I will not Bow!

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I agree with you and that's exactly what will happen if Israel is not accepted into the neighborhood.

I read somewhere, that when a reporter asked an Islamic fighter why he thought they would defeat the Western Zionist invader who was so strong? His reply: they fear death, we welcome it...

The only Islamic nation with nuclear weapons is Pakistan, and they are old compared to the rest of the world. Next door is one of Israel's friends and their nuclear weapons are relatively new, and are more abundant. So half to Pakistan and half to Iran and the problem is solved. Then the UN sends in the troops to dissuade Pakistan and Iran from ever trying that again. They are both signatories of the UN charter and Geneva conventions and know that nuclear war is not allowed, nor is all out war

So, you propose that Israel nuke Iran and Pakistan and then you want the UN to go in with troops to dissuade Pakistan and Iran from ever doing what again? I am really trying to understand, this intricate strategy you have developed. :cuckoo:
I agree with you and that's exactly what will happen if Israel is not accepted into the neighborhood.

I read somewhere, that when a reporter asked an Islamic fighter why he thought they would defeat the Western Zionist invader who was so strong? His reply: they fear death, we welcome it...

The only Islamic nation with nuclear weapons is Pakistan, and they are old compared to the rest of the world. Next door is one of Israel's friends and their nuclear weapons are relatively new, and are more abundant. So half to Pakistan and half to Iran and the problem is solved. Then the UN sends in the troops to dissuade Pakistan and Iran from ever trying that again. They are both signatories of the UN charter and Geneva conventions and know that nuclear war is not allowed, nor is all out war
Of course Israel is exempted from even revealing it has nukes and your analyses is that of a delusional and a political neophyte because Indians dislike Israel as much as the Pakis. This is what they are taught.

Is Israel really Pakistan?s enemy? ? The Express Tribune Blog

Is Israel really Pakistan's enemy? – The Express Tribune Blog

Apr 27, 2013 - The Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and the Israeli .... to the Israelis rather than just talking to each other about how much they hate Israel). ... Pakistanis hate Israel because it harms Muslims.
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pbel, et al,

Of course Israel is exempted from even revealing it has nukes and your analyses is that of a delusional and a political neophyte because Indians dislike Israel as much as the Pakis. This is what they are taught.

There is no such thing as a disclosure exemption. A nation is either a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation (NPT) of Nuclear Weapons, (not necessarily including the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols) or it is not. There are two broad classes of signatories:
  • Nuclear-Weapon State Parties (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)
  • Non-nuclear-Weapon State Parties
Four countries are presumed to have acquired, nuclear weapons: India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel. Safeguards are based on assessments of the correctness and completeness of a State’s declared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities. Obviously, if the nation is not a signatory, it doesn't make a declaration on the nuclear material and nuclear-related activities of that nation.​

There is no requirement for India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel to disclose the scope and nature of their nuclear material and nuclear-related activities. They disclose what they will.

The safeguards measures under Additional Protocols are the mechanism to grant inspection authority that are provided for in underlying the comprehensive safeguards agreements. It simply doesn't apply to India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel.

... Pakistanis hate Israel because it harms Muslims.

This is a religious based argument and not causal based. Not all Israelis are Jewish. And Israel is not in dispute with the Muslim World.

Most Respectfully,
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I was talking about the Iron Dome obviously.

Wow Peebel !!!

Yea forgot about the Hamas defense system of fire cracker control...Even Hamas gets through now and then...

Think Iran, Pakistan and their allies Toast, before Israel becomes Toast!

Nice deflection Peebel....

What about those countries ?? Are you trying to tell me that if Israel goes back to the '67 borders, those countries will recognize Israel and become friendly with them?
Don't forget were the muslim messiah will come from


But he gets defeated, then frozen, then shot out into deep space, to become someone else's problem, right?
A snide way of saying that the Jews were just as bad 4000 years ago as the muslims are today, so we should not talk about what the muslims still practise.

Oriental Jews still practice their old Semitic traditions, dude!

European Jews were forbidden to do this, and they whined and called it "Anti-Semitism".
A snide way of saying that the Jews were just as bad 4000 years ago as the muslims are today, so we should not talk about what the muslims still practise.

Oriental Jews still practice their old Semitic traditions, dude!

European Jews were forbidden to do this, and they whined and called it "Anti-Semitism".
Are you one of them pinko commie Arabists? If so, StormFront is three doors down.
A snide way of saying that the Jews were just as bad 4000 years ago as the muslims are today, so we should not talk about what the muslims still practise.

Oriental Jews still practice their old Semitic traditions, dude!

European Jews were forbidden to do this, and they whined and called it "Anti-Semitism".

Are you one of them pinko commie Arabists? If so, StormFront is three doors down.

Strange how Art seems to know all about what Oriental Jews have done. Hmm, wonder where he is getting this stuff. Maybe German actually has some sites just like Stormfront.com. You have to remember, Hossfly, that in Germany today, there are those siding with the Muslims in that "the enmy of my enmy is my friend game." I wonder, since Art is in Germany and posting now on this forum, if he can give us the latest about the Turks saying that the Germans should learn Turkish instead of the other way around.
A snide way of saying that the Jews were just as bad 4000 years ago as the muslims are today, so we should not talk about what the muslims still practise.

Oriental Jews still practice their old Semitic traditions, dude!

European Jews were forbidden to do this, and they whined and called it "Anti-Semitism".
Are you one of them pinko commie Arabists? If so, StormFront is three doors down.

Yeah, at Stormfront they string up communists and socialists. They are more hated than Jews, Arabs, Asians, Blacks etc. there. They'd welcome you though. They are almost all Limbaugh fans.
Oriental Jews still practice their old Semitic traditions, dude!

