CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York

That is about 700 COVID19 deaths per day in New York. That is easily verifIed to be correct because New York City starting in April had had peak at 1000 deaths per day.

New York City Covid-19 Deaths Top 1,000. Here Are the Latest Numbers.
  • By Al Root. April 1, 2020 8:47 am ET

DO You stand corrected?

Thanks for helping me prove the graph valid and correct.
250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York

That is about 700 COVID19 deaths per day in New York. That is easily verifIed to be correct because New York City starting in April had had peak at 1000 deaths per day.


How are you "verifying" those numbers to be correct? Just trusting them I take it? THat is your idea of "verification"?
250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York

That is about 700 COVID19 deaths per day in New York. That is easily verifIed to be correct because New York City starting in April had had peak at 1000 deaths per day.

New York City Covid-19 Deaths Top 1,000. Here Are the Latest Numbers.
  • By Al Root. April 1, 2020 8:47 am ET

DO You stand corrected?

Thanks for helping me prove the graph valid and correct.


Who verified those numbers?

What protocols were used to come up with those numbers?

Are those protocols standardized across the United States or just something the local hospital and government came up with?

I can make things look bad out here in the boonies too if I count everyone that dies as a Chinese corona death.


You libertarians and leftists make no difference to me. All working against America.
I advocate for Liberty- you MIGHT try reading my signature line if you have any questions about my loyalty, and you MIGHT tell us which America your loyalty lies with- North, Central or South-
The United States (in North America) is alleged to be about Liberty and Justice for all- based on the philosophy I do my best to live by and advocate for, (but obviously hurts your snow flake sensitivities)- all men are created equal and have certaing unalienable rights- there are NO caveats in that founding philosophy- the left/right paradigm preached by many is so full of holes it can't help but leak, usually brains of the indoctrinated, who worship a particular political dogma, like you're doing.
You libertarians and leftists make no difference to me. All working against America.
I advocate for Liberty- you MIGHT try reading my signature line if you have any questions about my loyalty, and you MIGHT tell us which America your loyalty lies with- North, Central or South-
The United States (in North America) is alleged to be about Liberty and Justice for all- based on the philosophy I do my best to live by and advocate for, (but obviously hurts your snow flake sensitivities)- all men are created equal and have certaing unalienable rights- there are NO caveats in that founding philosophy- the left/right paradigm preached by many is so full of holes it can't help but leak, usually brains of the indoctrinated, who worship a particular political dogma, like you're doing.
Washington wasn’t a libertarian. Neither were Hamilton or Jefferson or Jackson or Henry Clay or Adams or Franklin. Your philosophy is a european import alien to these shores. Its just the flip side of Marxism and just about as poison.
I can make things look bad out here in the boonies too if I count everyone that dies as a Chinese corona death.

If you wish to match the spike in deaths that the graph shows in New York City you will have to kill 700 out so people that were not expecting to be dead each week, adjusted of course for the population of the boonies.

That won’t be necessary since you should be able to figure out that you are making no sense.
How are you "verifying" those numbers to be correct? Just trusting them I take it? THat is your idea of "verification"?

What number or numbers do you suspect are bogus?

700 deaths per 24 hour period matches the chart and is 99 shy of this Fox NEWS reference to April 9.
The announcement comes as New York has seen a decrease in hospitalizations for a seventh consecutive day. The state’s overall coronavirus death toll is now at 14,347 – and hit its daily peak on April 9, when Cuomo reported 799 deaths.​

20#388 reply to 19#373
The numbers for that red line are PURE SHIT... Showing 200 deaths per million about 2 week March... That's 64,000 DEATHS PER WEEK... Did not happen that way...

You are about 59,000 deaths per week off according to D. Eagle:

Post 19#375
250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York State


250 per million X 19.5 million people = 4875 people died in New York State for the day that red line passes the 250 people per million died mark.

That’s correct: During a seven day period 4875 people died in New York State exactly at the time that this chart shows the C19 red line crosses the (250 deaths per million) line.


It was great that D. Eagle could read the chart and get the numbers right, but his problem is he did not keep up to date with the news. He was way off on the number of deaths per day in NY. He inserted maximum 400 deaths per day for the week at 250 DPM.

Post 19#375
If the highest death count a day in New York State was 400 that's only 2800 people died during a week at most.

Chuckles is wrong on that but dividing Chuckles’ 4875 people died figure by seven days in a week, I get 696 deaths in NY per week.

The graph is absolutely correct showing a spike of COVID19 deaths of unprecedented magnitude based on 500 to 900 deaths per day for most of April.


But the facts don’t satisfy this crisis denying Dem Virus Hoax Truther:

Post 20#382
. How are you "verifying" those numbers to be correct?

I cited Fox News. In Post 20#387

700 deaths per 24 hour period matches the chart and is 99 shy of this Fox NEWS reference to April 9.
The announcement comes as New York has seen a decrease in hospitalizations for a seventh consecutive day. The state’s overall coronavirus death toll is now at 14,347 – and hit its daily peak on April 9, when Cuomo reported 799 deaths.

If you wish to deny the validity of the New Atlantis graph you need to do better than accuse the authors of being 64,000 deaths off from an actual total of 5000.

I’m not impressed with your math and calling the numbers “pure shit” when the numbers are pure correct.
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250+ died per million
19.5 million people million people in the New York

That is about 700 COVID19 deaths per day in New York. That is easily verifIed to be correct because New York City starting in April had had peak at 1000 deaths per day.

New York City Covid-19 Deaths Top 1,000. Here Are the Latest Numbers.
  • By Al Root. April 1, 2020 8:47 am ET

DO You stand corrected?

Thanks for helping me prove the graph valid and correct.

