I'd just like to thank ownership for this forum that permits discussion, civilized or otherwise

If I could keep a job I’d send them money every day lol
If I could keep a job I’d send them money every day lol

What’s the history of this place.. who are the creators?
Best forum on the net.
All kinds of creative areas where you can write, show artwork, talk garden, coffee lounge free from politics (or else), other places where you can stand on a soapbox platform and say what you think once, twice, or until the other guy checks out for the night.

There are foreign countries represented where people can speak their country's issues and show their viewpoint. I hope they don't get mad at us if we disagree after their country's members populated the 9/11/2001 takeout of the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon entrance, killing 3,000 American citizens and/or guests.

Some people get tired of it all and post only where they can spill brain beans out with 4-letter punctuations 24-7 if they like, and nobody notices, except to laugh, cry, stay or leave. All kinds of options.

And for the stuck-on-stupid Tourette's Syndrome cases, you can just put the offender on ignore and leave them there or give them a second, third, 5th, 10th, or biweekly chance in unignore. Being free of listening to a professional ninnyhammer is a forum feature that can actually result in a pretty cheerful day for most of us. ;)
Thread closings are getting ridiculous
Yes, but even more ridiculous that people fail to check to see if the issue has already become a current thread. Ten minutes searching for the content of your upcoming thread often cannot happen because someone took the same issue and renamed it with words you did not use. So quite often, when your source is different from theirs, you post a few seconds or days, depending, your post gets closed and/or blended with someone elses.

Our moderators do a lot of unseen work, trying to keep conversations open to the public. Our cooperation helps, but sometimes our best search does not result in a keeper thread. It's a good thing to have an open mind when the thread we thought would blaze a path to the truth gets closed because someone else already has that topic covered. There is a limit though. One time I researched and found the thread that was more than 6 months old and started posting my stuff there. Then that one got shut down for being too old. I treated it as a learning experience, but moderating is difficult sometimes, and we're lucky to have vigilant moderators. You might ask them where you could post your information if your "winner" gets shut down. I'm sure they would furnish you a link if you asked them, and you could simply post your additional information there.

Or you could act like a prima donna and bring everyone down with you... with the warning: :dontfeedmod: (It means, do not say and do stuff that annoys the moderator.) They have enough to deal with, including not agreeing with everything you do.

Not a single one of us here is like anyone else here, and what rings someone else's bell will at one time or another squirt acid in your face. That's the time to put that person on ignore. When I was younger, I could just slide past their offensive posts, no remarks. But after seeing the coup attempts by a deranged groupthinking Congress, I realize that you need to deal with stuff before people believe it is truth based on repetitive reguratation the media lavishes on a point that will bring this free country into slave-begetting territory. Like passing laws that enslave the voter into a life of payment for the sins of others, which in its best light to me is unpalatable, but into the mind of someone else is their utopia. Hopefully enough of us are here to make people earn their own utopia without picking the nation's pockets to bring them to momentary bliss. Just saying.
I enjoy this forum because it allows for more free speech than others I have seen. Let's face it, in this current political-charged atmosphere, folks get pretty passionate and may go over the top in their comments however, allowing some of that, IMO, is a good thing as long as all points of view are and rebuttals are not quashed as in some forums. Along with that, one can learn a lot about what other folks are thinking and even learn more about issues of the day.
And for the stuck-on-stupid Tourette's Syndrome cases, you can just put the offender on ignore...

I probably have 20+ people on "ignore". I don't need to read unending lies and insanity.

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