I Was The Candidate To Be The First Artist In Space

Feb 9, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
I was the candidate to be the first artist in space. True or false. Delusional or fact. The test here is to research and find out for real. unlike so many of our posters who knee jerk and then flame each other into oblivion. Or, get so bad they end up on an ignore list.

All posts welcome.

Thank you all in advance,

Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist (washingtonpost.com)

I do know Laurie Anderson was the first in something:

Performance artist Laurie Anderson thought the phone call was a prank.

How would you like to be NASA's artist-in-residence?

and I also knew about the NASA art program:

NASA began its art program in 1963 but never before had it tapped a resident artist, nor had it pushed the aesthetic envelope so boldly by choosing a performer whose large-scale theatrical productions blended "Star Trek" and Melville. Anderson is no Faith Hill.

who first proposed an artist in space, and what makes a proposal credible? Maybe Jules Vern proposed sending his art director in space? No way to possibly prove the statement true, but many possibilities to express statement as ridiculous without a narrower focus. Such a broad and open ended statement is the kind made here all the time.

and then who are you? who is anyone here on an anonymous message board?

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I was the candidate to be the first artist in space. True or false. Delusional or fact. The test here is to research and find out for real. unlike so many of our posters who knee jerk and then flame each other into oblivion. Or, get so bad they end up on an ignore list.

All posts welcome.

Thank you all in advance,


Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Posts: 764
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I was the candidate to be the first artist in space. True or false. Delusional or fact. The test here is to research and find out for real. unlike so many of our posters who knee jerk and then flame each other into oblivion. Or, get so bad they end up on an ignore list.

All posts welcome.

Thank you all in advance,


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAlfr7wsqcM]THE RIDDLER - FRANK GORSHIN - YouTube[/ame]
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Well, so far we're not doing any good. Somebody, very close on target, got it on the "NASA-Artist, but no one ever went to the source, NASA itself, and it would have been a quick search and one click, and there it is, right n the NASA site itself.

The point; if we are going to discuss topics of our lives, thre is a probabilty they are correct. Its called discernment. But its all been fun.

Now, "I was a candidate to be the first artist in space". Wonder how this will go.

Thank you for the indulgence.

Well, so far we're not doing any good. Somebody, very close on target, got it on the "NASA-Artist, but no one ever went to the source, NASA itself, and it would have been a quick search and one click, and there it is, right n the NASA site itself.

The point; if we are going to discuss topics of our lives, thre is a probabilty they are correct. Its called discernment. But its all been fun.

Now, "I was a candidate to be the first artist in space". Wonder how this will go.

Thank you for the indulgence.


Interesting. A search of the employee directory on www.nasa.gov produces the following (see attached image). NONE of those are you.


  • $nasa.jpg
    40.3 KB · Views: 69
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  • #9
Oh my, its here. Hey, look at this: Right up your alley:

But wait, at the NASA art site, how come no one has challenged the rest of the claim? The "NASA-Smithsonian" part.

Shitfuck: Come on big art boy, prove that your work goes to the Smithsonian.

Me: Ok.

NASA Art at the Smithsonian

Any questions? And over and over, I have NEVER worked for NASA as a civil servant. I am and always have been a contractor. Why? Better money and you can run your own employment and pick and choose your own assignments. But wait, at the NASA art site, how come no one has challenged the rest of the claim? The "NASA-Smithsonian" part.

Shitfuck: Come on big art boy, prove that your work goes to the Smithsonian.

Me: Ok.

NASA Art at the Smithsonian

Any questions?

Beat ya too it. Such a loser.

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Oh my, its here. Hey, look at this: Right up your alley:

But wait, at the NASA art site, how come no one has challenged the rest of the claim? The "NASA-Smithsonian" part.

Shitfuck: Come on big art boy, prove that your work goes to the Smithsonian.

Me: Ok.

NASA Art at the Smithsonian

Any questions? And over and over, I have NEVER worked for NASA as a civil servant. I am and always have been a contractor. Why? Better money and you can run your own employment and pick and choose your own assignments. But wait, at the NASA art site, how come no one has challenged the rest of the claim? The "NASA-Smithsonian" part.

Shitfuck: Come on big art boy, prove that your work goes to the Smithsonian.

Me: Ok.

NASA Art at the Smithsonian

Any questions?

Beat ya too it. Such a loser.


Gee, what a surprise... just like the other thread you posted this link in... 15 works of art, NONE with your name. Curiouser and curiouser.

