And Germany would still be under Nazi control. Here’s a novel idea that even a moron such as you should be able to grasp.

Stop the human trafficking profits by the Cartels, and they no longer generate that income.

Undocumented aliens were coming up here long before the cartels were involved...

Maybe you should stop getting your news from Comic books.

But they didn’t pay the Cartels to get here, did they Joe? So now we have cartels creating Havoc in those Country’s, creating the flow north, which the Cartels profit from as well.

Joe, why are you supporting both the havoc and the Cartel cash flow?

But they didn’t pay the Cartels to get here, did they Joe? So now we have cartels creating Havoc in those Country’s, creating the flow north, which the Cartels profit from as well.

Joe, why are you supporting both the havoc and the Cartel cash flow?


Are you some kind of retard? If the cartels exist at all, it's because Americans want drugs and cheap labor.
Used to be, Immigration was seen as something the Labor Department should handle. How many people should we let in to fill how many jobs Americans didn't want to do.

Only in these crazy times do we really think the labor market can be regulated by law enforcement.
verifiable links on jobs Americans don't want to do
verifiable links on jobs Americans don't want to do

Did you apply for one of those lettuce picking jobs? I never have.
thank you for the link....a bit long in reading, but enjoyable
great evidence
by the way--I've told this story many times on USMB brother told me that his boss had to get rid of some hispanic/Mexican/illegals
...the boss told them he had to let them go because of their SSNs
they said:
''we can get different SSNs for you'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what??????!!!!!!!!!??
take a guess-------------------------
they were doing the same job as my brother----AND me!!
I had worked there before!!!!
But they didn’t pay the Cartels to get here, did they Joe? So now we have cartels creating Havoc in those Country’s, creating the flow north, which the Cartels profit from as well.

Joe, why are you supporting both the havoc and the Cartel cash flow?


Are you some kind of retard? If the cartels exist at all, it's because Americans want drugs and cheap labor.

Only a true retard would question whether Cartels exist in the first place then go on about the PRODUCTS THEY SUPPLY AND PROFIT FROM.

Are you really that stupid Joe?

The Cartels however appreciate your support. Profit motive perhaps?
Times change Joe. It’s to the labor department determining how many are allowed in anymore, correct. It’s the Mexican and Central American Cartels.

Actually, it's the white people who hire them because you are lazy and want too much money, Cleetus

Ummm, no!

I know many Filipinos, Chinese, African Blacks, Mexicans, Central and South Americans that hire illegals.

Your comment is based on a lie and it is true whites do hire illegals, so does every other race.

They aren't being punished, troll. Only you liars claim that.

Separating a child from its parents isn't punishment...

or are you one of those bigots who thinks they don't feel pain like we do?

Even the murderes and rapists Joe?

Yep, anything for votes, right Joe?

if they commit a murder or a rape, we'll throw them in jail.

But since we aren't taking away all the guns because a few nuts shoot up a school, we shouldn't take away their rights because a couple commit crimes.

Changing the Second Amendment take the Congress and States to do and illegal immigrants do not have the right to own a firearm in this country.

In fact they do not have any Constitutional Rights unless granted seeing they have illegally enter our nation.

Most nations have immigration laws that restrict entry of their nation and yet you do not bash Canada for her strict laws or Mexico for her laws but you bash the nation you live in while wanting illegal criminals to cross the border to kill American citizens and then put them in our jails while the taxpayer pays for them until their death.

So no they do not deserve to be here and as for removing kids from parents that put their kids lives at risk, well you would remove a kid from a U.S. citizen home just for home schooling, and yet you will allow illegal alien parents to keep their kids after they crossed Cartel of Central America and Mexico...
crossing the border illegally, troll.

So essentially, no big deal... certainly not something you'd punish a child over.

Removing a child from it unfit parent is not punishment and is done daily here in the states.
Actually it’s the brown skinned working in coordination with the employers. I want them all dealt with severely.


Me? I want them all granted citizenship and start dating the daughters of the stupid white trash who hate them so much.

As long as it pisses bigots like you off, it's good.

The true hater is you.


Simple, your response to those you disagree with shows you hate anyone that does not agree with your progressive agenda.

You would grant citizenship to anyone including child molesting murders just because if someone on the right objects to them.

You are the typical Chi-Town Progressive that put your hatred of the other side over commonsense!
This is how liberals love their country. BY wanting to help criminals.

I'm sorry, exactly what crime did this little girl commit?


What crime did her parent do is the question you should ask instead!

You forget the parent or guardian is responsible for that child and daily legal citizens are arrested in front of their children and sometimes the child is taken by CPS and put into the system because the Citizen Parent has no one thay can take care of their kid, so where is your outrage when this happens?
Used to be, Immigration was seen as something the Labor Department should handle. How many people should we let in to fill how many jobs Americans didn't want to do.

Only in these crazy times do we really think the labor market can be regulated by law enforcement.

In these crazy times?

This has been going on for decades, so stop with the stupidly!

You act like Trump just created ICE and this is his arm of the SS while ignoring Obama and Bush deported illegals during their tenure.

Trump has just removed the restraints.
Last edited:
verifiable links on jobs Americans don't want to do

Did you apply for one of those lettuce picking jobs? I never have.
thank you for the link....a bit long in reading, but enjoyable
great evidence
by the way--I've told this story many times on USMB brother told me that his boss had to get rid of some hispanic/Mexican/illegals
...the boss told them he had to let them go because of their SSNs
they said:
''we can get different SSNs for you'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what??????!!!!!!!!!??
take a guess-------------------------
they were doing the same job as my brother----AND me!!
I had worked there before!!!!

