If Fascism Ever Comes to America

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Wise words from President Reagan. The anti-American battle Today is between two versions of LIBERALISM. To hell with both.

The scandal that almost destroyed Ronald Reagan
“We did not — repeat — did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Nor will we”

On Nov. 13, 1986, President Reagan declared in a national address, "We did not -- repeat -- did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages -- nor will we." His assertion ran counter to covert operations that had been ongoing for several years. Reagan was faced with an uncomfortable question, transposed from the Watergate scandal, which threatened to strike at his credibility. What did the president know and when did he know it? Having secured a landslide win against Walter Mondale in 1984, Reagan’s second term appeared to be one in which the Cold War, arms control and relations with the Soviet Union would dominate the presidential agenda. Instead, Reagan found himself in the midst of a crisis that threatened his presidency.
Fascism would solve the Libera Capitalist ills of America.

- Use authority force to shut down Abortion / Roe vs Wade. (Fascists don't care about the courts, and their BULL)

- Use authority to throw those in jail, and or force companies to shut down who ship jobs to China, Mexico, Vietnam, and India etc.

- Use authority to throw those who hire Illegals in jail, or force companies to shut down who hire Illegal immigrants.

- Use authority to pull the Welfare recipients into the farms, construction, restaurants etc to replace illegals.

- Use authority to micro-manage the media, and Hollywood with councils for a more balanced view, rather than Liberal crapola.
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Liberalization of the market = Less regulation, (Capitalism)

Liberalization of guns = Less regulation, and more acceptance of guns.

Liberalization of Illegal Immigrants = Less regulation, and more acceptance of Illegals..

Liberalization of taxes = Less regulation on taxes. (Pro-Tax Cuts)

Reagan is about as Liberal as you get.
Wise words from President Reagan. The anti-American battle Today is between two versions of LIBERALISM. To hell with both.

I LOL'd at the video.

1.) Reagan part of your Anglo elite of politics, still doesn't understand Politics, or Political orientation.

2.) Reagan granted millions of Mexicans Amnesty, but that's "Okay" because he "Cut taxes"

Anglos are retards, I'm so sorry you are.

You Anglos called Irish Negro Monkeys, and only considered only Anglos as White (Which is also retarded, how can Germanic tribes, and Celtic tribes both be non-White, if that's what English people are?

But, it's definitely you Anglos who are the Negroes with White skin.

You don't understand a damn thing in this World for the most part.
2.) Reagan granted millions of Mexicans Amnesty, but that's "Okay" because he "Cut taxes"
Once again displaying your total ignorance of American politics and Conservatism.

You worship Godvernment, you just want it to do YOUR bidding. Your Commie buddies have another mission when they control the reigns of power
2.) Reagan granted millions of Mexicans Amnesty, but that's "Okay" because he "Cut taxes"
Once again displaying your total ignorance of American politics and Conservatism.

You worship Godvernment, you just want it to do YOUR bidding. Your Commie buddies have another mission when they control the reigns of power

You're proving Americans / Anglosphere have no real Right wing, they are basically tax cutting Capitalist Liberals.

Not only that the Anglosphere including Anglos down South don't know anything about politics, you don't know political orientation, nor do you know that Capitalism is actually market Liberalism.
2.) Reagan granted millions of Mexicans Amnesty, but that's "Okay" because he "Cut taxes"
Once again displaying your total ignorance of American politics and Conservatism.

You worship Godvernment, you just want it to do YOUR bidding. Your Commie buddies have another mission when they control the reigns of power

Botney Farnsworth or something similar on here, admits to being a German American Libertarian, and he knows he's actually by definition a true Liberal on the whole.

So, I'm not even so sure it's anything but stupid Anglos creating some sort of idiocy of some kind of Market Liberalism as Right Wing, while somehow Socially Conservative Fascists are somehow Left Wing.
The funny thing is you call yourself Fascist.

Reagan gave the only definition of Fascist.

Total government control ove "private industry."

That is the polar opposite of Conservatism.

