Idaho's 1st Congressional District's Race


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
Seems there is an election in Idaho for the 1st Congressional District's Representative's seat. Candidates are Raul Labrador (Republican) and
Shirley Ringo (Democratic). It looks interesting so I thought I would give it a little looksie. Anyone hail from those parts?
I looked up the race and found this in Wikipedia, Random Variable:

Republican Raúl Labrador has represented Idaho's 1st congressional district since 2011. Labrador won election to a second term in 2012, defeating former NFL player Jimmy Farris with 63% of the vote.
Labrador was rumored to be considering a run for governor in 2014, but has announced he will run for re-election instead.[1]
Reed McCandless, who received 19% in the 2012 Republican primary, is challenging Labrador again. Also running in the Republican primary are Rathdrum resident Sean Blackwell, Boise resident Lisa Marie, and Eagle resident Michael Greenway.[2]
Although Farris initially expressed interest in a rematch against Labrador, in July 2013 he told the Idaho Statesman he was leaning towards a run for a Boise-based seat in the Idaho Legislature instead.[3] In August 2013 State Representative Shirley Ringo of Moscow announced she is running for the Democratic nomination.[4] Hayden resident Ryan Barone is also running in the Democratic primary
I'm not much of a mind reader, but unless there is gross corruption, negligence of his constituents, or his challenges to his conservative voting record, Mr. Labrador looks strong.

Idaho residents are basically very independent-minded and family-first folk, and as a Wyoming and Oregon resident for 45 years, I can affirm that Idahoans are very good neighbors and never do their neighbors any wrong, to the best of my knowledge. I wish them well as they choose a representative that keeps their state and its people in the forefront of their voting. The rugged beauty of Idaho is just awesome, too. What a credit to the USA Idaho is.

The Second Congressional District is also up for grabs on November 4.
I looked up the race and found this in Wikipedia, Random Variable:

Republican Raúl Labrador has represented Idaho's 1st congressional district since 2011. Labrador won election to a second term in 2012, defeating former NFL player Jimmy Farris with 63% of the vote.
Labrador was rumored to be considering a run for governor in 2014, but has announced he will run for re-election instead.[1]
Reed McCandless, who received 19% in the 2012 Republican primary, is challenging Labrador again. Also running in the Republican primary are Rathdrum resident Sean Blackwell, Boise resident Lisa Marie, and Eagle resident Michael Greenway.[2]
Although Farris initially expressed interest in a rematch against Labrador, in July 2013 he told the Idaho Statesman he was leaning towards a run for a Boise-based seat in the Idaho Legislature instead.[3] In August 2013 State Representative Shirley Ringo of Moscow announced she is running for the Democratic nomination.[4] Hayden resident Ryan Barone is also running in the Democratic primary
I'm not much of a mind reader, but unless there is gross corruption, negligence of his constituents, or his challenges to his conservative voting record, Mr. Labrador looks strong.

Idaho residents are basically very independent-minded and family-first folk, and as a Wyoming and Oregon resident for 45 years, I can affirm that Idahoans are very good neighbors and never do their neighbors any wrong, to the best of my knowledge. I wish them well as they choose a representative that keeps their state and its people in the forefront of their voting. The rugged beauty of Idaho is just awesome, too. What a credit to the USA Idaho is.

The Second Congressional District is also up for grabs on November 4.

Thanks, freedombecki. Yes, I looked at the 2010 and the 2012 elections. Strong wins, both of them. He still looks pretty strong. The registered Republican to Democrat in Idaho is (R) 242,626 to (D) 56,921, 437,962 unregistered. So strong party registration to Republican but the unregistered is twice that. I very independent minded people. (not meaning the (I) party, 3,488) I have seen some video and read some articles. Finest group of citizens this country has for sure. A credit to the nation as you say. (We are all the finest actually.) I was watching a February 19th, 2011 forum and the tough choices they make is really heart breaking sometimes.

It is a real shame that elections have come down to what they have, although they have probably always been this way. Makes me feel bad for playing a side and going at it the way I do. Not that I am going to stop any time soon. [que next post ;) ]
Well if it worked before use it for Immigration Reform, raising the minumim wage, and extending the unemployment insurance benefits:

[ame=]Labrador on CNN - YouTube[/ame]
Bottom line is that this district in Idaho is vulnerable ONLY with a weak Republican AND being in a good year for Democrats.

