I wonder if the GOP remembers the last time.......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.
I can pretty confidently say that if the GOP keeps along with their current lines of stupidity, they're gonna lose big in 2014.
Um. Yeah. Hi.

Look here. We are keeping defense spending at war levels, about twice what it was before 9/11.

I know. I know. The war in Iraq is over, and the one in Afghanistan nearly so. But look here, son, we have a lot of hogs at the trough, know what I'm saying? All this government spending is jobs, son.

Now, between you and me, we are spending more than we are taking in. We need to borrow trillions in cash. This means to keep all them hogs fed we are going to need to transfer some more of our wealth to China in interest payments, and we are going to need the Fed to debase the currency some more.

The problem is, we are going to hit the debt ceiling like a McDonnell-Douglas rocket, if you know what I mean.

Now here is where you come in. When it comes time to borrow that money we are going to need to feed to the hogs, we need you to scream like a bitch about Obama being irresponsible if he raises that ceiling. Okay?

But not too loud, son! Not too loud! We need that ceiling raised or all hell is going to break loose in the defense industry. Just scream loud enough to create some confusion in the minds of the right wing rubes out there. They will follow your lead.

Go on now. Use the back door.

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Ya the same was said in 08, the GOP is done,then the was 2010.

Mindless silly predictions.
Um. Yeah. Hi.

Look here. We are keeping defense spending at war levels, about twice what it was before 9/11.

I know. I know. The war in Iraq is over, and the one in Afghanistan nearly so. But look here, son, we have a lot of hogs at the trough, know what I'm saying? All this government spending is jobs, son.

Now, between you and me, we are spending more than we are taking in. We need to borrow trillions in cash. This means to keep all them hogs fed we are going to need to transfer some more of our wealth to China in interest payments, and we are going to need the Fed to debase the currency some more.

The problem is, we are going to hit the debt ceiling like a McDonnell-Douglas rocket, if you know what I mean.

Now here is where you come in. When it comes time to borrow that money we are going to need to feed to the hogs, we need you to scream like a bitch about Obama being irresponsible if he raises that ceiling. Okay?

But not too loud, son! Not too loud! We need that ceiling raised or all hell is going to break loose in the defense industry. Just scream loud enough to create some confusion in the minds of the right wing rubes out there. They will follow your lead.

Go on now. Use the back door.


So.................the US should just default on it's bills?
So.................the US should just default on it's bills?

The US should stop running up its bills.

Cut defense spending in half, raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, institute a permanent ban on tax expenditures.

So.................the US should just default on it's bills?

The US should stop running up its bills.

Cut defense spending in half, raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, institute a permanent ban on tax expenditures.


Yeah............we COULD do those things if Congress would ever get their shit together.

However..................doing those things THIS YEAR would have no effect on the debt ceiling coming up in March. If it was to have any actual effect, it would have to have been done about 4 years ago.
Convienient revisionist history there, we were downgraded because we are borrowing too much and the markets are starting to doubt our ability to pay it back or continue to service the debt. The debt celing should be tied to the expected deficit in the annual budget, you know that little tid bit the senate hasn't seen fit to pass since your dear leader was inagurated the first time. They are insisting on operating on continuing resolutions so the GOP can't reduce the budget base line and force spending reductions. The commiecrats have no interest in getting our fiscal house in order and your just not smart enough to see it. Expect more downgrades, and you can thank your dear leader.
Convienient revisionist history there, we were downgraded because we are borrowing too much and the markets are starting to doubt our ability to pay it back or continue to service the debt. The debt celing should be tied to the expected deficit in the annual budget, you know that little tid bit the senate hasn't seen fit to pass since your dear leader was inagurated the first time. They are insisting on operating on continuing resolutions so the GOP can't reduce the budget base line and force spending reductions. The commiecrats have no interest in getting our fiscal house in order and your just not smart enough to see it. Expect more downgrades, and you can thank your dear leader.

Bullshit. Congress controls the purse strings, not the White House. If the GOP wanted to cut defense spending, they could. They don't have to pass a continuing resolution.

Instead, they refuse to cut defense spending back to sane levels.
Convienient revisionist history there, we were downgraded because we are borrowing too much and the markets are starting to doubt our ability to pay it back or continue to service the debt. The debt celing should be tied to the expected deficit in the annual budget, you know that little tid bit the senate hasn't seen fit to pass since your dear leader was inagurated the first time. They are insisting on operating on continuing resolutions so the GOP can't reduce the budget base line and force spending reductions. The commiecrats have no interest in getting our fiscal house in order and your just not smart enough to see it. Expect more downgrades, and you can thank your dear leader.

