I will not Bow!

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Billy, do you actually believe that everyone here buys your b.s. If you really cared about the Arabs, you certainly would be condemning the actions of those who are busy murdering them in the rest of the Middle East. You don't seem to care about the Muslim Arabs nor do care about the Christians in these countries. All your focus is on Israel and no other country in the Middle East when so much is happening there. That tells everyone quite a lot about you.
I can't decide whether you preceding comments are retarded or sinister. Because I've stated more than once, I don't give a shit about the arabs, yet you deliberately act like I haven't. You are either, mentally retarded, or your agenda is much more sinister than that.

Naturally Billy would never think that the UN might be anti-Semitic and that is why you see all these resolutions when you don't see them against countries that really deserve them.
You can't even name the resolutions you're referring to! You wanna try, you XXXXXXXXXXX? Go ahead XXXXXXXXXXX, name 3. I'll wait.

Need more time? You got it!

Couldn't come up with any? I knew it!

The problem is, even though a XXXXXXXXXXXlike you can't back up your psycho-bitch bullshit, I can!

Let's take a look at a few UN resolutions in 2011...

I didn't see Israel anywhere in there. But I did see a few of these country's that you claimed "deserve it".

So what do you have to say to that, you stupid bitch?

But hold on, I'm not done, with your yeast-infected ass...

Let's look at a few UN resolutions that ARE against Israel and see what's anti-Semitic about them...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1002
November 7, 1956

2. Calls once again upon Israel immediately to withdraw all its forces behind the armistice lines established by the General Armistice Agreement between Egypt and Israel of 24 February 1949;
Nothing there about Jews.

Let's look at another one....

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2443
December 19, 1968

Noting resolution I on respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories, adopted by the International Conference on Human Rights on 7 May 1968,4/ in which the Conference, inter alia:

(a) Expressed its grave concern at the violation of human rights in Arab territories occupied by Israel,

(b) Drew the attention of the Government of Israel to the grave consequences resulting from the disregard of fundamental freedoms and human rights in occupied territories,

(c) Called upon the Government of Israel to desist forthwith from acts of destroying homes of the Arab civilian population inhabiting areas occupied by Israel and to respect and implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 5/ in occupied territories,

(d) Affirmed the inalienable rights of all inhabitants who have left their homes as a result of the outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East to return home, resume their normal life, recover their property and homes, and rejoin their families according to the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,​
Nothing about Jews there...

Let's look at one more...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/61
December 9, 1976

2. Condemns Israel's continued occupation of Arab territories in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the principles of international law and repeated United Nations resolutions;

3. Reaffirms that a just and lasting peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved without Israel's withdrawal from all Arab territories occupied since 1967 and the attainment by the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights, which are the basic prerequisites enabling all countries and peoples in the Middle East to live in peace;

4. Condemns all measures taken by Israel in the occupied territories to change the demographic and geographic character and institutional structure of these territories;

5. Requests once again all States to desist from supplying Israel with military and other forms of aid or any assistance which would enable it to consolidate its occupation or to exploit the natural resources of the occupied territories;
Nothing anti-Semitic there.

In summary (and in response) to your bullshit conjecture and deliberate lies, I provided evidence that shows your comments to be full of shit.

So shut your fucking mouth, XXXXXXXXXXX!
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So, you think that the Palestinian's resistance to Israel's aggression is the problem not Israel's aggression itself?
Bingo! That is the whole problem in a nutshell.

It is also the basis for all the UN Resolutions against Israel.

But the pro-Israeli crowd, wants people to believe this has something to do with "Jew hate". That the "only" reason people are against Israel, is because of the way they worship and what name they call God, NOT Israeli aggression in the ME.

Fortunately, not a single country on the planet, buys their bullshit.

First of all, nobody gives a shit what the UN says. Ever.

Secondly, when are you giving your land back to the indians? Or are you another hypocrite like the tinman?
First of all, nobody gives a shit what the UN says. Ever.
That's like saying, you don't care what the rest (and majority) of the world thinks.

Secondly, when are you giving your land back to the indians?
How many times are you going to ask that question?

How many more times do I have to answer that?

Or are you another hypocrite like the tinman?
Tinny's not a hypocrite.
First of all, nobody gives a shit what the UN says. Ever.
That's like saying, you don't care what the rest (and majority) of the world thinks.

Secondly, when are you giving your land back to the indians?
How many times are you going to ask that question?

How many more times do I have to answer that?

Or are you another hypocrite like the tinman?
Tinny's not a hypocrite.

The only time the US cares about what the UN says is when it's trying to get some countries to vote for one of their bogus invasions or attacks on other countries. The US also doesn't recognize the World Court.

Tinman's a hypocrite because he advocates the Jews returning land when he won't return his own land (for which he has even less claim to than the Jews do to theirs) to the indians. Kinda like you. :D
First of all, nobody gives a shit what the UN says. Ever.
That's like saying, you don't care what the rest (and majority) of the world thinks.

How many times are you going to ask that question?

How many more times do I have to answer that?

Or are you another hypocrite like the tinman?
Tinny's not a hypocrite.

