I went to a Nursing home to work and it was SCARY as F

There is no way in hell I would ever put my father in one of those places.

They have angry scumbags working at those places that hate working there but it's the only job they can find and then they take their anger out on the helpless elderly patients.

If a patient shits the bed and they have to clean it up, they take it personally. Shit like that happens in those places. Hell, in New York Cuomo tried to kill them all.
They have angry scumbags working at those places that hate working there but it's the only job they can find and then they take their anger out on the helpless elderly patients.

We make more per hour in nursing homes than nurses in hospitals do.
Utterly shocking and terrifying experience

Was like being in the aftermath of WW1. So much sadness and illness everywhere.
People with dementia
People after strokes
People super overweight
People missing limbs

The stinch was BAD. Smelled like vomit , urine and TURDS all mixed together and invaded my nose every second.

This S is real as F
My wife and daughter both work in the Memory Care unit of an assisted living facility. That's the hardest part of an assisted living facility. All their patients are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's.

When they tell me about their jobs, all I can think is no one could pay me enough to do that job. In fact, they are grossly underpaid. You can literally earn more working at a Wendy's fast food franchise.

My wife and daughter do it for their love of the job and their patients. They are heroes.

They are routinely assaulted by the patients. There is one monstrously fat guy who has harmed my daughter multiple times, and she is not allowed to hit back.

There is a retired priest with dementia who spends all his days masturbating. :oops:

The patients smear their shit everywhere. On the walls, in the ventilation ducts, everywhere.

Like I said. You could not pay me enough. And for that reason, the facility is always severely understaffed, exacerbating the situation for those who remain.
Well, itā€™s a good thing some of us are willing to work there.

Those people need caregivers, and yes, that care often involves cleaning poop and pee.

Despite everyone swearing theyā€™ll ā€œneverā€ end up in one, Iā€™m 100% certain some of the posters saying that here will end their days in one.

Maybe youā€™ll outlive all your loved ones. Maybe your adult children will be way too old themselves to take care of you. Thereā€™s many, many possibilities.

We work our butts off in this setting. I routinely work 8hrs straight with no break or lunch.

My ā€œbreakā€ constitutes sitting at the desk and scarfing something down while I chart.

And, we have to put up with family members who are feeling guilty about leaving mom or dad with us, so they compensate by harassing and abusing staff over petty bullshit.
Well, itā€™s a good thing some of us are willing to work there.

Those people need caregivers, and yes, that care often involves cleaning poop and pee.

Despite everyone swearing theyā€™ll ā€œneverā€ end up in one, Iā€™m 100% certain some of the posters saying that here will end their days in one.

Maybe youā€™ll outlive all your loved ones. Maybe your adult children will be way too old themselves to take care of you. Thereā€™s many, many possibilities.

We work our butts off in this setting. I routinely work 8hrs straight with no break or lunch.

My ā€œbreakā€ constitutes sitting at the desk and scarfing something down while I chart.

And, we have to put up with family members who are feeling guilty about leaving mom or dad with us, so they compensate by harassing and abusing staff over petty bullshit.
Most of the residents where my wife and daughter work are never visited by their families, and their families live in the local area. It's really sad. These people die alone, with only my wife or daughter or another staff member there to hold their hand in the end.

Then the family shows up and it's all histrionic grieving drama. My wife and daughter have to exercise superhuman restraint not to smack them.

I gather you are an RN. My wife is a caregiver, my daughter is a Med Aid. They are paid dogshit.
Most of the residents where my wife and daughter work are never visited by their families, and their families live in the local area. It's really sad. These people die alone, with only my wife or daughter or another staff member there to hold their hand in the end.

Then the family shows up and it's all histrionic grieving drama. My wife and daughter have to exercise superhuman restraint not to smack them.

I gather you are an RN. My wife is a caregiver, my daughter is a Med Aid. They are paid dogshit.
Iā€™m a LPN.

Yeah, assisted living is the worst. They pay shit because, supposedly, the residents are low acuity.

In reality, 75% of them SHOULD be in a skilled nursing facility. They SHOULDNā€™T be is assisted living if they canā€™t ambulate, but these places will take anyone who can pay.

I only work in skilled nursing or rehab. They donā€™t use underpaid and overworked med techs there

And youā€™re right about the family who never visit being the most dramatic and abusive toward staff.

Theyā€™re also the ones who put their mother/father on tube feeding, full code and make them go to dialysis three times a week when the poor person is bed ridden, comatose and contracted in a ball.

Thereā€™s a particular ethnicity notorious for doing this.
In reality, 75% of them SHOULD be in a skilled nursing facility.
Bingo. I've asked my daughter time and time again to document all the ways her employer is violating the law for fun and profit. I bought her a journal for the purpose. She sometimes remembers to use it.

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