'If fraction of sea floor carbon released, "We're fucked"

Rising sea levels. Coastal flooding. Increased coastal storm damage

You mean like how the Maldives just spent hundreds of millions of dollars for FOUR new international airports to bring tourists in? Yep, they are so concerned about being underwater that they are building like mad men and idiots like you give them your money to do it. And you say we're dumb
Not where it's flooded.
Where's it flooded?

San Bernardino.

The rain was crazy yesterday.
How is that possible? CA is having a drought caused by CO2. CO2 levels haven't changed, so how could you have rain?

Really? What caused the droughts the last time CA was suffering under drought conditions? You know, like the last time the drought lasted for 200 years?
I was being sarcastic!
Not where it's flooded.
Where's it flooded?

San Bernardino.

The rain was crazy yesterday.
How is that possible? CA is having a drought caused by CO2. CO2 levels haven't changed, so how could you have rain?

Really? What caused the droughts the last time CA was suffering under drought conditions? You know, like the last time the drought lasted for 200 years?
I was being sarcastic!

I know! I was reinforcing the sarcasm!

Sent your offerings and donations to :

The Holy Mother Church Of Anthropogenic Global Warming;
3117 Urafukensheep2bsheared
Hillsborough, CA 95432

Remember; without the sacrifice of your virgin daughter, the volcano god will be angry and destroy the entire world.

Make Gaia happy by making Micheal Mann filthy rich! All life on Earth depends on your stupidity, I mean generosity....

Always wondered where all that Hillsborough money came from.. :hmm:
Used to drive up WhatabunchofSuckers Blvd to get to Hwy 280..
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