I will not be missed

Okay, we'll leave your post over there.

^^^ ok .......... ^^^

v v v but but but ..... v v v

i know, i know - facts hurt you.


one of the key reasons donny lost the election was his handling of the virus.
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Vote fraud is all you clods have left.

'cept the only fraud proven - has been on donny's behalf.

It's becoming so obvious now that this is probably the last presidential election we will have that doesn't involve gunfire.


comic book guy.gif

okey dokey internet warrior! :113:
wtf are you suggesting haddy?

because a simple yes or no is too complex for you. there's no dodging 'cept for you refusing to accepts facts. the truthful facts & not some bullshit alternative facts.

the truth is - donny lied & lied & lied about the severity of COVID & played down the number of cases & deaths.


he admitted that he didn't want americans coming off a floating petri dish because then those cases would be recorded & he 'liked the numbers where they were '


then he lied & said it was all gonna be over in the spring.


& because the economy was tanking due to those damn americans had the nerve to keep getting get sick & die is when he 'fast tracked' that vaccine & promoted it. for ... his... benefit.


THEN when his flying monkeys started becoming more anti masking & certainly anti vaxxing, & a few started chanting anti trump rhetoric because of his promoting it - he switched tactics & also pushed hydroxycloriquin; instead of giving out PSAs that taking fish food was junk science, because he didn't want his nutty supporters to turn on him - & started making dr. fauci a target


just cause you don't want to accept the facts that yer chosen one is all about himself, that's on you.
hydroxychloroquine works and your buddies lied and said it didnt.
hydroxychloroquine works and your buddies lied and said it didnt.

Hydroxychloroquine has been studied for the treatment and prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The FDA had approved an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on March 28, 2020 to allow distribution of hydroxychloroquine to treat adults and adolescents who weigh at least 110 pounds (50 kg) and who are hospitalized with COVID-19, but who are unable to participate in a clinical study. However, FDA canceled this on June 15, 2020 because clinical studies showed that hydroxychloroquine is unlikely to be effective for treatment of COVID-19 in these patients and some serious side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, were reported.

The FDA and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) state that hydroxychloroquine should ONLY be taken for the treatment of COVID-19 under the direction of a doctor in a clinical study. Do not buy this medication online without a prescription. If you experience irregular heartbeats, dizziness, or fainting while taking hydroxychloroquine, call 911 for emergency medical treatment. If you have other side effects, be sure to tell your doctor.

Hydroxychloroquine: MedlinePlus Drug Information

Does WHO recommend hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19?

WHO does not recommend hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19. This recommendation is based on findings from 6 trials, with more than 6000 participants, who did not have COVID-19 and received hydroxychloroquine. Using hydroxychloroquine for prevention had little or no effect on preventing illness, hospitalization or death from COVID-19. Taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19 may increase the risk of diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, drowsiness and headache. More information can be found here.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Hydroxychloroquine

Hundreds of (mostly small) clinical trials were launched in the spring of 2020 to evaluate if hydroxychloroquine could prevent or treat COVID-19. According to publicly available data, 247 such trials were registered.
In this gold rush, some of these trials competed for the same patients including, unfortunately, trials that we collectively participated in. Regrettably, before the first randomized controlled trial was complete,
hydroxychloroquine became a cause célèbre. It was endorsed by an array of notable (and polarizing) individuals and supported by a variety of confounded observational studies. Many providers began prescribing the drug
and patients began to either request hydroxychloroquine or, alternatively, to fear it due to the ensuing public pushback against the public promotion of this unproven treatment and a high-profile article which was subsequently retracted.
Consequently, most outpatient trials failed to enroll to completion, and none were independently large enough to definitively refute a small benefit in this setting.
wtf are you suggesting haddy?
That your handlers don't like you going off script and even tangentially giving TRUMP! credit for anything.
because a simple yes or no is too complex for you. there's no dodging 'cept for you refusing to accepts facts. the truthful facts & not some bullshit alternative facts.

the truth is - donny lied & lied & lied about the severity of COVID & played down the number of cases & deaths.


he admitted that he didn't want americans coming off a floating petri dish because then those cases would be recorded & he 'liked the numbers where they were '


then he lied & said it was all gonna be over in the spring.


& because the economy was tanking due to those damn americans had the nerve to keep getting get sick & die is when he 'fast tracked' that vaccine & promoted it. for ... his... benefit.


