I will be a billionaire tomorrow

Once I hit 4 of the 5 white balls on the power-ball...got a measely hundred bucks.

What a sham!

But I have to admit...I almost shit myself while checking the numbers :)
If you had $1,580,000,000. in one dollar bills, it would take you approximately 5 years to count each of them at the rate of one second each. How much fun would that be?

We rich people don't bother counting our money and in particular we don't dabble in one-dollar bills.
But you wouldn't know such things.

P.S. Tonight's winning numbers were 13, 19, 20, 32, 33 and Mega 14.

:::::: sigh :::::::::

Out of 70 numbers, all the ones chosen were in the bottom half.
I did not get a one of them a- tall. It's so unfair.

I'll have to get along with all the money I earned myself, through hard work. Shouldn't be too hard. My second book is in editing.
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California's Mega Millions Lotto is 1 billion 580 million dollars.
I bought ten tickets!!!
Can't lose!!!

Eat your hearts out, suckas.

Good luck.

If you win, please share about 1% (15 million) with us hard cases here at USMB. Please.
California's Mega Millions Lotto is 1 billion 580 million dollars.
I bought ten tickets!!!
Can't lose!!!

Eat your hearts out, suckas.

Thought you'd bought a ticket to Vietnam. $50,000 does it.

I spent $8 and got one number with the mega which equals $4 in winnings.
Somebody in N Cal matched 5 numbers.

The Mega Millions winning numbers tonight 13 19 20 32 33 14 are similar to last Saturdays CA Superlotto Plus 17 19 23 31 33 14
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I spent $8 and got one number with the mega which equals $4 in winnings.
Somebody in N Cal matched 5 numbers.

The Mega Millions winning numbers tonight 13 19 20 32 33 14 are similar to last Saturdays CA Superlotto Plus 17 19 23 31 33 14
Most people have no idea how low the odds are when they are 1/330,000,000.

There is a reason why tens of millions people buy tickets each week and why so many times it rolls over with no winner.

Last night of all the millions of tickets sold in the US there was only one winning combination. The person that won had a ten times more chance of being hit by lightening than winning.

Any expectation of winning a mega lottery is nothing more than a fantasy.
Bought just one ticket.

If I would ever win I would just keep twelve million and then give away the rest.

All that money isn’t worth having for me…
That is a good point if someone is an older person.

At our age I doubt my wife and I would spend more than a few million of the money. The rest would go to family, friends and charity, not to mention the filthy ass government with the welfare queens getting more than a third of it.
That is a good point if someone is an older person.

At our age I doubt my wife and I would spend more than a few million of the money. The rest would go to family, friends and charity, not to mention the filthy ass government with the welfare queens getting more than a third of it.
Yeah, the Government shouldn't take more than ten percent of our money no matter our income.

Anyhoo, that amount of money is too much for one person like me and yes my family would be given five million a piece set up in a payout of so much money per month until they die and then the rest to whomever they will it to.

The rest would be used to operate an animal refuge in Maine on a nice farm.

I would make sure the operation would work under the percentage points that the money earns off interest from investments.
Being an Engineer and understanding Statistics you know that buying ten tickets gives you only an infinitesimal greater chance of winning than buying just one ticket.

You spent your $20 for the fantasy of winning, not for the actual expectation of winning something that has a 1/330,000,000 chance of winning.

SHHHHHH! Don't you know nothin'?
I'm funnin' with the Little People. Giving them hope and maybe laughter. Don't be a party pooper.

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