You are an 8 time loser now and a fail at even using a search engine. You must be so very very weak. A child. Dumb and dumber.

Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist (washingtonpost.com)

I do know Laurie Anderson was the first in something:

Performance artist Laurie Anderson thought the phone call was a prank.

How would you like to be NASA's artist-in-residence?

and I also knew about the NASA art program:

NASA began its art program in 1963 but never before had it tapped a resident artist, nor had it pushed the aesthetic envelope so boldly by choosing a performer whose large-scale theatrical productions blended "Star Trek" and Melville. Anderson is no Faith Hill.

who first proposed an artist in space, and what makes a proposal credible? Maybe Jules Vern proposed sending his art director in space? No way to possibly prove the statement true, but many possibilities to express statement as ridiculous without a narrower focus. Such a broad and open ended statement is the kind made here all the time.

and then who are you? who is anyone here on an anonymous message board?


The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Every once upon a time....

Hope that is helpful.

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Moon and Stars Align for Performance Artist (washingtonpost.com)

I do know Laurie Anderson was the first in something:

Performance artist Laurie Anderson thought the phone call was a prank.

How would you like to be NASA's artist-in-residence?

and I also knew about the NASA art program:

NASA began its art program in 1963 but never before had it tapped a resident artist, nor had it pushed the aesthetic envelope so boldly by choosing a performer whose large-scale theatrical productions blended "Star Trek" and Melville. Anderson is no Faith Hill.

who first proposed an artist in space, and what makes a proposal credible? Maybe Jules Vern proposed sending his art director in space? No way to possibly prove the statement true, but many possibilities to express statement as ridiculous without a narrower focus. Such a broad and open ended statement is the kind made here all the time.

and then who are you? who is anyone here on an anonymous message board?


The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Bad.

Hope that is helpful.


blah blah blah... again with the nonsense.

What about the link YOU posted, claiming it proved you were a NASA employee? NONE of those works had your name. Why would you post that link, claiming it proved your story? Did you think no one would actually click on it?


And now you state you cannot read. What a loser. Hysterically funny.

And what can you not understand about this:

“From the Seeds of Change … a Discovery” - Oil by Robert A.M. Stephens, who said: “Sometimes, on the long voyage, there are curious things that man embraces in his insatiable quest for discovery.............

NASA - NASA and the Arts

You are a total loser and a shitfuck. Wow. too funny.

10 lies now, documented and D/l. This is going to be so fun.

Easier than Bell.


And now you state you cannot read. What a loser. Hysterically funny.

And what can you not understand about this:

“From the Seeds of Change … a Discovery” - Oil by Robert A.M. Stephens, who said: “Sometimes, on the long voyage, there are curious things that man embraces in his insatiable quest for discovery.............

NASA - NASA and the Arts

You are a total loser and a shitfuck. Wow. too funny.

10 lies now, documented and D/l. This is going to be so fun.

Easier than Bell.


look at the links YOU posted in post #9, Shitfuck. NONE of those works had your name, Shitfuck. Do you get it, Shitfuck?

You had 1 painting commissioned by NASA, and you've made an Internet career of claiming much more involvement than that. You're a liar, a fraud, and a hoser. Do you get it, Shitfuck?
The first administrator to promote and institute the NASA
Art Program, was James Webb. He felt that the ages of discovery over time have always been documented by artists.

So, the NASA Art Program began.

When I cam along it was under the directorship of Bob Schulman (deceased). We became friends and so we worked hand in hand and why I ended up with so many art assignments on Shuttle program for documentation. By then I was working as a contractor for NASA on shuttle, working for General Dynamics, Pratt and Whitney, and Rocketdyne, all contracting.

Again, Bob Schulman was the promoter for the "Artist in Space" project and I was picked for the possible trip. Loved it.

It all ended on Jan 28th, 1986, with the destruction of Challenger. And too, as an aside, I had been dating Astronaut Judith Resnik, who died on Challenger.

Other than losing my wife, that was the hardest issue so far. One minute triumph, right at "Challenger, Go For Throttle Up!", at T+73 seconds, then a fireball of unimaginable results.

But, in life, things fall down. Every once upon a time....

Hope that is helpful.


Interesting how that isn't mentioned here...
NASA Marks Passing Of Noted Artist And Agency Curator

You'd think something like that would be worth noting.
The Army and Navy commission artists and photogrpahers to document military life and happenings, including combat.

So it might make sense that NASA was considering going the same route. It would be good marketing, after all.

But as Robert has made the claim of this having been given honor, it falls to Robert to substantiate it.

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