I'd enjoy an intellectual discussion-

Wrong motherfucker.

I made no assertion YOU DID
The official story is backewd up byu evidencde your dumb fucking lies are fantsay and you are a coward a who lies about evidence which YOU NEVER posted.

It is on you to back up your dumb fucking claims.'

Now stop running like the worthless bitch who gave birth to you and post some evidence
That's right I asserted you can't even prove that any damn planes existed in the first place and you prove I'm right because you can't post pictures of 50 tons of scrap for each plane!
That's right I asserted you can't even prove that any damn planes existed in the first place and you prove I'm right because you can't post pictures of 50 tons of scrap for each plane!
Wrong dumbass we can prove they existed.

You cannot provide the slightest evidence of any of your assertions
You are totally clueless of the physical nature of the Towers. Now go back to your Play-Doh modeling set and stfu.
This coming from the guy who got the core column construction completely wrong and then admitted it.


You make claims about people spreading disinformation all the time, but YOU were actually caught doing it!

Everything you say is completely false.
I truly believe some people love being on the dark side.

What was false? The fact that you believed the core columns were massive box columns made of 2" thick steel plate, from bottom to top?
Post evidence that thermite or demolition charges were found or we are forced to consider you a liar.
what a stupid thing to say gam, you are surprizing me when you stoop to the infantile level of the nazi, didnt you know that thermite charges turn to iron?

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