The only time the US cares about what the UN says is when it's trying to get some countries to vote for one of their bogus invasions or attacks on other countries. The US also doesn't recognize the World Court.

Tinman's a hypocrite because he advocates the Jews returning land when he won't return his own land (for which he has even less claim to than the Jews do to theirs) to the indians. Kinda like you. :D

ZioNazism like you (or how to treat the Goyim) , has not matured into a civilized theory, even to this day we obey the laws of god-fearing people who now understand that we are all in this spaceship earth, people like your right wing Neo-Zionism preach war and separatism the bane of humanity.
Billy, do you actually believe that everyone here buys your b.s. If you really cared about the Arabs, you certainly would be condemning the actions of those who are busy murdering them in the rest of the Middle East. You don't seem to care about the Muslim Arabs nor do care about the Christians in these countries. All your focus is on Israel and no other country in the Middle East when so much is happening there. That tells everyone quite a lot about you.
I can't decide whether you preceding comments are retarded or sinister. Because I've stated more than once, I don't give a shit about the arabs, yet you deliberately act like I haven't. You are either, mentally retarded, or your agenda is much more sinister than that.

Naturally Billy would never think that the UN might be anti-Semitic and that is why you see all these resolutions when you don't see them against countries that really deserve them.
You can't even name the resolutions you're referring to! You wanna try, you fucking whore? Go ahead slut, name 3. I'll wait.

Need more time? You got it!

Couldn't come up with any? I knew it!

The problem is, even though a skank like you can't back up your psycho-bitch bullshit, I can!

Let's take a look at a few UN resolutions in 2011...

I didn't see Israel anywhere in there. But I did see a few of these country's that you claimed "deserve it".

So what do you have to say to that, you stupid bitch?

But hold on, I'm not done, with your yeast-infected ass...

Let's look at a few UN resolutions that ARE against Israel and see what's anti-Semitic about them...

Nothing there about Jews.

Let's look at another one....

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2443
December 19, 1968

Noting resolution I on respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories, adopted by the International Conference on Human Rights on 7 May 1968,4/ in which the Conference, inter alia:

(a) Expressed its grave concern at the violation of human rights in Arab territories occupied by Israel,

(b) Drew the attention of the Government of Israel to the grave consequences resulting from the disregard of fundamental freedoms and human rights in occupied territories,

(c) Called upon the Government of Israel to desist forthwith from acts of destroying homes of the Arab civilian population inhabiting areas occupied by Israel and to respect and implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 5/ in occupied territories,

(d) Affirmed the inalienable rights of all inhabitants who have left their homes as a result of the outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East to return home, resume their normal life, recover their property and homes, and rejoin their families according to the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,​
Nothing about Jews there...

Let's look at one more...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/61
December 9, 1976

2. Condemns Israel's continued occupation of Arab territories in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the principles of international law and repeated United Nations resolutions;

3. Reaffirms that a just and lasting peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved without Israel's withdrawal from all Arab territories occupied since 1967 and the attainment by the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights, which are the basic prerequisites enabling all countries and peoples in the Middle East to live in peace;

4. Condemns all measures taken by Israel in the occupied territories to change the demographic and geographic character and institutional structure of these territories;

5. Requests once again all States to desist from supplying Israel with military and other forms of aid or any assistance which would enable it to consolidate its occupation or to exploit the natural resources of the occupied territories;
Nothing anti-Semitic there.

In summary (and in response) to your bullshit conjecture and deliberate lies, I provided evidence that shows your comments to be full of shit.

So shut your fucking mouth, you sick, twisted whore!

Mentally retarded
Psycho bitch
Yeast infected ass
Twisted whore.

These are the terms you used to describe Sally in this one post Billo.

You need anger management, PMS Billo.
If you get this pissed off at someone on a freaking message board, I wonder how you act in real like with people you are debating with.
Very very disgusting behaviour Billo.
According to the rules: Foul language (profanity) will be loosely tolerated and at the moderators discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub-forum.

It's getting a wee bit over the top, let's tone it down, a little less focus on member's intimate body parts and more focus on the topic.

A little foul language goes a long ways - too much ruins the point being made.
Billy, do you actually believe that everyone here buys your b.s. If you really cared about the Arabs, you certainly would be condemning the actions of those who are busy murdering them in the rest of the Middle East. You don't seem to care about the Muslim Arabs nor do care about the Christians in these countries. All your focus is on Israel and no other country in the Middle East when so much is happening there. That tells everyone quite a lot about you.
I can't decide whether you preceding comments are retarded or sinister. Because I've stated more than once, I don't give a shit about the arabs, yet you deliberately act like I haven't. You are either, mentally retarded, or your agenda is much more sinister than that.

Naturally Billy would never think that the UN might be anti-Semitic and that is why you see all these resolutions when you don't see them against countries that really deserve them.
You can't even name the resolutions you're referring to! You wanna try, you XXXXXXXXXXX? Go ahead XXXXXXXXXXX, name 3. I'll wait.

Need more time? You got it!

Couldn't come up with any? I knew it!

The problem is, even though a XXXXXXXXXXXlike you can't back up your psycho-bitch bullshit, I can!