There is basically only one way in which this could become competitive:
1. Obamacare becomes much more popular.
2. The economy picks up steam and unemployment falls below 6% (and real unemployment, U-6 I think, also falls at the same rate as the U-3)
3. Raul Labrador pulls a Todd Akin.
Well if it worked before use it for Immigration Reform, raising the minumim wage, and extending the unemployment insurance benefits:

Labrador on CNN - YouTube

Immigration reform? We have laws on the books that outline the correct procedure for acquiring citizenship: apply for it and wait your turn. The Democrats are selective in which laws they will observe, and when in power, abuse the laws that protect citizens of this country in favor of rabid totalitarian policies of theirs that ignore the majority of Americans.

Raising the minimum wage is like a gun with a barrel pointed forward and backward at the shooter. It may temporarily help one item, while it shoots the shooter to death. Runaway inflation today is being disguised by the Democrat party by referendums telling people in the manufacturing industry to make their products a few ounces smaller each time there is a crisis, and that way it doesn't show them up for what they are: causing inflation. The lying statistics "prove" it, but are also based on the lie of "doing what's best for the people," when actually, it boils down to "doing what's best to line the pockets of every shirtsleeve cousin in Nancy Pelosi's family. Yes, the woman got away with the bloodiest highest tax hike in the nation's history (Obamacare), but she's managed to slyly delay the hike until Republicans take power back, so her party can jump up and down on the thinner and thinner party platform that is ushering out not only free enterprise, but free speech, freedom of association, and true civil rights for everybody except themselves, in their groupthink surge downward. They have just not managed to fool all of the money people yet, but certainly know how to control them until they can pull up a Republican to use as an expedient scapegoat for their communism. The system of communism relies on killing off dissenters, even if it takes 100 million, as in China or only 40 million as in Bolshevik through modern times in Russia.

Yet they hammer the Southern USA for 3,000 "lynchings" over 100 years old for assorted crimes, but ultimately, were wrong since they omitted due process. These too, were carried out by the Ku Klux Klan, the former killing arm of the Democrat Party, now much obfuscated by the very people whose ancestors were lynched by Democrats for being black and committing a crime rather than going through the white justice system which would have at least procured the salvation of innocent black people who were used as scapegoats for Democrat member crimes, such as murder or rape. All they had to do was if important enough, they could entitle themselves to organize a killing party with the silent approbation of Democrat judges and law enforcement Democrats afraid to step out of line of the oligarchy formed by clever Democrats who knew how to manipulate the truth to always blame their crimes on another whipping boy. Now, the whipping boy is the Republican Party, who freed blacks from slavery, enabled blacks to vote, and enabled blacks to enjoy the same economic freedoms through 200 years of Democrat Party opposition to colorblind justice when it came to race, gender, creed, and clan.

I'm fed up with the yeah, yeah, wink wink tactics of Omeurta and the Democrat party.
Bottom line is that this district in Idaho is vulnerable ONLY with a weak Republican AND being in a good year for Democrats.

There is basically only one way in which this could become competitive:
1. Obamacare becomes much more popular.
2. The economy picks up steam and unemployment falls below 6% (and real unemployment, U-6 I think, also falls at the same rate as the U-3)
3. Raul Labrador pulls a Todd Akin.

