If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
Both Romney and Cain were DRAFT DODGERS.

Both Romney and Cain were DRAFT DODGERS.

Since I know that is a false statement about Romney, I will assume it is also false about Cain until someone provides proof.

No, neither are false statements. Mormon church kept Romney out of the draft. Check it out... I gave you links...

Romney had initially gotten a student deferment, then like most other Mormon missionaries had received a ministerial deferment while in France, then got another student deferment.[20][27] When those ran out, his high number in the December 1969 draft lottery (300) meant he would not be selected.[9][20][27][28]

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realize that you just proved your statement wrong, correct?
Cain hid behind the Navy as a civilian.

Thank you for pointing out that you know the Navy employed Cain during the Vietnam war.

Therefore you know that he was not a draft dodger during this period. The Navy would not have employed him if he were.

So, you are not ignorant exactly. Perhaps it is a problem with how you process information.
Both Romney and Cain were DRAFT DODGERS.

No, neither are false statements. Mormon church kept Romney out of the draft. Check it out... I gave you links...

Romney had initially gotten a student deferment, then like most other Mormon missionaries had received a ministerial deferment while in France, then got another student deferment.[20][27] When those ran out, his high number in the December 1969 draft lottery (300) meant he would not be selected.[9][20][27][28]

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You do realize that you just proved your statement wrong, correct?

You're funny. Can't you read?
During the Vietnam War the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints became embroiled in controversy for deferring large numbers of its young members.[citation needed] The LDS church eventually agreed to cap the number of missionary deferments it sought for members in any one state; however, this generally did not stop LDS missionaries who lived outside Utah[citation needed] (such as 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney) from receiving deferments with relative ease.[2][3]

Draft evasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
draft dodger - a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.

Draft dodger | Define Draft dodger at Dictionary.com

Just what does this prove? Did he run off to Canada to evade the draft? Did he break any laws? When he was 1-A did they attempt to draft him?

So, can we now agree that Bill Clinton was not a draft dodger...?

Please show me where I claimed Clinton was a draft dodger. :confused:
During the Vietnam War the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints became embroiled in controversy for deferring large numbers of its young members.[citation needed] The LDS church eventually agreed to cap the number of missionary deferments it sought for members in any one state; however, this generally did not stop LDS missionaries who lived outside Utah[citation needed] (such as 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney) from receiving deferments with relative ease.[2][3]

Draft evasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most draft dodgers ended up in Canada. They stayed there until Carter pardoned them in 1977. Most came home, but some stayed. Keep spinning :lol:
During the Vietnam War the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints became embroiled in controversy for deferring large numbers of its young members.[citation needed] The LDS church eventually agreed to cap the number of missionary deferments it sought for members in any one state; however, this generally did not stop LDS missionaries who lived outside Utah[citation needed] (such as 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney) from receiving deferments with relative ease.[2][3]

Draft evasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously..it's a non-issue.
First. Romney's mormonism is not a factor. He is not going to govern as a mormon.

I'm guessing Romney's mormonism would only be "offensive" to some evangelicals (because of how seriously they take Christianity, and how offended they might be with the LDS conception of Christ).

The GOP is not worried about its evangelicals because they have built a very powerful message system. Remember: the GOP bussed medicare recipients to Town Hall meetings to complain about government controlled health care. They were also able to morph Bin Laden into Hussein without the slightest worry that their base knew the region well enough to question their narrative. They turned Bob Dole's family counseling health care provision into a "death panel" with zero fear that the base would notice. It doesn't matter that Mitt Romney created ObamaCare before Obama because the GOP can control how its base sees this. The GOP can run whoever it wants, and like Bush, that person can spend twice as much as his Democratic predecessor without the worry of one Tea Party rally. Their base knows nothing of the largest Amnesty Bill ever passed (by Reagan, who flooded California and the Southwest with job-stealing labor). The GOP base knows nothing of Iran-Contra and the selling of weapons to the world's leading terrorist nation. They know nothing of our relationship with the Shaw or mujihadeen. The GOP voter lives in a bubble constructed by a 30 year investment in think tanks and media. As a result, the talk radio voter is utterly dependent upon the GOP for information and analysis. (It's ironic that these anti-government voters get all their information from a political party)

My point: If GOP media chooses not to focus on Mitt's religion, than his religion literally won't exist. Fortunately, in this case, I'm glad it won't exist.
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That's about right.
First. Romney's mormonism is not a factor. He is not going to govern as a mormon.

I'm guessing Romney's mormonism would only be "offensive" to some evangelicals (because of how seriously they take Christianity, and how offended they might be with the LDS conception of Christ).

The GOP is not worried about its evangelicals because they have built a very powerful message system. Remember: the GOP bussed medicare recipients to Town Hall meetings to complain about government controlled health care. They were also able to morph Bin Laden into Hussein without the slightest worry that their base knew the region well enough to question their narrative. They turned Bod Dole's family counseling health care provision into a "death panel" with zero fear that the base would notice. Mitt Romney created ObamaCare before Obama. The GOP can run whoever it wants, and like Bush, that person can spend twice as much as his Democratic predecessor without the worry of one Tea Party rally. Their base knows nothing of the largest Amnesty Bill ever passed (by Reagan, which flooded California and the Southwest with job-stealing labor). The GOP base knows nothing of Iran-Contra and the selling of weapons to the world's leading terrorist nation. They know nothing of our relationship with the Shaw or mujihadeen. The GOP voter lives in a bubble constructed by a 30 year investment in think tanks and media. As a result, the talk radio voter is utterly dependent upon the GOP for information and analysis. (It's ironic that these anti-government voters get all their information from a political party)

My point: If GOP media chooses not to focus on Mitt's religion, than his religion literally won't exist. Fortunately, in this case, I'm glad it won't exist.

Willard Mitt Romney's religion has nothing to do with why he would be a lousy president. Neither does his "draft" status.

Like so many other "business" types..he absolutely loathes labor. His company was involved in raiding corporations, firing everyone, then hiring the younger workers back at lower wages and no benefits. He had a lousy record of "creating" jobs in Massachuttes, because, quite honesty..he didn't give a fuck. His only real success was "RomneyCare" and that was quite by accident. It was a huge give away to HMOs..but Democrats actually got it to work after Romney left office. Before he left..it was a mess.

He would really be a second coming of Bush. Only a little smarter. But not by much.

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