I will not be missed

That's not the point. I live in Trump country. Democrats don't even bother to field candidates for local offices. Here I get to hear from the other side.
I wonder what your state government looks like, here in Illinois, Chicago makes the entire state blue, but where I live, my district has not sent a Democrat to the House in D.C. for 100 years. State government is also Democrat majority.

Chicago has 8 million of Ilinois 12 million residents.
I wonder what your state government looks like, here in Illinois, Chicago makes the entire state blue, but where I live, my district has not sent a Democrat to the House in D.C. for 100 years. State government is also Democrat majority.

Chicago has 8 million of Ilinois 12 million residents.
Republicans control every statewide office and have a super majority in the both houses of the legislature.

But we also legalized recreational marijuana, defeated so call "right to work" and expanded Medicare over the objection of the government.
After several years on this board, I am saying goodbye. The far left has won the culture war. It’s embarrassing, annoying and frankly ridiculous. Still, this is what the majority wants.

Men are women
Biden is a great president who speaks coherently
The laptop story was Russian disinformation
Trump is a Russian spy
The Southern Border is secure
America is racist and must be remade
Forgive all college debt
The Democrats don’t need to have debates
Abortion should be allowed until week 40
Repeal the 2nd amendment
Take kids to drag shows and groom them
Give PoC reparations
Fire all dissenting voices
Have the FBI rig elections and brag about it
Don’t prosecute PoC when they commit crimes
Tax the rich at 99%
Being white is a privilege
Vaccine and mask mandates worked

You win. I hang my head in defeat.

It’s been real

bump bump bumpity bump bump!

you lied zuggy! you said you were dun gone from this place. & you snuck in with nary a peep. an ork is not a quiet being as you you fully well know.

It’s Not A Spending Problem. It’s A Revenue Problem
Damn, our lowland orc from Boston walked away...

Just to come back as another idiotic poster here....

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