If everyone would became homosexual humanity would extinct. Does God really want it?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.
Actually homosexuality is not uncommon in the animal kingdom but that is not really the point now is it.

Did God create homosexuals or are they 'sinners' who choose to be gay? If the later, the question is who in their right mind would choose to be gay in our society? There have been gays in every society in every era. Some societies treated them even worse than we do. Much worse.

If I may ask, when did you choose to be a heterosexual?
If everybody became female humanity would go extinct. Does God want females?
the religious community has told us that God created everything & that God & his plan are perfect.

the scientific community has documented same sex activities within many species of mammals.

If the TWO above statements are true then I assume God made animals that are going to do 'the wild monkey dance' with the same sex from time to time.

Let's also assume that God is OK with this same sex activity, just as long as it is NOT humans that partake.

So, who is buying that?

Oh, and one more thing. Why are the heteros the only ones making gay kids? :26:
This demon called Homosexuality must be outlawed by the society. It is a scourge that serves no purpose. Two men exchanging semen with no proceative purpose is sinful and immoral. In many countries it is a crime.
This demon called Homosexuality must be outlawed by the society. It is a scourge that serves no purpose. Two men exchanging semen with no proceative purpose is sinful and immoral. In many countries it is a crime.

Is that something from The Bible? It sure sounds like it was inspired by that book.

Here is something from The Bible.
Numbers 31:15-18
15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

That is Moses directing his army to rape, murder, and pillage. That is some book, I tell ya.
Since Moses directed his army to save the virgins to screw I guess they weren't into the same sex thing.
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.
This demon called Homosexuality must be outlawed by the society. It is a scourge that serves no purpose. Two men exchanging semen with no proceative purpose is sinful and immoral. In many countries it is a crime.

Sorry junior, but that won't happen. The hatred you spew has no purpose either.

And if you are going to whine about men exchanging semen having no procreative purpose, you might want to start figuring out how to outlaw masturbation. Then the entire society can be outlawed.
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?
If everyone would became homosexual humanity would extinct. Does God really want it?

Why? Are you feeling like a homosexual lately? Is everyone you know feeling the same way? Or is this just a ridiculous straw man to allow you to hate on gay folks?
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?

Answer #1) Ignorance

Answer #2) Religious laws

Answer #3) Societies needed more people, more laborers, and to grow. That no longer applies.
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?

Answer #1) Ignorance

Answer #2) Religious laws

Answer #3) Societies needed more people, more laborers, and to grow. That no longer applies.

Answer #4) There were neither insane lefts nor NWO with their unholy plans to eradicate mankind
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?

Answer #1) Ignorance

Answer #2) Religious laws

Answer #3) Societies needed more people, more laborers, and to grow. That no longer applies.

Answer #4) There were neither insane lefts nor NWO with their unholy plans to eradicate mankind

So you think 5% to 10% of the population not reproducing will eradicate mankind?

You failed math, didn't you?
Who of you heard about homosexual hens, horses, dogs or dinosaurian? It is difficult to believe you know one case. God created man and animals according to their kind, the main purpose of them is to continue their art and to bear offspring. Just imagine what would happen if most of animals or humans became homosexuals....
Is it the purpose of God? No.

The 'fruits' of straight relationship.


The 'fruits' of homosexual relationship can be flashed down here:


You shall agree it was not purpose of God to create homosexual mammals because they can not have children, except of course having them by 'help' of CPS which steals children from straight couples and give homosexuals for adoption.

First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?

Answer #1) Ignorance

Answer #2) Religious laws

Answer #3) Societies needed more people, more laborers, and to grow. That no longer applies.

Answer #4) There were neither insane lefts nor NWO with their unholy plans to eradicate mankind

So you think 5% to 10% of the population not reproducing will eradicate mankind?

You failed math, didn't you?

The Holy Bible speaks clearly against Homosexuality
It is the Law of God
First of all, you will have to prove homosexuality is a choice. Otherwise, they are, as my sister swears, made that way.

Second of all, the highest numbers I have seen for homosexuality is 10% of the population. So 90% is still multiplying. Actually, more than that. Gay men and lesbians are having children too. They just need help from the medical community.

Third of all, there are common examples of same sex relationships, including sex, in a number of species of animals. So it is not just humans.

Lastly, are you really worried about the entire population becoming homosexual? Is there a shortage of people that I have not heard of?

Ridiculous thread topic.


Why humanity in all cultures rejected Homosexuality longer as 6,000 years?

Answer #1) Ignorance

Answer #2) Religious laws

Answer #3) Societies needed more people, more laborers, and to grow. That no longer applies.

Answer #4) There were neither insane lefts nor NWO with their unholy plans to eradicate mankind

So you think 5% to 10% of the population not reproducing will eradicate mankind?

You failed math, didn't you?

The Holy Bible speaks clearly against Homosexuality
It is the Law of God

There are a lot of laws in the Bible.

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