Idlib people pays life for their rights and freedoms


Feb 16, 2019
Recently, the situation in the Syrian province of Idlib has seriously changed. Unfortunately, these changes play a negative role for the local population. From December 2018, the terrorist group “Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham” (HTS, formerly called “Dzhabhat An-Nusra”) took control over the de-escalation zone in Idlib. It is worth recalling that the HTS is bound to Al-Qaida and is recognized as a terrorist group in the United States. According to N. Seils, State Department Coordinator for Combating Terrorism, the change of names will not help the terrorists to deceive the American government.
The rest of the armed forces either submitted to the terrorists or left the area. The absence of any opposition from Turkey and Turkey supported groups testifies to the direct involvement of the Turkish special services in strengthening of the HTS positions in Idlib. In turn, the terrorists leader, Abu Muhammad Al-Julani, openly stated that he supported Turkey’s operation against the Kurds in the territory of North-Eastern Syria plans.
The so-called “Government of Salvation” created by HTS in Idlib, which is in fact an illegal local government body, has launched vigorous radical Islam propaganda in the de-escalation zone. Locals say they do not feel safe and constantly fear for their lives. According to them, the laws in Idlib have become tougher than in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the norms of the fundamental Shari'ah are forcibly inculcated in people. For example, for thefts they cut off the hands, for smoking they can be thrown into a zindan - a prison pit.
In this situation, most of all suffer women who face arrest for the most ordinary things such as colored clothes, make-up, a walk around the city without being accompanied by a man.
Naturally, the locals began to express dissatisfaction not just with strict procedures, but with violation of their rights and freedoms. Even politicians, journalists and bloggers who oppose the Syrian government showed an active position. Those who disagree with the HTS’s actions are, at best, expelled, or detained and taken away to concentration camps on the territory of the Jebel Zawiya mountain region, where in just six months several thousand people have already disappeared. According to the report of the international organization for the protection of human rights, Human Rights Watch, the militants have repeatedly stopped the protests of the population in Idlib with fire to kill. The HTS terrorists have already eliminated dozens of civilians, including 17 representatives of the White Helmets organization in the cities of Idlib, Maaret An-Nuaman and Ariha.
There is a total violation of human rights. I would like to believe that the UN and other international organizations will turn their attention to the situation in the Syrian province of Idlib. The world community cannot stand aside when it comes to oppressing of free people.


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