If I walked with a gun or knife and mask in a store/church or synagogue and opened fire how would you describe my race?

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
by order of the peaky fookin blinders
Would you describe me as islamic?

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White ... can't say religion, except not Amish ...
I was just curious because in vienna there was a terror attack and they had surveillance pictures and people instantly knew it is a islamic guy who opened fire based on the picture

Ah ... I assumed you meant here in the United States, where all ethnicities are common ... in Austria, a darkie sticks out like a sore thumb, them people are real good picking out and hating on the non-Aryans ...
I mean what If I walked into a synagogue and opened fire or somewhere on the streets or in a gay pub, people knew based on the pictures that the guy in vienna was islamic
Now you sound like you're trying to
get the FBI involved....you may want to emphasize the fact that you're joking here.;)

Im not planning to do it, nor do I have any terror plans or even firearms. It is clear that Im just asking for the pictures. I never said I want to do that.
White ... can't say religion, except not Amish ...
I was just curious because in vienna there was a terror attack and they had surveillance pictures and people instantly knew it is a islamic guy who opened fire based on the picture

Ah ... I assumed you meant here in the United States, where all ethnicities are common ... in Austria, a darkie sticks out like a sore thumb, them people are real good picking out and hating on the non-Aryans ...

I didnt had any specific country in mind, could be in USA or in any other country. When the news first came out "shooting at synagogue" they said it is either a white supremacist or a islamic terrorist. And when they saw the surveillance pictures, they knew it is a islamic guy.
Im not planning to do it, nor do I have any terror plans or even firearms. It is clear that Im just asking for the pictures. I never said I want to do that.
All I'm saying is you've already 'drawn attention' to yourself
with several 'trigger words' ....just in the title alone.
This can give NSA , Mossad or whoever the 'green light' to shake you down . ( they can look at all your emails, text messages, phone calls, web searches - every digital communication you've made, and your associates.)

They're bored - always looking for something to do. The world changed after 9/11.....get used to it.
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Im not planning to do it, nor do I have any terror plans or even firearms. It is clear that Im just asking for the pictures. I never said I want to do that.
All I'm saying is you've already 'drawn attention' to yourself
with several 'trigger words' ....just in the title alone.
This can give NSA, Mossad or whoever the 'green light' to shake you down . ( they can look at all your emails, text messages, phone calls, web searches - every digital communication you've made, and your associates.)

They're bored - always looking for something to do. The world changed after 9/11.....get used to it.

So what they cannot find anything because Im harmless and innocent. I never had conversation where I planned to carry out a attack)
So what they cannot find anything because Im harmless and innocent. I never had conversation where I planned to carry out a attack)
We know that, but they don't.
Just don't be shocked if they question you at the airport next time you fly to Greece or wherever as a potential terrorist. They look for needles in haystacks all the time.
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