THEN when his flying monkeys started becoming more anti masking & certainly anti vaxxing, & a few started chanting anti trump rhetoric because of his promoting it - he switched tactics & also pushed hydroxycloriquin; instead of giving out PSAs that taking fish food was junk science, because he didn't want his nutty supporters to turn on him - & started making dr. fauci a target


just cause you don't want to accept the facts that yer chosen one is all about himself, that's on you.
I don't think you're accepting the fact that he listened to the experts, fast tracked the vaccines and took crap for doing it. So, yeah, it's a simple question with a simple answer, one you can't give because it puts you in conflict with one or the other sacred positions that you don't dare deviate from.
That your handlers don't like you going off script and even tangentially giving TRUMP! credit for anything.

my handlers? oh dear - seems you are on team cray cray along with being a dutiful trump humper.

I don't think you're accepting the fact that he listened to the experts, fast tracked the vaccines and took crap for doing it. So, yeah, it's a simple question with a simple answer, one you can't give because it puts you in conflict with one or the other sacred positions that you don't dare deviate from.

ya - he got the ball rolling b- & never said he didn't. but not 'cause of the reasons YOU want to 'splain away as truth.

why did donny tell bob woodward that the virus was a killer - yet tried to peddle a 180 to americans? soooooooos not to 'panic' us like he lied about?

oh no non no..... auCONtraire..... it was because he knew that the stock market was gonna take a hit.
And he fast tracked the vaccines. You still can't deal with that.

he fast tracked the vaccines because he had no choice. YOU can't deal with the fact he kept the actual expert scientists outa meeting for the very reason it was 'all gonna go away ----

i e 'nothing to see here' until wall st was affected. that's why kelly loeffler was there but not science.

& guess who she is married too?

jeffery sprecher, owner & CEO of the NYSE.

People should view this site as entertainment and not get too offended by opposing comments.
he fast tracked the vaccines because he had no choice. YOU can't deal with the fact he kept the actual expert scientists outa meeting for the very reason it was 'all gonna go away ----

i e 'nothing to see here' until wall st was affected. that's why kelly loeffler was there but not science.

& guess who she is married too?

jeffery sprecher, owner & CEO of the NYSE.

"Yeah, but, yeah, but". Does anyone really care WHY a politician makes the right decision as long as they ultimately do? We all know politicians are egotistical maniacs that will 99% of the time make decisions based on what's best for them, which is why influence peddling is such a big deal in Washington. Just admit it, TRUMP! listened to the experts, fast-tracked the vaccines, and took crap for it from his own base. Apparently also from those who hate him.

Pretend you know why he did all you want, he made the call and your efforts to detract from that simple statement are moot.
"Yeah, but, yeah, but". Does anyone really care WHY a politician makes the right decision as long as they ultimately do?

if there is a pattern of deceit - then that shirley is a CONcern.

We all know politicians are egotistical maniacs that will 99% of the time make decisions based on what's best for them, which is why influence peddling is such a big deal in Washington. Just admit it, TRUMP! listened to the experts, fast-tracked the vaccines, and took crap for it from his own base. Apparently also from those who hate him.

after frozen meat wagons were picking up the piles of dead & the videos of mass graves being dug at hart island.

Pretend you know why he did all you want, he made the call and your efforts to detract from that simple statement are moot.

you seem to have played hookey the day they taught reading comp, didn't you?

holy cow - you better wipe all that cheeto colored silt from being that far up donny's colon.
if there is a pattern of deceit - then that shirley is a CONcern.

after frozen meat wagons were picking up the piles of dead & the videos of mass graves being dug at hart island.

you seem to have played hookey the day they taught reading comp, didn't you?

holy cow - you better wipe all that cheeto colored silt from being that far up donny's colon.
Stick with the narrative. I hear it helps when the voices get too loud and they come to 'visit' you.
The left has won the culture war?????
They have the MSM on their side but in more informal situations they seem to be abhorred and eaten for breakfast by conservatives and even moderates. I see it here all the time. There are a select few trolls within the entire USMB membership, some may be paid influencers and some are are their own.

The left is certainly continuing it's narrative ala MSM, but I'd hardly say America has caved to them.

Remember, Hillary was supposed.to win by a landslide. The only evidence they've won is that they always act like they have....which really doesn't mean Jack Shit.
Stick with the narrative.

the narrative is to mock you for being the trump humping MAGAt that you are. not only did you fail reading comp - you also got a big fat F for your critical thinking skills.

I hear it helps when the voices get too loud and they come to 'visit' you.

you gotsta do better than that haddy - i mean c'mon.....
The left has won the culture war?????
They have the MSM on their side but in more informal situations they seem to be abhorred and eaten for breakfast by conservatives and even moderates. I see it here all the time. There are a select few trolls within the entire USMB membership, some may be paid influencers and some are are their own.

The left is certainly continuing it's narrative ala MSM, but I'd hardly say America has caved to them.

Remember, Hillary was supposed.to win by a landslide. The only evidence they've won is that they always act like they have....which really doesn't mean Jack Shit.

& here you go.........


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