Id cards for illegal aliens.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

This is states working against controlling illegal immigration and securing our border. It is aiding and abetting illegal aliens which is a felon and subject to a fine and jail.
At first I thought this was great because it would identify who is an illegally aliens but the cards are available to anyone for $10. The card give illegal aliens access to many social services.
My advice to illegal aliens who are not welcome in Arizona, go where you are welcome like Trenton.
With states like these, how are we ever going to get control of illegal immigration?

Trenton Issues ID Cards to Illegal Immigrants -
May 17, 2010 ... As a new law in Arizona makes the failure to carry immigration documents a crime, a growing number of municipalities are issuing IDs to make ...
Trenton Issues ID Cards to Illegal Immigrants - - Add to iGoogle

IDs for illegal immigrants in Princeton better than Arizona plan ...
IDs for illegal immigrants in Princeton better than Arizona plan. By Star-Ledger Editorial Board. May 18, 2010, 6:03AM. illegal-immigration.JPG ... - Cached

Aiding, abetting, harboring, encouraging illegals a felony
Harboring or aiding illegal aliens is not protected by the First Amendment. ... Convictions for aiding, abetting, or conspiracy to commit alien smuggling or ...
Page Not Available - Cached - Similar

Hi Lady:


This is states working against controlling illegal immigration and securing our border. It is aiding and abetting illegal aliens which is a felon and subject to a fine and jail ...

You are talking about towns in states like New Jersey (story) doing everything to give Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals the appearance of having 'legal status'. Just 'Google' the keywords to find out that many towns in New Jersey are doing the very same thing in direct violation of Federal Law (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986).

Again, those pandering to Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals in the USA today have blood on their hands for EVERY SINGLE American Citizen killed by Illegal Aliens by the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS (story) every year.

[ame=""]This Happens 25 Times EVERY DAY In The USA By Illegal Aliens That Are NOT Even Supposed To Be Here[/ame]

Do not think for one minute that ANY of you pandering to Illegal Aliens and their LAWLESSNESS will escape in the day of God's Righteous Judgment. Obama is a Kenyan-born Illegal Alien Foreign National ...

[ame=""]Michelle Obama: Barack's Home Country Is "Kenya"[/ame]

... that refuses to ENFORCE our Immigration and Employment Laws. Those among you standing with Illegal Aliens and the unscrupulous American Employers "Hiring Them" can burn with Obama and his Open Border Lobby Cohorts in the lake of fire, because that is 'exactly' what you deserve for your part in the Illegal Alien Invasion of the USA that kills our fellow citizens every damned day ...


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I cannot wait for judgement day, but rather see them get their butts kicked in November and Obama's in 2012. We punish Obama in November by kicking the butts of his house and senate. GOD is too forgiving.
If you can find illegal aliens to give them an ID card, you can find them to give them a one way bus or airplane ticket to their country of origin.

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