How God saves its people. The unvaccinated Amish rarely get cancer, autism or heart disease


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...

A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Amish are not the ideal Christians everyone makes them out to be. Look, no Christians are perfect, so I'm not saying they're the worst. But everyone thinks they're ideal and they're not.

See the men in those photos with the identical bowl haircuts and strange beards with no mustaches, for example? All of that is extra-Biblical. The Amish are VERY legalistic for no reason whatsoever. Each particular local leader can and does make all kinds of minute laws, often very nit-picky, which the congregation has to follow or else risk shunning. And when you are shunned, you are shunned. I don't call that very Christian.

So say what you like about their clean eating and vaccines, just don't call them paragons of Christian living, because they're really not. They do not live "simply". They live under the onus of a burden of laws, rules and regulations no where found in the Bible.
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Amish are not the ideal Christians everyone makes them out to be. Look, no Christians are perfect, so I'm not saying they're the worst. But everyone thinks they're ideal and they're not.

See the men in those photos with the identical bowl haircuts and strange beards with no mustaches, for example? All of that is extra-Biblical. The Amish are VERY legalistic for no reason whatsoever. Each particular local leader can and does make all kinds of minute laws, often very nit-picky, which the congregation has to follow or else risk shunning. And when you are shunned, you are shunned. I don't call that very Christian.

So say what you like about their clean eating and vaccines, just don't call them paragons of Christian living, because they're really not. They do not live "simply". They live under the onus of a burden of laws, rules and regulations no where found in the Bible.

But their society will survive thousands years, our modern one perishes within two - three decades and get replaced either by Caliphate or by Leftist Orwell like dictatorship
Modern 'churches' can not save Christianity, they are too coward, too politically correct, too corrupt and too left.
Only fundamentalist non-mainstream churches and their members are more likely to preserve their Christian origin.
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Amish are not the ideal Christians everyone makes them out to be. Look, no Christians are perfect, so I'm not saying they're the worst. But everyone thinks they're ideal and they're not.

See the men in those photos with the identical bowl haircuts and strange beards with no mustaches, for example? All of that is extra-Biblical. The Amish are VERY legalistic for no reason whatsoever. Each particular local leader can and does make all kinds of minute laws, often very nit-picky, which the congregation has to follow or else risk shunning. And when you are shunned, you are shunned. I don't call that very Christian.

So say what you like about their clean eating and vaccines, just don't call them paragons of Christian living, because they're really not. They do not live "simply". They live under the onus of a burden of laws, rules and regulations no where found in the Bible.

But their society will survive thousands years, our modern one perishes within two - three decades and get replaced either by Caliphate or by Leftist Orwell like dictatorship

That may be, but their lifestyle is not based on "Holy Bible teaching", as you said. SOME of it is, surely, such as no sex before marriage and etc. And that is good. But no electricity, no zippers (!), dolls without faces (!), and strange matching bowl haircuts--that's straight legalism. They are making laws to, well, make themselves godly. And that is not the best expression of Christianity, really.
You're really going to look at those haircuts, and tell me they aren't autistic?
sure--the Amish don't sin ---ahhahahahhahahahhahhaha
they are inhuman --hahahhahahahahahh
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Amish are not the ideal Christians everyone makes them out to be. Look, no Christians are perfect, so I'm not saying they're the worst. But everyone thinks they're ideal and they're not.

See the men in those photos with the identical bowl haircuts and strange beards with no mustaches, for example? All of that is extra-Biblical. The Amish are VERY legalistic for no reason whatsoever. Each particular local leader can and does make all kinds of minute laws, often very nit-picky, which the congregation has to follow or else risk shunning. And when you are shunned, you are shunned. I don't call that very Christian.

So say what you like about their clean eating and vaccines, just don't call them paragons of Christian living, because they're really not. They do not live "simply". They live under the onus of a burden of laws, rules and regulations no where found in the Bible.

But their society will survive thousands years, our modern one perishes within two - three decades and get replaced either by Caliphate or by Leftist Orwell like dictatorship

That may be, but their lifestyle is not based on "Holy Bible teaching", as you said. SOME of it is, surely, such as no sex before marriage and etc. And that is good. But no electricity, no zippers (!), dolls without faces (!), and strange matching bowl haircuts--that's straight legalism. They are making laws to, well, make themselves godly. And that is not the best expression of Christianity, really.

Does Jesus had all aforementioned conveniences? How many modern fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie 'Christians' let themselves be crucified like first Christians it did?
The way of Jesus is not easy, it is hard.You do not need electricity to be saved. Just remeber Jesus's time.

Only Jesus and Holy Bible can allow you enter Paradise, not corrupted 'priests' and their politically correct leftist doctrines

A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
Does this mean the European Jews of the 1930s must have been "drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other fruits of 'democracy' and 'progress'". Must be, because when they got in trouble for simply being, I'm betting all of them called on God earnestly, and it didn't help much. Not to mention all those kids in St. Jude and Shriner's Hospitals. And I'll even bet that the members of caravans fleeing terror in the 'old country' send a desperate plea to God too. And you are his reply. Ugh!
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
Does this mean the European Jews of the 1930s must have been "drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other fruits of 'democracy' and 'progress'". Must be, because when they got in trouble for simply being, I'm betting all of them called on God earnestly, and it didn't help much. Not to mention all those kids in St. Jude and Shriner's Hospitals. And I'll even bet that the members of caravans fleeing terror in the 'old country' send a desperate plea to God too. And you are his reply. Ugh!