Let's take a look at a few UN resolutions in 2011...

I didn't see Israel anywhere in there. But I did see a few of these country's that you claimed "deserve it".

So what do you have to say to that, you stupid bitch?

But hold on, I'm not done, with your yeast-infected ass...

Let's look at a few UN resolutions that ARE against Israel and see what's anti-Semitic about them...

Nothing there about Jews.

Let's look at another one....

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2443
December 19, 1968

Noting resolution I on respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories, adopted by the International Conference on Human Rights on 7 May 1968,4/ in which the Conference, inter alia:

(a) Expressed its grave concern at the violation of human rights in Arab territories occupied by Israel,

(b) Drew the attention of the Government of Israel to the grave consequences resulting from the disregard of fundamental freedoms and human rights in occupied territories,

(c) Called upon the Government of Israel to desist forthwith from acts of destroying homes of the Arab civilian population inhabiting areas occupied by Israel and to respect and implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 5/ in occupied territories,

(d) Affirmed the inalienable rights of all inhabitants who have left their homes as a result of the outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East to return home, resume their normal life, recover their property and homes, and rejoin their families according to the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,​
Nothing about Jews there...

Let's look at one more...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/61
December 9, 1976

2. Condemns Israel's continued occupation of Arab territories in violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the principles of international law and repeated United Nations resolutions;

3. Reaffirms that a just and lasting peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved without Israel's withdrawal from all Arab territories occupied since 1967 and the attainment by the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights, which are the basic prerequisites enabling all countries and peoples in the Middle East to live in peace;

4. Condemns all measures taken by Israel in the occupied territories to change the demographic and geographic character and institutional structure of these territories;

5. Requests once again all States to desist from supplying Israel with military and other forms of aid or any assistance which would enable it to consolidate its occupation or to exploit the natural resources of the occupied territories;
Nothing anti-Semitic there.

In summary (and in response) to your bullshit conjecture and deliberate lies, I provided evidence that shows your comments to be full of shit.

So shut your fucking mouth, XXXXXXXXXXX!

45 resolutions and you pick a section of one month without any?
Why are you baiting for a fight? When almost 50% of all resolutions are related to Israel, and we well know there are human right violations and brutality in many part of the world and war in other countries, there is an obvious bias. They are trying to hold Israel to a different standard and when found flawed even slightly Israel is condemned in some way.
Mentally retarded
Psycho bitch
Yeast infected ass
Twisted whore.

These are the terms you used to describe Sally in this one post Billo.

You need anger management, PMS Billo.
If you get this pissed off at someone on a freaking message board, I wonder how you act in real like with people you are debating with.
Very very disgusting behaviour Billo.
Did you see her post to me? The one I was responding to?

I found that as equally as offensive! She does that constantly and no one is going to do shit about it!

So I let her have it!
Mentally retarded
Psycho bitch
Yeast infected ass
Twisted whore.

These are the terms you used to describe Sally in this one post Billo.

You need anger management, PMS Billo.
If you get this pissed off at someone on a freaking message board, I wonder how you act in real like with people you are debating with.
Very very disgusting behaviour Billo.
Did you see her post to me? The one I was responding to?

I found that as equally as offensive! She does that constantly and no one is going to do shit about it!

So I let her have it!

But, Billy the Pimp in Long beach always sounds like he is reading the same script over and over and over. He cares nothing for all those innocent people murdered in the other Middle East countries as long as he can post once against his script against Israel (like any intellitent person is actually going to think he cares about the Arabs).

By the way, Toastman, I once read that someone who has to resort to profanities has a very limited vocabulary.
Mentally retarded
Psycho bitch
Yeast infected ass
Twisted whore.

These are the terms you used to describe Sally in this one post Billo.

You need anger management, PMS Billo.
If you get this pissed off at someone on a freaking message board, I wonder how you act in real like with people you are debating with.
Very very disgusting behaviour Billo.
Did you see her post to me? The one I was responding to?

I found that as equally as offensive! She does that constantly and no one is going to do shit about it!

So I let her have it!

Billo, Sally the scallywag has a very difficult job of propagandizing for the ZioNazi State of Israel...she try's real hard but her capacity for creativity is non-existent, so she naturally sounds like an dumb airhead blowing hot air from both ends....have pity, try to ignore her.
Mentally retarded
Psycho bitch
Yeast infected ass
Twisted whore.

These are the terms you used to describe Sally in this one post Billo.

You need anger management, PMS Billo.
If you get this pissed off at someone on a freaking message board, I wonder how you act in real like with people you are debating with.
Very very disgusting behaviour Billo.
Did you see her post to me? The one I was responding to?

I found that as equally as offensive! She does that constantly and no one is going to do shit about it!

So I let her have it!

Billo, Sally the scallywag has a very difficult job of propagandizing for the ZioNazi State of Israel...she try's real hard but her capacity for creativity is non-existent, so she naturally sounds like an dumb airhead blowing hot air from both ends....have pity, try to ignore her.
As opposed to carpet kissing women who aren't allowed to use the internet? :wtf:
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