European Jews were forbidden to do this, and they whined and called it "Anti-Semitism".
Are you one of them pinko commie Arabists? If so, StormFront is three doors down.

Yeah, at Stormfront they string up communists and socialists. They are more hated than Jews, Arabs, Asians, Blacks etc. there. They'd welcome you though. They are almost all Limbaugh fans.
Now, don't you feel all intimidated and such now, Hoss?
Are you one of them pinko commie Arabists? If so, StormFront is three doors down.

Yeah, at Stormfront they string up communists and socialists. They are more hated than Jews, Arabs, Asians, Blacks etc. there. They'd welcome you though. They are almost all Limbaugh fans.
Now, don't you feel all intimidated and such now, Hoss?

Why should he feel intimidated? He would agree with 100% of what the Stormfront posters agree on except for his support of Israel/Jews.
Yeah, at Stormfront they string up communists and socialists. They are more hated than Jews, Arabs, Asians, Blacks etc. there. They'd welcome you though. They are almost all Limbaugh fans.
Now, don't you feel all intimidated and such now, Hoss?

Why should he feel intimidated? He would agree with 100% of what the Stormfront posters agree on except for his support of Israel/Jews.

Oh that is highly unlikely. Hossfly is a man of values and ethics and he, like me, would rather spit and die than be in the company of Nazis like you, Cazzo piccolo.
Now, don't you feel all intimidated and such now, Hoss?

Why should he feel intimidated? He would agree with 100% of what the Stormfront posters agree on except for his support of Israel/Jews.

Oh that is highly unlikely. Hossfly is a man of values and ethics and he, like me, would rather spit and die than be in the company of Nazis like you, Cazzo piccolo.

I don't post there, I am a commie pinko in Hoss's book. I would be banned immediately there. Limbaugh is one of the most popular pundits at Stormfront, Hoss has said he is a "dittohead", so there you go.
Why should he feel intimidated? He would agree with 100% of what the Stormfront posters agree on except for his support of Israel/Jews.

Oh that is highly unlikely. Hossfly is a man of values and ethics and he, like me, would rather spit and die than be in the company of Nazis like you, Cazzo piccolo.

I don't post there, I am a commie pinko in Hoss's book. I would be banned immediately there. Limbaugh is one of the most popular pundits at Stormfront, Hoss has said he is a "dittohead", so there you go.

Ok, so now we have incontrovertible proof that you really ARE as stupid as we thought.

Thank you for playing.
Now, don't you feel all intimidated and such now, Hoss?

Why should he feel intimidated? He would agree with 100% of what the Stormfront posters agree on except for his support of Israel/Jews.

Oh that is highly unlikely. Hossfly is a man of values and ethics and he, like me, would rather spit and die than be in the company of Nazis like you, Cazzo piccolo.

You're right, Hossfly is honorable unlike those at Stormfront who nowadays have joined up with the Muslims to demonize the Jews. There was an article in the Los Angeles Times back a few years. The reporter was in Germany writing about how the Palestinians and the NeoNazis there were protesting against the Jews in that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing. If anyone wants to, they can request the article from the Los Angeles Times Archives. It was entitled "East Meets West."
Oh that is highly unlikely. Hossfly is a man of values and ethics and he, like me, would rather spit and die than be in the company of Nazis like you, Cazzo piccolo.

I don't post there, I am a commie pinko in Hoss's book. I would be banned immediately there. Limbaugh is one of the most popular pundits at Stormfront, Hoss has said he is a "dittohead", so there you go.

Ok, so now we have incontrovertible proof that you really ARE as stupid as we thought.

Thank you for playing.

Ahh, that sort retort shows a great deal of intelligence. Just a quick question, is that the royal "we"?
So, you think that the Palestinian's resistance to Israel's aggression is the problem not Israel's aggression itself?
Bingo! That is the whole problem in a nutshell.

It is also the basis for all the UN Resolutions against Israel.

But the pro-Israeli crowd, wants people to believe this has something to do with "Jew hate". That the "only" reason people are against Israel, is because of the way they worship and what name they call God, NOT Israeli aggression in the ME.

Fortunately, not a single country on the planet, buys their bullshit.
So, you think that the Palestinian's resistance to Israel's aggression is the problem not Israel's aggression itself?
Bingo! That is the whole problem in a nutshell.

It is also the basis for all the UN Resolutions against Israel.

But the pro-Israeli crowd, wants people to believe this has something to do with "Jew hate". That the "only" reason people are against Israel, is because of the way they worship and what name they call God, NOT Israeli aggression in the ME.

Fortunately, not a single country on the planet, buys their bullshit.

Billy, do you actually believe that everyone here buys your b.s. If you really cared about the Arabs, you certainly would be condemning the actions of those who are busy murdering them in the rest of the Middle East. You don't seem to care about the Muslim Arabs nor do care about the Christians in these countries. All your focus is on Israel and no other country in the Middle East when so much is happening there. That tells everyone quite a lot about you.

Naturally Billy would never think that the UN might be anti-Semitic and that is why you see all these resolutions when you don't see them against countries that really deserve them.
So, you think that the Palestinian's resistance to Israel's aggression is the problem not Israel's aggression itself?
Bingo! That is the whole problem in a nutshell.

It is also the basis for all the UN Resolutions against Israel.

But the pro-Israeli crowd, wants people to believe this has something to do with "Jew hate". That the "only" reason people are against Israel, is because of the way they worship and what name they call God, NOT Israeli aggression in the ME.

Fortunately, not a single country on the planet, buys their bullshit.
What aggression? I fail to see any by Israel.
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