View attachment 325941

Who verified those numbers?

What protocols were used to come up with those numbers?

Are those protocols standardized across the United States or just something the local hospital and government came up with?

I can make things look bad out here in the boonies too if I count everyone that dies as a Chinese corona death.



He just said "verify" cause is sounds cool. Libs are like that.
How are you "verifying" those numbers to be correct? Just trusting them I take it? THat is your idea of "verification"?

What number or numbers do you suspect are bogus?

700 deaths per 24 hour period matches the chart and is 99 shy of this Fox NEWS reference to April 9.
The announcement comes as New York has seen a decrease in hospitalizations for a seventh consecutive day. The state’s overall coronavirus death toll is now at 14,347 – and hit its daily peak on April 9, when Cuomo reported 799 deaths.​

View attachment 325991

Yes, You said that already. You also said that they were "verified".

So, how did you verify them?

Or was that just you talking shit?
Are you asking me to verify that 11,000 Americans died in NYC and were tested positive for COVID19 infection because you don’t believe they died.

Think about it.
Are you asking me to verify that 11,000 Americans died in NYC and were tested positive for COVID19 infection because you don’t believe they died.

Think about it.

You are not only presenting them as CAUSED by covid19 (interesting walk back there though)

BUT, you stated that the numbers were verified.

So, I asked you, how you verified them.

And you played dumb to dodge the question.

Also, you know by now, one of the big questions about those numbers, is if they are lumping unrelated flu and pneumonia deaths in with them.

So, your question if I was questioning whether the dead people were actually dead, was just you playing games, instead of engaging in serious and honest debate.

So, we can conclude from your behavior, that when you said "verified" you were just saying that, cause it sounded good, and you didn't expect anyone would actually call you on it.

So the numbers are not verified and could be complete garbage.

Got it.
20#393 reply to 20#392
So, I asked you, how you verified them.

And you played dumb to dodge the question.

As usual you are confused as to what I verified. I verified that according to several news reports including Fox News that 700 deaths per day is absolutely a proper number that was used in the C19 chart that all you lockdown protester, hoax believers, claim is bogus.

I wrote:“That is about 700 COVID19 deaths per day in New York. That is easily verifIed to be correct because New York City starting in April had a peak at 1000 deaths per day.”

It is an easily verifiable number unless you can confirm through a credible news source that can verify a significantly lower number than 700 deaths per day occurred during the month of April so far.

Why are you not asking D. Eagle to verify his 400 DPD bogus number:

Post 19#375
If the highest death count a day in New York State was 400 that's only 2800 people died during a week at most.

NYC continues to report 500 deaths per day.

You apparently won’t ask anyone that in on the conspiracy theory * , to verify their obviously bogus number.

*(Libs andDeep Staters are faking deaths in this pandemic to hurt Trump’s re-election). ....and the funny part is Trump is all in on the hoax ever since the Hoax crashed the economy.

And you keep working it.
20#393 reply to 20#392
So, I asked you, how you verified them.

And you played dumb to dodge the question.

As usual you are confused as to what I verified. I verified that according to several news reports including Fox News that 700 deaths per day is absolutely a proper number that was used in the C19 chart that all you lockdown protester, hoax believers, claim is bogus.

A bunch of news outlets all reporting the same number from the same source, is not a verified number.
Also, you know by now, one of the big questions about those numbers, is if they are lumping unrelated flu and pneumonia deaths in with them.

The hugest most monumental and never answered question of your conspiracy theory * is what cause of death created the exponential growth of patients needing ventilators and ICU Beds in April this year?

*(Libs and Deep Staters are faking deaths in this pandemic to hurt Trump’s re-election). .
Also, you know by now, one of the big questions about those numbers, is if they are lumping unrelated flu and pneumonia deaths in with them.

The hugest most monumental and never answered question of your conspiracy theory * is what cause of death created the exponential growth of patients needing ventilators and ICU Beds in April this year?

*(Libs and Deep Staters are faking deaths in this pandemic to hurt Trump’s re-election). .

I like how you completely ignored my point, in your reply to my post.

I mean, NOTHING you said, in any way, addressed it, even a little.

Some people, might accidentally say something that other people might mistake for addressing a point,

but not you. YOu give nothing.
That’s correct: During a seven day period 4875 people died in New York State exactly at the time that this chart shows the C19 red line crosses the (250 deaths per million) line.

You can't read a basic graph... THE RATE at week 2.5 is about 100 per million.. The RATE at week 4 is about 200 per million.. 100 per million equals 10,000 per 100million.. There are 320 million in America so that is 32 THOUSAND a WEEK.. It's SOOOO wrong -- it's ridiculous.. It MIGHT BE closer to right if it were CUMULATIVE deaths, Not deaths vs time as a % of population.. But then the graphs for the "normal flus" would be cumulative ALSO -- but they are not.. Do you know why? Don't think so... But I do..

You just push that faulty thing all ya want.. I've given you more than enough clues...
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THE RATE at week 2.5 is about 100 per million.. The RATE at week 4 is about 200 per million.. 100 per million equals 10,000 per 100million.. There are 320 million in America so that is 32 THOUSAND a WEEK.. It's SOOOO wrong -- it's ridiculous..

NotfooledbyW -- Last chance -- Where's the error in the math above? Are those graphs JUST for NYC or NY state?? No they are not.. Are those flu graph #s cumulative for "normal flu"? No they are not. But the Covid numbers might be #cases or they might be "close" to cumulative #s -- but they are APPLES and ORANGES on that chart...

Someone at NewAtlantis or wherever made stale fruit salad out of statistics...

Why don't you just go the CDC website and GET PROPERLY PREPARED data?
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