Because the peoples can never get enough gubermint!!!!!"View attachment 107419
That shit gets so tiring. Like okay dude, we get it: you love guns and you delude yourself into thinking they are what the American Rev was all about. Some stupid, emotional meme about the "tyranny of government" just doesn't cut it anymore. Think critically. Stop with this emotional founding fathers crap of yesteryear. No one cares about your gun collection.

I hate guns and I am disgusted that I even have to own one...I wish that wasn't the case but the fact remains that a tyrannical corporate "gubermint" has been calling the shots since at least 1933 and the last president that tried to stand up against the deep state was JFK....maybe I don't have a chance but I'll be on my feet instead of bowing.
We won, the left lost and lost huge. Win an election libwits then you can talk shit.
All you can say is that you won. It's not like you can justify winning it without deflecting to bitching about Hillary. You can't defend the GOP on its own merit. You know Trump is sack of garbage but you lack the emotional maturity to admit it. You won because Americans are incredibly stupid. That's nothing to feel proud of.
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Ive been saying for years the Republicans are useless, but Hillary and the Democrats are beyond useless

I more see it as politicians now days are useless, except when it comes to filling their own pockets. That is why as a conservative, I always clarify I am not a Republican.
But, I sure am glad Trump is in and not Hillary. I am anxious to see how and what he does. Just have to be careful because the media is going to spin spin spin every move he makes.


Which side refuses to accept factchecker?

You know why? Because fake news is so good, you just invent crap and let it off...

Why did Trump need to make 3 untruthful statement to one truthful one...
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.
Republicans I can't argue for. I voted Republican because I back Donald Trump not because I back Republicans. And I've stated what he's for multiple times on here.

Remove unfair competition for low wage jobs from illegals coming into this country and ruining our party.
Remove unfair competition from factories overseas by not allowing them to sell their product in this country without paying a tax that would cover an American Living Wage.
Removal of unnecessary fed regulations preventing the oil industry and other industry from prospering as much as they would prosper without them.
Personally I'm against all form of taxation and fees on rideshare. I should be free to pickup whom I want to where I want to for free or for profit without regulation from city, state, or federal interference.
regulation does nothing but add to the cost of doing things. If something was actually dangerous, like not wearing gloves in the kitchen, that kitchen would go out of business once people started complaining about food poisoning in that business. The government wouldn't need to regulate it because people wouldn't be there customers.
Remove the 30% tax on companies moving offshore money to America because it punishes them for doing what would help America. Why is it Democrats punish what helps and makes things more expensive all the damn time.
Stop sending money to green causes. If they were viable they would be able to find a billionaire like Soros to fund them.
And healthcare for everyone isn't feasible. Not without getting rid of profit motive from every medical care worker, staff, and company in the country. And even then it still might not be affordable. People don't become doctors because they care about other people. They become doctors because they want to get rich.

Close the damn border, shut off all immigration, tariff all imports that could be made here until every SINGLE AMERICAN black, white, or asian who works for a living earns a living!

I'm sick of you Democrats working against our team. Who is on our team? American citizens. Not foreigners who need to fix their own damn countries and to stop coming over here to ruin ours.

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