If all of the Libs...


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
Who complained about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were to quit watching and listening to the afore mentioned, I am convinced their ratings would suffer.

Am I the only one who has had this thought?
Who complained about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were to quit watching and listening to the afore mentioned, I am convinced their ratings would suffer.

Am I the only one who has had this thought?

I don't know about Fox, but if they all quit listening to Rush his ratings would plummet. The only time I hear of anything that Rush said, I am told about it by a liberal on this board and it seems, that I am not the only conservative that has that happen to him.

The only way I learn about what Rush sez is on here or similar places.
I neither watch nor listen to any political pundits. Well except on here :D
The only way I learn about what Rush sez is on here or similar places.
I neither watch nor listen to any political pundits. Well except on here :D

That makes two of us. Never have I listened to Rush and it's been many years since I turned on Fox News... Unless I hear that Penn Jillette is on a particular show...
I used to have to listen to Rush in a workplace. Man did that suck, but that was 20 years or more ago.
The only time I have ever watched him was on the letterman show back in 93 I believe it was.

I loved the way he went ballistic when Hillary was mentioned.

Who is Penn Jillette?

I watch very little mainstream TV and None of the surreality shows.
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I used to have to listen to Rush in a workplace. Man did that suck, but that was 20 years or more ago.
The only time I have ever watched him was on the letterman show back in 93 I believe it was.

I loved the way he went ballistic when Hillary was mentioned.

Who is Penn Jillette?

I watch very little mainstream TV and None of the surreality shows.

Penn Jillette is a magician and atheist. One half of Penn and Teller.
Who complained about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were to quit watching and listening to the afore mentioned, I am convinced their ratings would suffer.

Am I the only one who has had this thought?

I don't believe they do watch Fox or listen to Rush. What they do watch is MSNBC, Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews or that other fool, Ed something or other, and THEY talk about bad Rush and Fox News are. Or they read Huffington Post or something, I don't know. I have long stopped trying to figure liberals out.
Who complained about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were to quit watching and listening to the afore mentioned, I am convinced their ratings would suffer.

Am I the only one who has had this thought?

I don't believe they do watch Fox or listen to Rush. What they do watch is MSNBC, Rachel Maddow or Chris Matthews or that other fool, Ed something or other, and THEY talk about bad Rush and Fox News are. Or they read Huffington Post or something, I don't know. I have long stopped trying to figure liberals out.

Some liberals do, but I suspect that as a percentage of liberals they watch/listen to liberal media less than conservatives watch/listen to conservative media.

Liberals outnumber conservatives however Rush/fox has far more viewers than MSNBC, etc. This is what I base my assumption on.

Now don't any of your cons break any teeth out on your knee replying to me :D
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Funny how rw's say they don't listen to lush but they also say his ratings are through the roof. Obviously, neither is true.

but, about limb-a-a-a-a's ratings -

Rush's approval depends on disapproval, says ppm study - BlatherWatch

When Limbaugh was expressing disapproval, he got a 5.71% share of listeners, but when he expressed positives on people oir issues, his share went down to 5.43%.

We already knew that (1) he's paid by the right to lie and (2) the nastier and more stupid he is, the higher his ratings but,

either way, its still less that 6%.

Last year,
arbitron ratings rush limbaugh – Ask Mr Pop History
lushbo was desperate for something to get his ratings back up to hardly noticeable. THAT's why he attacked Ms fluke and made up the lies about her.

And, it worked. Now, his ratings will be back in the same gutter where he lives until the next time he attacks someone or something, and the flakey and gullible rw's get all wet for him again.

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