We are talking not about Jews, but about Christians.
You can start another thread and discuss about them
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
Does this mean the European Jews of the 1930s must have been "drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other fruits of 'democracy' and 'progress'". Must be, because when they got in trouble for simply being, I'm betting all of them called on God earnestly, and it didn't help much. Not to mention all those kids in St. Jude and Shriner's Hospitals. And I'll even bet that the members of caravans fleeing terror in the 'old country' send a desperate plea to God too. And you are his reply. Ugh!

We are talking not about Jews, but about Christians.
You can start another thread and discuss about them
No, we are talking about adherence to the Holy Bible. You left out the first part. I ask you the same question Paul asked the Romans..."If the root dies, can the branch survive?" What do you suppose the Gospel is based upon?
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


In other news, it looks like they do get bowl cuts.
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Study: Low vaccination rate in Amish children linked to hospitalization

and then you have this

Do The Amish Vaccinate? Indeed They Do, AND Their Autism Rates May be Lower

and this

Amish Myths about Vaccines
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Amish are not the ideal Christians everyone makes them out to be. Look, no Christians are perfect, so I'm not saying they're the worst. But everyone thinks they're ideal and they're not.

See the men in those photos with the identical bowl haircuts and strange beards with no mustaches, for example? All of that is extra-Biblical. The Amish are VERY legalistic for no reason whatsoever. Each particular local leader can and does make all kinds of minute laws, often very nit-picky, which the congregation has to follow or else risk shunning. And when you are shunned, you are shunned. I don't call that very Christian.

So say what you like about their clean eating and vaccines, just don't call them paragons of Christian living, because they're really not. They do not live "simply". They live under the onus of a burden of laws, rules and regulations no where found in the Bible.

But their society will survive thousands years, our modern one perishes within two - three decades and get replaced either by Caliphate or by Leftist Orwell like dictatorship

That may be, but their lifestyle is not based on "Holy Bible teaching", as you said. SOME of it is, surely, such as no sex before marriage and etc. And that is good. But no electricity, no zippers (!), dolls without faces (!), and strange matching bowl haircuts--that's straight legalism. They are making laws to, well, make themselves godly. And that is not the best expression of Christianity, really.

Does Jesus had all aforementioned conveniences? How many modern fluffy-bunny-hippie-dippie 'Christians' let themselves be crucified like first Christians it did?
The way of Jesus is not easy, it is hard.You do not need electricity to be saved. Just remeber Jesus's time.

Only Jesus and Holy Bible can allow you enter Paradise, not corrupted 'priests' and their politically correct leftist doctrines

Jesus did not forgo modern "conveniences" when they were presented to Him. He allowed Himself to be anointed with expensive nard, he turned cheap wine into fine wine. He was no John the Baptist.

Jesus is Jesus, there is none other, and we are not to put rules above Him. Yet the Amish, they do so love their rules which are extra-Biblical. That's just the way it is.
A life in accordance to the Holy Bible can be not wrong.Communities of Amish do not know drug addicted, gays, politicians, vaccines, alcoholics, meth, lying MS presstitutes and other 'fruits' of 'democracy' and 'progress'.
They have a simple and healthy life basing on Holy Bible Teaching.The do not need satanic inventions of Big Pharma and atheistic government. God protect them.

One of thousands benefits of their way of life.
The Amish are lucky because opting out of all vaccines means they’ve avoided three highly-controversial vaccines involved in the biggest medical cover-up in history – hepatitis B, HPV and the MMR.

Here’s the cole’s notes version for the Hep B vaccine cover-up: The CDC claimed that thimerosal (50% mercury) was removed from the multi-dose version of the hepatitis B vaccine, but they lied.

The vulnerable central nervous systems of the young Amish are spared the onslaught of this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s unwillingness to believe unquestioningly what they’re told by authorities. As a result, Amish children rarely experience learning disabilities, as well as common US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Of course, there are a number of factors, like eating cleaner food that’s not soaked in toxic herbicides containing glyphosate and others and generally they tend to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. Why won’t the government fund a study comparing Amish health with non-Amish health?

Despite the reality we see around us, and the many red flags when it comes to vaccine safety and efficacy, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry. As a result, the health of our children and our neighbor’s children are put in the hands of the immoral few in the upper class of society.

The Unvaccinated Amish Rarely Get Cancer, Autism or Heart...


Study: Low vaccination rate in Amish children linked to hospitalization

and then you have this

Do The Amish Vaccinate? Indeed They Do, AND Their Autism Rates May be Lower

and this

Amish Myths about Vaccines

You know one strong link in autism is advanced age of the father. Since Amish typically do not wait to get married and have children, this would make total sense as to why they have a lower rate of autism than the general population.

The link between parental age and autism, explained
The Amish get cancer at a little more than half the rate of the general public - which sure as hell isn't ‘rare’. The lower rate is accounted for by healthier diets and more physical exercise.

Meanwhile, they’re plagued by numerous serious genetic conditions on account of 200 years of inbreeding in a relatively small community.

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