IDF declassifies docs in still-rotten Lavon Affair


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
Code-named Operation Susannah by Military Intelligence, it involved a Jewish terror cell in Egypt that was meant to undermine Cairo’s relations with the United States and Britain. The cell, whose members were arrested in the summer of 1954, had planned to plant bombs in movie houses, a post office, and U.S. institutions in Cairo and Alexandria, making it look as if the bombs were the work of Egyptians.
IDF declassifies docs in still-rotten Lavon Affair - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

ed note–but remember, even though Israel was willing at that time–as this piece in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz clearly describes–blow up AMERICAN installations, post offices, movie houses, etc, leading to the deaths of numerous people in order to blame it on THE AY-RABS, Israel would NEVER orchestrate other false-flag events such as–
The deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY
The assassination of U.S President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert
The 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City
The first bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993
the Anthrax attacks
The bombing of the Boston Marathon in 2013
etc, etc, etc…
And anyone who says Israel WOULD engage in such activities is an anti-Semite.
The false flag terror attack, quoted above, was carried out by Israeli's as reported in an Israeli newspaper, does that mean, in your eyes they too hate jews, or just lying scumbag terrorists who kill innocent Americans to blame someone else?
Code-named Operation Susannah by Military Intelligence, it involved a Jewish terror cell in Egypt that was meant to undermine Cairo’s relations with the United States and Britain. The cell, whose members were arrested in the summer of 1954, had planned to plant bombs in movie houses, a post office, and U.S. institutions in Cairo and Alexandria, making it look as if the bombs were the work of Egyptians.
IDF declassifies docs in still-rotten Lavon Affair - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

ed note–but remember, even though Israel was willing at that time–as this piece in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz clearly describes–blow up AMERICAN installations, post offices, movie houses, etc, leading to the deaths of numerous people in order to blame it on THE AY-RABS, Israel would NEVER orchestrate other false-flag events such as–
The deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY
The assassination of U.S President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert
The 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City
The first bombing of the Twin Towers in 1993
the Anthrax attacks
The bombing of the Boston Marathon in 2013
etc, etc, etc…
And anyone who says Israel WOULD engage in such activities is an anti-Semite.

Jewish guy still banging your ex?
That May be your opinion, what is your opinion on israeli false flag operations that kill Americans, as above?
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth
Lets take for instance the Boston Marathon bombing, so apparently you consider this to be Israeli false flag attack - assuming its true - after years of false flag attacks and yet it can't be just by a merely coincidence an actual Islamic terrorist?
Perhaps you suggest none of Israel alleged activities were fruitful despite Israel managed to fool 99% of the civilized world to the very least? thanks for making my week, I'm going to get some popcorn before reading your next comment cause its surly would be hilarious, you go girl.
Exactly 10 years ago (give or take a few days), on 30 March 2005, Israelhonoured nine Egyptian Jews recruited by its Military Intelligence as spies and terrorists, and Israel’s President Moshe Katsav presented the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation.

Katsav went as far as calling them “heroes” when he said: “Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes.”

This was Israel’s official admission, after having publicly denied any involvement in the incident for 51 years, of its responsibility in the Lavon Affair, to the point of even celebrating and honouring the Jewish terrorists who had attacked American targets.

It’s important to note that these spies were Egyptian citizens who had been recruited by the Israeli military, which says a lot about the loyalty of diaspora Jews.
The Lavon Affair How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad The Occidental Observer - White Identity Interests and Culture
Exactly 10 years ago (give or take a few days), on 30 March 2005, Israelhonoured nine Egyptian Jews recruited by its Military Intelligence as spies and terrorists, and Israel’s President Moshe Katsav presented the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation.

Katsav went as far as calling them “heroes” when he said: “Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes.”

This was Israel’s official admission, after having publicly denied any involvement in the incident for 51 years, of its responsibility in the Lavon Affair, to the point of even celebrating and honouring the Jewish terrorists who had attacked American targets.

It’s important to note that these spies were Egyptian citizens who had been recruited by the Israeli military, which says a lot about the loyalty of diaspora Jews.
The Lavon Affair How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad The Occidental Observer - White Identity Interests and Culture
Hold on horsey, you completely ignored my questions.
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth

Many people are circumcised, not just jews. Circumcision is ancient and did not cause any problems with sex.
Without the foreskin it is cleaner and more sensitive which would make sex more enjoyable not less.
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth

You fantasize about Jewish guys' genitals? Don't they hang gays like you in Muslim countries?

Bacheh koony! Ha ha ha.
Exactly 10 years ago (give or take a few days), on 30 March 2005, Israelhonoured nine Egyptian Jews recruited by its Military Intelligence as spies and terrorists, and Israel’s President Moshe Katsav presented the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation.

Katsav went as far as calling them “heroes” when he said: “Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes.”

This was Israel’s official admission, after having publicly denied any involvement in the incident for 51 years, of its responsibility in the Lavon Affair, to the point of even celebrating and honouring the Jewish terrorists who had attacked American targets.

It’s important to note that these spies were Egyptian citizens who had been recruited by the Israeli military, which says a lot about the loyalty of diaspora Jews.
The Lavon Affair How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad The Occidental Observer - White Identity Interests and Culture
zzzzzz repetitive anti semitic crap posted a thousand times.
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth

Many people are circumcised, not just jews. Circumcision is ancient and did not cause any problems with sex.
Without the foreskin it is cleaner and more sensitive which would make sex more enjoyable not less.
They cut off the part that has all the nerve endings which roll back over the penus to expose the nerve endings during sex
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth

Many people are circumcised, not just jews. Circumcision is ancient and did not cause any problems with sex.
Without the foreskin it is cleaner and more sensitive which would make sex more enjoyable not less.

The bold is false
Most jewish guys I have talked to don't really "enjoy" vaginal sex as they have had their genitals mutilated at birth

Many people are circumcised, not just jews. Circumcision is ancient and did not cause any problems with sex.
Without the foreskin it is cleaner and more sensitive which would make sex more enjoyable not less.
They cut off the part that has all the nerve endings which roll back over the penus to expose the nerve endings during sex
Three points about circumcision.
1.Circumcision reduce the risk of infections and cancer in the genitals.
2.A Tiny cut stimulate the blood stream specially for newborns.
3.The Jewish traditional circumcision is made only by a special doctor which also gives the baby a little bit of wine which also slightly reduce the pain.

You may also wonder if that effects the sexual sensitivity, so I guess you'd be glad to know it doesn't since the wound closed within a day and no scar remains, its actually funny you see - another Jewish reason for why we born with it is to let all men know nobody born perfect, and NOT removing it is actually unhealthy step and is forbidden by Judaism (It is forbidden to make any harm to human body or soul)

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