If it's been uploaded, should we be allowed to see the shooting footage?

Should media or internet host or show terrorist attacks?

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Those people, the victims, have been thru enough already.

No need to make a circus out of their pain.
Who is going to 'disallow' citizens from viewing the shootings, the government – on what First Amendment grounds; the better question is: should the footage be shown, should a private sector entity such as YouTube make the decision to not display such footage.

Personally, I'm tired of the "if it bleeds, it leads" attitude or all of the news organizations.

No need for it to be shown.

If people want to see blood, watch a movie.
It should be required viewing for all liberals.
We already know what it looks like, dumbass, it's why we want the fucking guns.

But...if you GET THE guns....then you are the only one WITH guns. Hmmm.

Nope....can't have em. Go ahead and try.
When I get the guns they all go in a hole in the ground. It's a figure of speech.

Wasting your time. You're never getting them. Deal with it. Those of you who want to take the guns....will never be able to get them because those of us who like the guns will always win when you try. Our side has the guns, afterall.

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