Actually, it's more of the hatred that the old white men have for the current black man occupying the White House. Most of the ideas that the GOP presented for budgets in years past were actually embraced by Obama, but whenever Obama likes an idea, the GOP then goes completely against it, even when they were the ones that initiated it in the first place.

And yeah......................Moody's said that one of the MAIN reasons was because of the division in DC. It causes too much uncertainty.
Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.

Yeah, so lets not use any opportunity we have to push for spending cuts. Lets just keep handing out blank checks, and see how that works out for us.
Don't let the R or D after someone's name fool you.

The entire Congress, House and Senate, is completely dominated by fiscal liberals. Big pork spending fuckheads who are bankrupting our country. One whines about food stamps, the other whines about F-35s. It's a song they wrote together to keep the rubes dancing.

It's Guns OR Butter, not Guns AND Butter.
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Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.

you should expect another downgrade if they do that.

but that's what they want.

then the nutters can say its the president's fault.

which is really kind of funny.

what's more amazing is that they never said boo when shrub ran up our debt to the tune of 5 trillion plus...
Convienient revisionist history there, we were downgraded because we are borrowing too much and the markets are starting to doubt our ability to pay it back or continue to service the debt. The debt celing should be tied to the expected deficit in the annual budget, you know that little tid bit the senate hasn't seen fit to pass since your dear leader was inagurated the first time. They are insisting on operating on continuing resolutions so the GOP can't reduce the budget base line and force spending reductions. The commiecrats have no interest in getting our fiscal house in order and your just not smart enough to see it. Expect more downgrades, and you can thank your dear leader.

Bullshit. Congress controls the purse strings, not the White House. If the GOP wanted to cut defense spending, they could. They don't have to pass a continuing resolution.

Instead, they refuse to cut defense spending back to sane levels.

Who controls Reid?
So.................the US should just default on it's bills?

The US should stop running up its bills.

Cut defense spending in half, raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, institute a permanent ban on tax expenditures.


Yeah............we COULD do those things if Congress would ever get their shit together.

However..................doing those things THIS YEAR would have no effect on the debt ceiling coming up in March. If it was to have any actual effect, it would have to have been done about 4 years ago.

And that's what will be said next time about having an effect and congress will continue to
dodge their responsibilities until the weight crushes us....which will happen soon.
Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.

Yeah, our rating was downgraded because the republicans wouldn't allow the dems to raise the debt cieling. Has nothing to do with the dems spending money like crack heads that just hit the lottery. Here's a bit oif FYI, regular Americans have to learn to live within their means, or their stuff gets repossesed. Maybe it's about time the free spending a-holes in the democratic party learn the same lesson.
Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.

you should expect another downgrade if they do that.

but that's what they want.

then the nutters can say its the president's fault.

which is really kind of funny.

what's more amazing is that they never said boo when shrub ran up our debt to the tune of 5 trillion plus...

We should expect another downgrade after this pathetic Joke of a Deal. Our Creditors want us to use a Balanced approach of Cuts, and new Revenue. The deal we just got is a Joke, Almost no spending cuts, and only enough taxes to fund the country for about 12 days.

You fucking people make me sick. You think we will only get downgraded if we do not automatically give in and raise the debt limit? Please, we are going to get downgraded, the fucking retards in DC have assured that.
Remember last year when the House GOP was thinking that blocking the debt ceiling was going to be one of the ways that they could get Obama to cave in to their demands?

Apparently, they are prepared to do so again this year. Lindsey Graham has even stated publicly that the GOP needs to "keep their powder dry" for the debt ceiling fight.

But quick question......................does anyone remember what happened last time that they tried to block raising the debt ceiling? That's right............the groups that figure out the credit ratings of various countries downgraded the credit rating of the United States. Why? They said it was because of the uncertainty in Congress, as well as all the blocking that was being done by the GOP.

I've got news for you..................the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is because it's money CONGRESS HAS ALREADY VOTED INTO LAW AND HAS ALREADY BEEN SPENT!!!!!

Regular Americans can't get away with not paying their credit card bills, so why can Congress?

If they block the debt ceiling again, we could see yet another credit downgrade of this country, and it will all be caused by the GOP.

Yeah, so lets not use any opportunity we have to push for spending cuts. Lets just keep handing out blank checks, and see how that works out for us.

Never said anything about not pushing for spending cuts. Matter of fact, I think there are plenty of places where the government could save money.

However.........................the debt ceiling doesn't deal with that. The debt ceiling is a reflection of MONEY ALREADY LEGISLATED FOR AND ALREADY SPENT!

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