I now pronounce you, a hot mess

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?

I bet Johnson wishes her significant other would have informed her that she gets a craving for the D on occasion.
Would have been the right thing to do...

Well then there is also the phenomenon known as "getting a clue". When her girlfriend repeatedly asked her to dress like a man, talk like a man and wear a strapon dildo like a man, the chagrined butch-lesbian should have put 2+2 together. It's the Degeneres/Heche syndrome all over again. Every butch lesbian lives in fear that their lipstick pal will take their natural attraction to "all things male" to its natural fruition..

It would be like a dude telling his wife to dress like a man, talk like a man, act like a man and regularly use a strap on to penetrate him anally. His later "revelation" that he like sex with dudes should not have come as a surprise to her.

We need to understand what's going on with "LGBT" before we rubber-stamp these mysterious and shifting behaviors with "permanent rights status because of an inborn state"..
Thank you for enlightening us, Einstein, but we have already figured out that one is bisexual.
No Tesla, a bisexual "lesbian" ?? would mean she would want her female partner to exhibit feminine traits. Such is almost always not the case with a butch/lipstick lesbian combo.

We can pretty much deduce that her 100% sexual attraction to masculine traits is established in any lipstick-lesbian's choice of a butch female to be with. And hence the constant anxiety of abandonment a butch-lesbian likely is facing with her lipstick partner.....subconsciously...the butch one knows...

And it's my personal pet theory that this is why there is such a high instance of domestic abuse with lesbians. You see, this is why the normalizing of misunderstood subconscious motivations in law is such a dangerous idea..
Last edited:
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
That is essentially true. I read somewhere that sex addicts are often calling themselves "bisexual". But for the purpose of this thread I was focusing on lesbians.

Lesbians almost always come in a butch/femme pairing. This situation is the poster-child of closeted hetersexuality in what they call the "lipstick lesbian". If a woman is attracted to mannish behaviors, dress, falsetto, gait, arrogance etc. even enjoying her "female" partner wearing a strapon dildo, then what orientation is that woman really?

The pregnancy sort of confirms it. She isn't attracted to feminine at all. And she finally figured out where the real deal comes from.
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
That is essentially true. I read somewhere that sex addicts are often calling themselves "bisexual". But for the purpose of this thread I was focusing on lesbians.

Lesbians almost always come in a butch/femme pairing. This situation is the poster-child of closeted hetersexuality in what they call the "lipstick lesbian". If a woman is attracted to mannish behaviors, dress, falsetto, gait, arrogance etc. even enjoying her "female" partner wearing a strapon dildo, then what orientation is that woman really?

The pregnancy sort of confirms it. She isn't attracted to feminine at all. And she finally figured out where the real deal comes from.

I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
Or species in some cases.
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

I think I'd rather listen to the Duggar's preach a sermon on sexual deviants. :p
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
Funny how it becomes our business when we have to pay for their health care when the contract AIDS or have to use a colostomy bag because of excessive anal pistoning.
True St. Mike. An average HIV/AIDS pateitn becomes quickly indigent. Thereafter they cost taxpayers around $500,000 each in heroic-care before they die their untimely deaths. And the overuse of antibiotics artificially-propping up a failing immune system for even the most basic bacteria is creating dangerous superbugs that will infect the general population that may not be prepared to deal with them.

I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.

They become my business when they try to dominate the 1st Amendment and co-opt erstwhile mother/father marriages for children. When they try to claim 14th Amendment rights, then their behaviors become everyone's business. And everyone wants to know why lipstick lesbians are attracted to masculine traits in their partners?

The question isn't going away and we can't give you special static rights until you nail down the shifting-specifics on what exactly "LGBT" is?
A married couple is getting a divorce. Stop the presses! This is truly groundbreaking and startling news!

A lesbian couple getting a divorce because one of em turns up pregnant. Yeah,I'd call that startling.

A married couple splitting up b/c one cheated on the other!? Truly an odd occurrence.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
Funny how it becomes our business when we have to pay for their health care when the contract AIDS or have to use a colostomy bag because of excessive anal pistoning.

Why should I pay for your health care when you're a fat smoker? Heart disease is the number one killer in this country.

