If money equals speech, doesn't it bother you some people have more...

Not at all.
People have more then me.
I have more then some.

It inspires me and motivates me when I see the big houses and all the things wealthy people have.
If we all have property rights, does it bother you that some people have more property than others?

Sure, if you are a communist.

Money provides access to the microphone. The more money you have, the more time at the mic you get.

If you feel really bad about that, send your paltry pennies to Greenpeace or the NRA or the ACLU or the Heritage Foundation where your voice will be amplified a million times.

God bless America!

So it makes no never mind to you that the first amendment makes no mention of currency?
Billy, all these smart guys here who "don't care" are on some type of government welfare or hand outs, whether it's military benefits, or food stamps all the same - once their benefits will be cut, they will all VERY QUICKLY begin to care.

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