If Hillary had won


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
would the political hacks be as bad with her as they are for trump? Would Fox and Breitbart be making shit up like the LWNJ media outlets?
Either way, im glad that bitch didnt win

Of course they would.

No they wouldn't. And for sure, there wouldn't be as many of them doing it.

I'm about fed up with the media here. Just give us the god damned news.

Of course they would. Hacks only care about having their biases confirmed. They like to pretend only the coverage from the other side is unfair and slanted.
As bad as Trump is, we can all thank our lucky star that she did not win.
if Hillary had won, within 6 months, an alien craft from Uranus would of taken her back by April,,,then we would have President Hamster Face from Virginia
Russia bots are still hard at work sending out biased news and I have seen those links show up on forums.. Trump loves to blame the democrats, CNN or other outlets. Why didn't he mention Russian Bots?

Again He favors Russia over Americans.

The more you read and hear of abuses, and see the extent to which the Democrats have been pushed left, as scary as this sounds I don't think it is a stretch to consider that your Republic would have been in deep trouble had she won.
The more you read and hear of abuses, and see the extent to which the Democrats have been pushed left, as scary as this sounds I don't think it is a stretch to consider that your Republic would have been in deep trouble had she won.

Nice ass kiss of the RWnuts around here, but can you back that up with evidence?
would the political hacks be as bad with her as they are for trump? Would Fox and Breitbart be making shit up like the LWNJ media outlets?
Either way, im glad that bitch didnt win


That you even have to ask is not a good indication of your intellect.
Classic never ending drone remark.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

At least the leftist so far havent denied they are making shit up.

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