Many people believe illegals only do low end jobs but I know of Nurses that worked under another Nurses license at a Home Health Agency and those Nurses were illegally here and the Staff inside the office were also illegal.

Many company's from small to large hire illegals for all parts of the labor market...
Last edited:
verifiable links on jobs Americans don't want to do

Did you apply for one of those lettuce picking jobs? I never have.
thank you for the link....a bit long in reading, but enjoyable
great evidence
by the way--I've told this story many times on USMB brother told me that his boss had to get rid of some hispanic/Mexican/illegals
...the boss told them he had to let them go because of their SSNs
they said:
''we can get different SSNs for you'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what??????!!!!!!!!!??
take a guess-------------------------
they were doing the same job as my brother----AND me!!
I had worked there before!!!!

I'm sorry you failed so badly at life that you are competing with undocumented workers for jobs. It does explain a lot of the anger, though.
Many people believe illegals only do low end jobs but I know of Nurses that worked under another Nurses license at a Home Health Agency and those Nurses were illegally here and the Staff inside the office were also illegal.

Many company's from small to large hire illegals for all parts of the labor market...

You're kind of proving my point, buddy. We currently have a nursing shortage. we could easily fill that by importing nurses from India, Poland and the Philippines. But because we treat immigration as a cultural issue and a legal issue and not a labor issue, we have a problem.

Used to be, INS was part of the Labor Department, and it worked a lot better that way.
verifiable links on jobs Americans don't want to do

Did you apply for one of those lettuce picking jobs? I never have.
thank you for the link....a bit long in reading, but enjoyable
great evidence
by the way--I've told this story many times on USMB brother told me that his boss had to get rid of some hispanic/Mexican/illegals
...the boss told them he had to let them go because of their SSNs
they said:
''we can get different SSNs for you'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess what??????!!!!!!!!!??
take a guess-------------------------
they were doing the same job as my brother----AND me!!
I had worked there before!!!!

I'm sorry you failed so badly at life that you are competing with undocumented workers for jobs. It does explain a lot of the anger, though.
again--great links and evidence for your claim
Shouldn't we have law enforcement for all laws in America.

Under Trump, ICE Agents Actually Feel Free To Do Their Jobs
Apparently this being a nation of law abiding citizens and stuff, Mexican illegals are above the laws. The same set of immigration laws that apply to people that are fleeing oppression and stuff but don't share a border with America. So they have to actually follow immigration laws Excuse me? What makes Mexicans so extra special they can break our laws? Lithuanians, Hungarians Albanians and folks fleeing REAL oppression are welcome here. Mexicans might share our border, but they need better reason. The hell they are fleeing they are bring with them , it's their "culture". Follow immigration laws and acclimate, that isn't a dirty word. Like real actual immigrants.
Apparently this being a nation of law abiding citizens and stuff, Mexican illegals are above the laws. The same set of immigration laws that apply to people that are fleeing oppression and stuff but don't share a border with America. So they have to actually follow immigration laws Excuse me? What makes Mexicans so extra special they can break our laws? Lithuanians, Hungarians Albanians and folks fleeing REAL oppression are welcome here. Mexicans might share our border, but they need better reason. The hell they are fleeing they are bring with them , it's their "culture". Follow immigration laws and acclimate, that isn't a dirty word. Like real actual immigrants.

Obviously this is one major difference between how Mexicans see the country and the rest of us immigrants. It's this.


Kind of silly to ask people to "acclimate" to their stolen land.
Apparently this being a nation of law abiding citizens and stuff, Mexican illegals are above the laws. The same set of immigration laws that apply to people that are fleeing oppression and stuff but don't share a border with America. So they have to actually follow immigration laws Excuse me? What makes Mexicans so extra special they can break our laws? Lithuanians, Hungarians Albanians and folks fleeing REAL oppression are welcome here. Mexicans might share our border, but they need better reason. The hell they are fleeing they are bring with them , it's their "culture". Follow immigration laws and acclimate, that isn't a dirty word. Like real actual immigrants.

Obviously this is one major difference between how Mexicans see the country and the rest of us immigrants. It's this.


Kind of silly to ask people to "acclimate" to their stolen land.

Not silly at all. What is silly is your lack of historical knowledge by using the term “stolen”.
Not silly at all. What is silly is your lack of historical knowledge by using the term “stolen”.

Again, I have a history degree. But let's not go with me.. Let's go with what some of the guys on the MONEY had to say about it.


Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so, whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose, and you allow him to make war at pleasure. Study to see if you can fix any limit to his power in this respect, after having given him so much as you propose. If, to-day, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada, to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, "I see no probability of the British invading us" but he will say to you, "Be silent; I see it, if you don't."

The provision of the Constitution giving the war making power to Congress was dictated, as I understand it, by the following reasons. Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object. This, our Convention understood to be the most oppressive of all Kingly oppressions; and they resolved to so frame the Constitution that no one man should hold the power of bringing this oppression upon us. But your view destroys the whole matter, and places our President where kings have always stood.

_Abraham Lincoln

We can also look at what this guy said.


  • Generally, the officers of the army were indifferent whether the annexation was consummated or not; but not so all of them. For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day, regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory.


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