America's Heart Disease Burden
  • About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.1
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.1
CDC - DHDSP - Heart Disease Facts
True St. Mike. An average HIV/AIDS pateitn becomes quickly indigent. Thereafter they cost taxpayers around $500,000 each in heroic-care before they die their untimely deaths. And the overuse of antibiotics artificially-propping up a failing immune system for even the most basic bacteria is creating dangerous superbugs that will infect the general population that may not be prepared to deal with them.

I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.

They become my business when they try to dominate the 1st Amendment and co-opt erstwhile mother/father marriages for children. When they try to claim 14th Amendment rights, then their behaviors become everyone's business. And everyone wants to know why lipstick lesbians are attracted to masculine traits in their partners?

The question isn't going away and we can't give you special static rights until you nail down the shifting-specifics on what exactly "LGBT" is?

Did you steal that speech from the Duggar's? I'm sorry, but you have no moral high ground.
The "odd occurance" that you're purposefully giving a pass to is that a lesbian dropped her orientation because of closeted urges towards the opposite sex. I estimate roughly 1/2 of all "lesbians" have this closeted orientation...which...if the MSM began discussing at length, would pull the shroud right off your smoke and mirrors of "innate" state of being (and therefore special rights and protections).

Thought we wouldn't notice? Yeah, we noticed..

Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
Funny how it becomes our business when we have to pay for their health care when the contract AIDS or have to use a colostomy bag because of excessive anal pistoning.

Why should I pay for your health care when you're a fat smoker? Heart disease is the number one killer in this country.

America's Heart Disease Burden
  • About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.1
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.1
CDC - DHDSP - Heart Disease Facts
Who said I'm a fat smoker? Are you being an ass again?
Is this the first time you've heard of bisexuals? Do you live in a cave? Do you need a band aid for your knuckles, just until you can walk upright?
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
I think its time for Sillyhouette Freud to quit sniffing crotches and mind your own business. It's apparent you have issues of your own.

What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
Funny how it becomes our business when we have to pay for their health care when the contract AIDS or have to use a colostomy bag because of excessive anal pistoning.

Why should I pay for your health care when you're a fat smoker? Heart disease is the number one killer in this country.

America's Heart Disease Burden
  • About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.1
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.1
CDC - DHDSP - Heart Disease Facts
Who said I'm a fat smoker? Are you being an ass again?

It's a conundrum! You don't want to pay for AIDS, and I don't want to pay for fat asses.
Bisexual is a cop out word for degenerate.
All it is is someone only focused on getting their rocks off and doesn't give a shit what gender the person is that does it
What's apparent is that each time I bring up a system of denial in the LGBT cult, I get a response exactly like yours. They come in different variations but the underlying end-request is the same "don't look under the rug at what makes LGBTs tick. Just shut up, move along and give us our way".

But I won't do that. Lesbians who are attracted to all things male in their lesbian partners are harboring closeted heterosexual fantasies. And often they act on them. This thread's subject is proof of that.

It's important that society on the brink of normalizing your very narrow set of deviant sex behaviors, at the very least understands exactly what those behaviors are about, where they come from and where they're heading.

Normalizing and fixating a label for the puposes of legal leverage on a group that appears self-unaware and shifting is a dangerous proposition. If the cult itself isn't even aware of how it ticks and disallows anyone else from exploring how they tick, then what the hell are we doing giving them special legal status and permission to act as "mother and father" to children with our blessings in marriage?

That's because other peoples sex lives are really none of your business. As long as they are consenting adults, to each his/her own.
Funny how it becomes our business when we have to pay for their health care when the contract AIDS or have to use a colostomy bag because of excessive anal pistoning.

Why should I pay for your health care when you're a fat smoker? Heart disease is the number one killer in this country.

America's Heart Disease Burden
  • About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.1
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. More than half of the deaths due to heart disease in 2009 were in men.1
CDC - DHDSP - Heart Disease Facts
Who said I'm a fat smoker? Are you being an ass again?

It's a conundrum! You don't want to pay for AIDS, and I don't want to pay for fat asses.
Oh good, then we agree on the principle that freedom to do what one wants entails responsibility for the consequences.

We'll make a conservative out of you yet!
Looks like Saint is filling the role of tangent/page bleed out antagonist again. It's OK, I can copy and paste.

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