If Dems. want the Senate back next year, this is what they need to do...

You are dreaming. The D party is the party of the extreme wealthy.

After the DNC cheated to get Hillary nominated, screwing Bernie and disenfranchising his voters...then making sure Trump wins since Americans did not want a criminal POTUS, how can you support the D Party?

Are you stupid or just uninformed?
If Dems want the Senate back next year, this is what they need to do:

1. dump the Hispanic as Chair of the DNC
2. dump the Muslim as Vice-Chair of the DNC
3. throw Illegal Aliens under the bus (abandon them as a campaign platform plank)
4. throw the Gay Mafia under the bus (ditto)
5. promise to simplify and reduce taxes for the Poor and the Middle class, raise taxes for the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes
6. promise to begin easing us into a single-payer healthcare system
7. promise to overhaul the welfare system and establish nationwide standards that states must adhere to in doling-out welfare benefits
8. promise to reinforce Social Security and Medicare and Veteran benefits
9. promise to stay away from bad international trade deals

With the exception of your RACIST innuendo of the first 2 bullets, I actually agree......
After the DNC cheated to get Hillary nominated, screwing Bernie and disenfranchising his voters...then making sure Trump wins since Americans did not want a criminal POTUS, how can you support the D Party?

Moron, go back and RE-read what I posit in the O/P......LOL
How did the 2016 election go?

THREE MILLION more Americans voted AGAINST Trump.....Any more fucked up questions...

MORON, I am NOT discussing what happened last year....Find a grown up to explain the O/P. to your half brain....LOL

Typical commiecrat, you're ignoring reality. The fact is middle America made NY and CA irrelevant. Trump ran on a specific agenda, if you think they will give the obstructionist to that agenda a pass, you're dreaming. Their focus will be on the agenda, not on all the political propaganda being churned out by you commiecrats.

If Dems want the Senate back next year, this is what they need to do:

1. dump the Hispanic as Chair of the DNC
2. dump the Muslim as Vice-Chair of the DNC
3. throw Illegal Aliens under the bus (abandon them as a campaign platform plank)
4. throw the Gay Mafia under the bus (ditto)
5. promise to simplify and reduce taxes for the Poor and the Middle class, raise taxes for the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes
6. promise to begin easing us into a single-payer healthcare system
7. promise to overhaul the welfare system and establish nationwide standards that states must adhere to in doling-out welfare benefits
8. promise to reinforce Social Security and Medicare and Veteran benefits
9. promise to stay away from bad international trade deals

With the exception of your RACIST innuendo of the first 2 bullets, I actually agree......
There is no "innuendo" at work there.

Re: (1) - when you're trying to recapture the vast White Vote, you don't put Hispanics at the top of the heap.

Re: (2) - there is nothing racist about being hostile to Islam, which is a warrior-cult and legal system disguised as a religion, not a race.
Let's Just be Perfectly Honest:
The Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party blocks Voter ID laws so that illegal aliens and Blacks voting twice can erase the votes of Whites Voters.
Democrats are doomed if they insist on governing on the basis of obstructionism and hatred. Look at what passes for democrat leadership these days. Hillary is still whining, a Sanders supporter tried to murder conservative Congressmen a couple of months ago and H'wood celebs who threatened the President with assault, arson and murder have been exposed as hypocrite sexual abusers who were protected by the democrat party for years.
Donald Trump has proven a disaster for the GOP, and every week his screw-ups seem to gain discord among moderate republicans.....Add to this Steve Bannon's war on republicans, and you have the perfect storm for democrats to regain control of the Senate (which would also mitigate the chances of a SCOTUS turning into a right wing arm of our checks-and-balances' system.)

However, democrats face some serious challenges since they have many seats to defend....much more than their opponents.

What current democrats in the Senate need to do is devise an ALTERNATE tax plan (notice that the GOP is switching terms on their tax plan from"tax reform" to "tax breaks" to avoid mentioning that the tax breaks are mostly for the already wealthy.)

Such a democrat tax plan should be much more specific in NOT lowering the tax burden on the conglomerates BUT drastically reducing the tax burden strictly on the MIDDLE CLASS.

Democrats lost to Trump and his merry band of rich and greedy incompetents, because they neglected to address the plight of the working and struggling class. THIS is their chance to garner back their support.
Senate Dem refutes Mnuchin: You can make a tax plan without helping the rich

Here it is.
Typical commiecrat, you're ignoring reality. The fact is middle America made NY and CA irrelevant. Trump ran on a specific agenda, if you think they will give the obstructionist to that agenda a pass, you're dreaming. Their focus will be on the agenda, not on all the political propaganda being churned out by you commiecrats.

My O/P aimed at democrat leaders' possible willingness to re-attract deceived American voters who thought that Trump was some kind of savior.....the thread is NOT meant for CULT members like you and your ilk who kiss his orange ass incessantly.
There is no "innuendo" at work there.

Re: (1) - when you're trying to recapture the vast White Vote, you don't put Hispanics at the top of the heap.

Re: (2) - there is nothing racist about being hostile to Islam, which is a warrior-cult and legal system disguised as a religion, not a race

I am NOT a fan of the current DNC leadership......They're not kicking right wingers' asses enough.

That stated, a Hispanic representation will, in the next decade or so, turn Texas and Florida blue or at least purple.

Further, there are TWO BILLION Muslims on this planet, and about 4 to 5% are radicalized......dream on if you and your ilk think that they will go away because you fear them.
LOL after getting your asses kicked repeatedly you talk tough

.....and after nitwits like you relied on the outdated electoral college to eke out a win, now you think you're "invincible"???.....LOL
The twats on the right and far right are trembling.

The party that can promise and deliver on a massive tax cut on the middle and laboring classes while keeping the taxes on the wealthy and conglomerates the same will win overwhelmingly.

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