It is the antithesis of the intention of the Founding Father's, whom you also have shared your total contempt for.

You are the nanny government worshipper we can do without.
The funny thing is you call yourself Fascist.

Reagan gave the only definition of Fascist.

Total government control ove "private industry."

That is the polar opposite of Conservatism.

It is the antithesis of the intention of the Founders ding Father's, whom you also have shared your total contempt for.

You are the nanny government worshipper we can do without.

Reagan's basically the epitome of WASP Republican retardation in America.

Cut taxes (Taxation Liberalism) grant amnesty (Illegal immigration Liberalism) and somehow you're a Right-Winger, or Conservative.

No, you Anglo WASP's, and Anglo HORNET's clearly don't know a damn thing about politics, nor political orientation.

1.) Fascists were extremely Nationalistic, Ethno-Centric, Hierarchy orientation, Authoritarian, Traditional values, anti-Abortion for Germans, anti-Immigration for Germans.

That's everything Right-Wing Republicans are not.

So, no you Anglo WASPS, and Anglo HORNETS don't grasp political orientation.

2.) You don't understand that Capitalism is not only Liberalism of the Market, (Liberal) but that it's actually an agenda which sells out to Liberal agendas, and anti-Right wing rhetoric, like we see in Illegals being hired in mass by Capitalists for cheap labor, or by Silicon Valley Capitalists wanting Indian, and Chinese labor for cheap labor, or Home Depot having Spanish signs, Goya's Spanish products, Cinco De Mayo sells profits to Capitalists and props up a fifth column here, and Hospital Capitalists love Abortion.

So, no you don't grasp politics, nor political orientation, nor how the World works.

Nothing just Anglo mush heads.
The funny thing is you call yourself Fascist.

Reagan gave the only definition of Fascist.

Total government control ove "private industry."

That is the polar opposite of Conservatism.

It is the antithesis of the intention of the Founding Father's, whom you also have shared your total contempt for.

You are the nanny government worshipper we can do without.

We Fascists want regulation over private industry, to stop them from hiring Illegal, and legal immigrants over Americans, as well as shipping jobs to China, Mexico, Vietnam etc.

That's for right wing / patriotism agenda, and goals.

BTW. it's actually patriotism to take care of your own ill.

We are true Patriots, Nationalists, Right Wingers, you aren't.
Why are you here if you worship a fascistic Catholic State?

This is an English Protestant, capitalistic nation. Feel free to go back to your Eastern Europe paradise
Why are you here if you worship a fascistic Catholic State?

This is an English Protestant, capitalistic nation. Feel free to go back to your Eastern Europe paradise

Catholics were here as the French, and Spanish empires before you created the U.S.A.

If you think a Jewish minority deserved the right to create a Jewish Israeli state over a Palestinian majority, just because Jews were there long ago.

Surely a Catholic minority deserves the right to create a Catholic state over a American majority, just because Catholics were there long ago.
Why are you here if you worship a fascistic Catholic State?

This is an English Protestant, capitalistic nation. Feel free to go back to your Eastern Europe paradise

The irony here is my ideals would save White English Protestant America, your ideals just shoot yourselves in the foot over, and over again because you don't understand politics.
Catholics were here as the French, and Spanish empires before you created the U.S.A.
We were founded on French and Spanish law? That's news to me!

They/you are irrelevant to our founding.

There's about as many Baptized Catholics in America today (Percentage wise) as there were Circumcised Jews in Palestine in the 1940's.

Tell me why you think Jews had a right to create Israel, but Catholics should just shut up, and let idiotic bonkers Anglo Zionists from the Southern states to f*ck up the World.
There's about as many Baptized Catholics in America today (Percentage wise) as there were Circumcised Jews in Palestine in the 1940's.

Tell me why you think Jews had a right to create Israel, but Catholics should just shut up, and let idiotic bonkers Anglo Zionists from the Southern states to f*ck up the World.
Reagan, identifying you fascists as liberals really has you worked up

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