I thought we were broke?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Right Truth|Debbie @ Right Truth: I thought we were broke?
I thought national parks were closing because of the sequestration. That's what Barack Obama told everyone in his scare the public campaign. Now he has designated five new national parks/monuments, including the in Joe Biden's backyard, Delaware’s Great Cypress Swamp as a National Park.

That's the same Joe Biden who just spent over a million dollars of taxpayer money on TWO nights in hotels:

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50...

$459,388.65 Hotel Bill in London...

No end to the Obama administration's spending.

And on and on it goes.
Right Truth|Debbie @ Right Truth: I thought we were broke?
I thought national parks were closing because of the sequestration. That's what Barack Obama told everyone in his scare the public campaign. Now he has designated five new national parks/monuments, including the in Joe Biden's backyard, Delaware’s Great Cypress Swamp as a National Park.

That's the same Joe Biden who just spent over a million dollars of taxpayer money on TWO nights in hotels:

Biden's One-Night Paris Hotel Tab: $585,000.50...

$459,388.65 Hotel Bill in London...

No end to the Obama administration's spending.

And on and on it goes.

Remember this is the "do as I say, not as I do" President!
How often has Obama quoted the Bible.."We are our brother's keeper" Yet his brother lives in a $12 /year hut!
Or Obama's donations deducted from his taxes...measly 14%! Obama also used a $100,000 tax loophole to lower his tax payments to 26%..
Bush with half the income donated nearly twice as much (23%) while paying 30% of his taxable income in taxes!
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?

Well, if you bother to step down from your biased soapbox and check the links - along with a bit of searching - you would discover it's THE TRUTH! [Something Lefties can't deal with]

dont give right wing sources and expect them to be believed.

If it real get some respectable source
Despite sequester, Obama to designate five national monuments - Washington Times

According to a National Parks and Conservation Association Study, in 2006 every federal dollar invested in national parks generated at least $4 of economic value for businesses surrounding the parks. National parks are responsible for $13.3 billion dollars of local, private-sector economic activity nationwide, supporting 267,000 private-sector jobs, according to the Department of Interior.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...ama-designate-five-national-mo/#ixzz2ONrpWifA
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dont give right wing sources and expect them to be believed.

If it real get some respectable source

oh here you are......they are still laughing at you over in that other thread you were in where you looked like an ass......are you going to do that here too.....:eusa_angel:
I thought the right was supposed to be all pro business?

Haha, thats right, if the private hotel didnt charge so much, it wouldnt cost so much!

The right wing picks and chooses its outrage. Slowly but surely the right wing is being exposed for the bullshit artists they are.
Despite sequester, Obama to designate five national monuments - Washington Times

According to a National Parks and Conservation Association Study, in 2006 every federal dollar invested in national parks generated at least $4 of economic value for businesses surrounding the parks. National parks are responsible for $13.3 billion dollars of local, private-sector economic activity nationwide, supporting 267,000 private-sector jobs, according to the Department of Interior.

Read more: Despite sequester, Obama to designate five national monuments - Washington Times
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Wow! So every $1 invested by the govt into parks generates $4 in economic growth for businesses around the parks?

Hold on, wait, a right winger is yelling something at me............

(RW'er) "That Gosh durn gubmint dont crate jobs!!!! Tha gubmint is just takers!! Dey gurrna takes me guns too! They dont crate jobs, they take!"
the right hates creating jobs and tax revenue.

while we have a black president
OP can you tell me why your source did not mention the facts I gave you?

We all know why do you?
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?

Well, if you bother to step down from your biased soapbox and check the links - along with a bit of searching - you would discover it's THE TRUTH! [Something Lefties can't deal with]


It's bullshit.
Parks create $4 for every $1 of fed money invested, they boost local economies. But when the sequester was being drawn up the morons in D.C. decided that cutting funds to those parks .. you know, the ones that make money and boost local economies .. would be a dandy idea.

Gaaa, can't we fire them? Please?
I know our local govt invests in police services. And the tourist mecca of Charleston is full of millions of tourists who make a lot of hotel and restaurant managers downtown really happy.

Those tourists feel safe to stroll around, unarmed, with drinks and have a wonderful time on Charleston Peninsula.

The same Peninsual that is surrounded by the crime infested shitholes of West Ashley and North Charleston.

Hmmmm. Wonder if Charleston's investment in public safety.....helps those downtown businesses keep the tourists coming?

Nah, government cant help the economy!! Fuck that!! TAKERS!!!
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?

Well, if you bother to step down from your biased soapbox and check the links - along with a bit of searching - you would discover it's THE TRUTH! [Something Lefties can't deal with]


:eusa_drool:Yep. Only time they can deal with it is when its in their favor. If it isn't they cover it up or ignore it.
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?

Well, if you bother to step down from your biased soapbox and check the links - along with a bit of searching - you would discover it's THE TRUTH! [Something Lefties can't deal with]


It's bullshit.

:cuckoo:And whys that? Maybe because you just don't agree with it or maybe it wasn't on MSNBC?
Considering the source is an ultra-right wing propaganda site, it's likely completely fabricated BS.

Remember the "200 million dollar a day" trip to india the right wing machine was spreading about Obama that turned out to be complete lies?

Well, if you bother to step down from your biased soapbox and check the links - along with a bit of searching - you would discover it's THE TRUTH! [Something Lefties can't deal with]


The truth, apparently is that ratty little degenerate, Junebug Bush, whose parents were resigned to prevailing upon family friends to support their boy in makework jobs (VP of baseball, anyone?) until Karl Rove spotted his meal ticket, isn't smart enough to find legal deductions most nutball grifters take for granted and white trash dream about as they look out their trailer windows at abandoned industrial parks created by corporate presidents starting with Reagan and continuing today.

What is the difference between Reagan and Clinton and Bush and Obama? The biggest difference before Obama was closeted neocon Clinton balanced the budget while the proudly 'out' neocons tripled and doubled the national debt respectively without a single peep out of most of the halfwits criticizing Obama here.

IN sum, Obama has finally adopted the spending habits of Republicans and all the white trash of America do is bitch about it.

My question: why is that? Is it some kind of congenital mental defect or what?
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