I think Idaho's 1st district is in a condition which so much of this country finds itself. There are small, and getting smaller, towns spread across all the districts in this nation which are being abandoned by the capitalist system except to be manipulated by that very system. The only way these towns are going to get back on their feet is with government assistance however. The people across this nation are hard working and proud which makes for conflicting dynamics. Right now the "big government is bad" argument is winning, at the expense of the people who are supporting it. To use the Tea Party as an example it is easy for me, or anyone else, to say the Tea Party is stupid and by association the people who support it are stupid. However having a false believe and being stupid are two completely different things. The difficulty lies in changing people's opinion about what they believe in. In every lie there is a kernel of truth and in the Tea Party movement there is a lot more than a kernel of truth. The ironic truth is that kernel of truth that is being pointed to is the kernel which the problem the people supporting the movement placed there. The objective for the actions of the Tea Party is not the solution to the problem however, exactly the opposite. It is government intervention in the deteriorating dynamics of places capitalism has passed by which is the answer. The programs which return several, if not many, dollars on the dollar is a win-win for these communities and towns. Programs such as nation parks, rebuilding infrastructure, education, and, yes, even food assistance. The Republican party is putting forward candidates who are not only railing against exactly that type of intervention but are doing so with extremely attractive and polished politicians, their politicians look more and more like the nightly news anchors while the Democrat's candidates look like regular people one might meet on the street. The problem the Republican party has however is that the personality type is preciously the Atkins type. It is whether the candidate can stay on message is the win or lose for the Republican party. Atkin could could not stay on message but Rep. Noem can. Atkin is a party embarrassment whereas Noem is a shooting star. They are two sides of the same coin. Palin could stay on message but that was went the message was who she was/is. When the message changed Palin didn't and the party left her behind as quickly as they had put her in front. I am completely against Palin's message but I have grown to respect her. Labrador is not a Atkin but he is also not a Noem. He requires the Republican machine to get him the rest of the way. From the video he is a quick learner. Unfortunately Idaho's 1st district is falling apart faster than he is learning a new message. The primary challenges to some of the top level Republicans is a statement that from now on there is a party message and anyone, anyone, who does not stick to the script is vulnerable. The dilemma those politicians have is that they know the script will fail and fail in either this election cycle or next. Apparently they calculate that the script will make it through this cycle and the power of the script writers is too strong to bet against it. Immigration reform is the singularity which says the Republicans are staying with the script even though they know it is wrong. If they do vote for it either they have broken ranks or the script has changed. Personally I would bet neither is going to happen but the election is still 212 days, 20 hours, and 43 minutes away (but whose counting). The core of the problem is that person who looks like your neighbor is telling you is it OK to take a “hand out” from the government whereas the nightly news anchor is saying “be proud and don't be one of those lazy, no good people who take hand-outs from a government who will only grow and dominate you even more if you do”. Our government was create for the people and by the people and there are those who would come between us. Those who do are the true threat to this nation despite what they might say to exactly the contrary.
I guess I will put this here although it could go under the Ryan budget thread. Seems some people believe the Ryan budget does not go far enough cutting government programs. There are lots of homes in his district where he could go and tear up some food stamps. Of course he can do that much more efficiently as the U.S. Representative. In related news Rand Paul will be visiting his district on June 13th. People on government programs need not show up.

Ryan Budget Will Pass House, McCarthy Says
Already, Reps. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, Raul Labrador of Idaho and Matt Salmon of Arizona, all of whom voted for last year’s budget, said they are rethinking their support, staying undecided because the plan calls for spending of $1.014 trillion in fiscal year 2015, which is higher than they like.

Labrador added that although the budget is loaded with conservative priorities, he has little faith that leaders will try to implement any of them.

“There’s also a lack of commitment from the party, from the Republican members of Congress, to actually doing what the Ryan budget says,” he said. “I came here to actually get things done, not just vote on a document that is just for show.”
Rep. Labrador's arguments against voting for Immigration Reform. Was that a 47 percenter comment at the end? Video from The Heritage Foundation channel.
[ame=]Rep. Labrador: No Pandering on Immigration Reform - YouTube[/ame]
Rep. Labrador gives two examples of what he would pass immediately rather than comprehensive immigration reform.
[ame=]Rep. Raul Labrador On Prospects For Immigration Reform - YouTube[/ame]
Rep. Labrador in the employment of Freedom Works, Koch brothers, et. al. House Republican as the mouthpiece for billionaires thinking this country is theirs for the taking.

Boundary County, Idaho, News
Another day, another right trampled
April 13, 2014
By Congressman Raul Labrador

Nearly every day, the Obama administration announces a new policy or regulation that undermines our Constitutional rights and stifles our economy. The EPA, in particular, has put out some egregious regulations that have a direct and negative impact on the people of Idaho.

We saw that recently when, on March 25, the EPA proposed an aggressive expansion of its regulatory authority over local bodies of waters and surrounding property. Under the Clean Water Act (CWA) – which was first passed in 1972 – the EPA has authority over “traditionally navigable waters.” While that term was slightly ambiguous, for decades, the EPA understood there were certain lines it couldn’t cross. Now, the EPA wants to cross those lines. Specifically, it wants to remove the word “navigable” from its enforcement of the CWA and change how “waterways” are defined in order to capture virtually all land in America.

The most obvious effect of the EPA’s plan is that it would increase the number of waters subject to federal water quality standards, adding costs to Idaho’s farmers and small business owners. But it goes beyond that.

