If Benghazi was because of a video.. did the Bergdahl/Rose Garden

The ISIS group saw as the world did the USA admitting these guys should be released as they've done no wrong and we can't hold them!
Naturally then these barbarians started their rampage toward Bagdad.

Again after all the video drove the mob to destroy Benghazi according to Hillary.. so shouldn't the video of the Rose Garden release do the same???
The ISIS group saw as the world did the USA admitting these guys should be released as they've done no wrong and we can't hold them!
Naturally then these barbarians started their rampage toward Bagdad.

Again after all the video drove the mob to destroy Benghazi according to Hillary.. so shouldn't the video of the Rose Garden release do the same???

Obama was very much against the video....so if violence can be blamed on it, GREAT!

Obama was very much FOR the release of the Taliban 5.....so we most certainly can not blame violence on that.

After all...he is a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
If you want to see the video that caused the current mess in Iraq, go watch the video of Colin Powell showing the UN fake pictures of non-existent WMDs.
The ISIS group saw as the world did the USA admitting these guys should be released as they've done no wrong and we can't hold them!
Naturally then these barbarians started their rampage toward Bagdad.

Again after all the video drove the mob to destroy Benghazi according to Hillary.. so shouldn't the video of the Rose Garden release do the same???

ISIS formed in 2004. The video came out in 2012.
The ISIS group saw as the world did the USA admitting these guys should be released as they've done no wrong and we can't hold them!
Naturally then these barbarians started their rampage toward Bagdad.

Again after all the video drove the mob to destroy Benghazi according to Hillary.. so shouldn't the video of the Rose Garden release do the same???

ISIS formed in 2004. The video came out in 2012.

I see reading comprehension is ANOTHER issue you have.
The ISIS group saw as the world did the USA admitting these guys should be released as they've done no wrong and we can't hold them!
Naturally then these barbarians started their rampage toward Bagdad.

Again after all the video drove the mob to destroy Benghazi according to Hillary.. so shouldn't the video of the Rose Garden release do the same???

ISIS formed in 2004. The video came out in 2012.

HOW stupid! SO what if they were formed in 2004?
What has that got to do with the fact Obama said go ahead release the worst of the worst and any of you ISIS guys if you get captured don't worry we won't keep you because after all I've told ALL American troops that:

“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.

So even if we do capture you you will released after you get better health care at Gitmo then the VA offers our veterans.

And remember ISIS... it is NOT your fault! It is that "that the Mohammed video was to blame"
Mother of Benghazi victim: Hillary and Susan Rice told me ?nose to nose? that the Mohammed video was to blame « Hot Air
Benghazi suspect is in US CUSTODY. Guess we will get to the bottom of this video thing.
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Benghazi suspect is in US CUSTODY. Guess we will get to the bottom of this video thing.


He will know how our CiC knew the siege would end within 10 hours thus why he did not send in air support?

He will tell us why, for 2 weeks, the administration stuck to the video story?

He will tell us if Obama was with his campaign team that night planning the next days speeches in Nevada as opposed to in the situation room?

Wow. Impressive.

He knows more about our president than the American People.,
Benghazi suspect is in US CUSTODY. Guess we will get to the bottom of this video thing.

I wouldn't be surprised that he DOES confirm the story that Benghazi was totally the fault of the video.
After all that has to be the ONLY motivation to attack the Benghazi embassy.
Plus with Hillary going on Fox LIVE today definitely she will advise us it was the video!

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