I think Trump should trim some dumb federal laws


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I think Trump should trim some dumb federal laws, outright end the war on drugs and work to end the reality that we're the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to talk about liberty and personal freedom conservatives?

Some ideas----
-Moonshine should be legal
-Pot should be legal
-Selling cigs on the street corner should be legal
-Public intoxication- How are people suppose to get home from parties, bars etc without being intoxicated at some point?(not a federal law but it should go bye bye)
-Any federal law that prevents gambling

Lets not just cut things that help the rich but also do so for the poor.
I think Trump should trim some dumb federal laws, outright end the war on drugs and work to end the reality that we're the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to talk about liberty and personal freedom conservatives?

Some ideas----
-Moonshine should be legal
-Pot should be legal
-Selling cigs on the street corner should be legal
-Public intoxication- How are people suppose to get home from parties, bars etc without being intoxicated at some point?(not a federal law but it should go bye bye)
-Any federal law that prevents gambling

Lets not just cut things that help the rich but also do so for the poor.

You sound like a libertarian, not a liberal.
I think Trump should trim some dumb federal laws, outright end the war on drugs and work to end the reality that we're the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to talk about liberty and personal freedom conservatives?

Some ideas----
-Moonshine should be legal
-Pot should be legal
-Selling cigs on the street corner should be legal
-Public intoxication- How are people suppose to get home from parties, bars etc without being intoxicated at some point?(not a federal law but it should go bye bye)
-Any federal law that prevents gambling

Lets not just cut things that help the rich but also do so for the poor.
he'd like to.
The only problem with legalized moonshine is that people won't be happy just to make their own, they'll want to sell it, and there needs to be inspections and restrictions on stuff that can make you dead if you don't know what you're doing.
I think Trump should trim some dumb federal laws, outright end the war on drugs and work to end the reality that we're the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to talk about liberty and personal freedom conservatives?

Some ideas----
-Moonshine should be legal
-Pot should be legal
-Selling cigs on the street corner should be legal
-Public intoxication- How are people suppose to get home from parties, bars etc without being intoxicated at some point?(not a federal law but it should go bye bye)
-Any federal law that prevents gambling

Lets not just cut things that help the rich but also do so for the poor.

I totally agree with you on the pot, gambling and prostitution issues. I agree that moonshine should be legal but only if it's for personal consumption and not for sale.

Merely being intoxicated in public should not be a crime and in most states it is not. In those states in order to constitute a crime the offender must have engaged in disorderly conduct or posed a threat to himself or others. Here is how the state of North Carolina treats public drunkenness:

North Carolina Public Intoxication Laws: Drunk in Public Penalties and Sentencing | Criminal Law#

There's a book I'm sure you will enjoy called Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do – The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in a Free Society by Peter McWilliams. The title says it all. I got my 800-page copy about 20 years ago and the information is just as relevant today as it was back then.
Coincidentally, I just watched an episode of COPS in which a cop observed a suspicious individual, an extremely obese female, about twenty, Down syndrome features, apparent dereclict. He stops and questions her, ends up searching her, finds one crack rock in a pocket. The female weepingly implores him not to arrest her. He tells her she's "going." She tries to pull away. He applies a headlock, brutally takes her to the ground, threatens to taser her and handcuffs her. Backup arrives and they take her away. She's charged with drug possession and resisting arrest.

My thoughts are, who was this poor creature harming to deserve being humiliated and abused in this way? Her only "crime" was possession of a drug. Frankly, if I looked like this poor creature I'd be using crack, too, and more. But now, because of this costumed sonofabitch, a harmless, conspicuous unfortunate is about to be made even more miserable by being added to an already bulging national prison census.

When I hear about cops being shot and images like this pop into memory, am I supposed to feel sympathetic? Is this kind of unnecessary, counterproductive bullshit what I pay taxes to promote? I want to see cops arresting real criminals, the kind who harm innocent people. I don't want to see this shit!
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