If the EPA’s plan is implemented, their bureaucrats would have jurisdiction over virtually the whole country. Basically, if water can flow on your property, you might find yourself subject to EPA control. Virtually every farmer, rancher and homeowner in America might have to apply for federal permits to do anything on their land.

To prevent this disaster, I am a cosponsor of HR 3377, the Defense of Environment and Property Act. This bill would stop the EPA power grab by clarifying existing law under the Clean Water Act.

Bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. should not have regulatory power over puddles, ditches, and other water sources that have no connection to interstate commerce. It’s time for the EPA needs to be reined in. I am committed to protecting Idaho’s property owners and imposing common sense on an agency that desperately needs it.

Where’s the Environment in Senator Paul’s ‘Defense of Environment and Property Act’? | American Rivers
Where’s the Environment in Senator Paul’s ‘Defense of Environment and Property Act’?
Stacey Detwiler
What part of the environment does Senator Paul (R-KY) believe he is defending with his ‘Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2012’ (S. 2122)?

It’s certainly not clean water.

In the latest iteration of a “dirty water bill” this Congress, Senator Paul’s legislation drastically limits the scope of the Clean Water Act. Ignoring science and even the status quo, the bill leaves the majority of stream miles in the U.S. unprotected – the small streams and wetlands that create our mighty rivers like the Cumberland or the Ohio that flow through the Senator’s own state.

Senator Paul’s bill is an attack on clean water for people in Kentucky and across the country. S. 2122 would prevent Administrative efforts to restore protections to small streams and wetlands. It forces the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to get specific permission from states before doing anything to control pollution or protect land and water resources – essentially disrupting the careful balance of state and federal responsibility for land and water management.

Science has consistently demonstrated that what we do upstream impacts downstream waters. Filling in headwater streams at mountaintop removal mining sites degrades river health downstream and exacerbates flooding. With more than 117 million Americans relying upon small streams and wetlands as a source for their drinking water, it is critical to protect them.

Dirty, polluted waters create no value – economic or environmental – for communities. Not many people want to swim in a river polluted by coal ash or fish in a lake contaminated with PCBs.

If your rivers are too polluted for swimming, your lakes are too dirty for fishing, and your drinking water supplies are contaminated – is that good for your property?
- See more at: Where’s the Environment in Senator Paul’s ‘Defense of Environment and Property Act’? | American Rivers

Defense of the Environment and Property Act of 2012 | FreedomWorks
Tell Your Representatives to Cosponsor S. 2122, the Defense of the Environment and Property Act of 2012
BY Matt Kibbe

Dear FreedomWorks members, As one of our million-plus FreedomWorks members nationwide, I urge you to contact your senator and ask him or her to cosponsor S. 2122, the Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2012. Introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the bill would reform federal water policy to protect land owners. The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers are dangerously out of control. The Defense of Environment and Property Act of 2012 would rein in the powers of the EPA and protect the Constitutional rights of landowners.

FreedomWorks - SourceWatch
Just prior to Citizens for a Sound Economy morphing into Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity Dick Armey was CEO/President and Tom Posey was Treasurer, with David H. Koch and C. Boyden Gray sharing seats at the the Board of Directors. Tom Posey was the bagman in the Iran-Contra Scandal transporting money and weapons to the Contras in Nicaragua through his mercenary group Civilian Military Assistance. During this moment C. Boyden Gray was heir to American Tobacco Company fortune participating with CSE, Armey, Koch, and Posey carrying out activities to further the 50-year RICO Organized Crime tobacco frauds. It is significant looking forward that this organization tolerated and approved employee-officers who engaged the overthrow of a popular democratically-elected government.
Republicans focus on unified party - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News
Congressman Raul Labrador made a similar call for unity. He spoke of the 11th Commandment, a notion created by former president Ronald Reagan. He explained it as an understanding that we should speak no ill of Republicans, he said.

"I want you to do everything that is necessary so we can keep Idaho red, and we can keep it the most conservative state in the union," he said.
Love, law & immigration | New York Post
Jeb Bush must have known the flak he would take when he said illegal immigrants who come to America to support their families were guilty of an “act of love.”

Sure enough, critics pounced. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said it “isn’t positive and beneficial” to break the law in search of a better life. Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho, who has a big say over immigration policy in the House, called it “pandering.” And in tweets and Facebook posts, the conservative former governor was denounced as a RINO — Republican in Name Only.

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